Status: Completed

The Risks We Take


Over the summer Paige and I stopped being friends (she tried to hook me up with some guy so I called her a preppy stuck up bitch, so now we’re not friends anymore) but that’s fine, the prep scene was never my style anyway.

BloodThirsty21: Hey, what’s up??
EmoPrincess21: Nothing…you
BloodThirsty21: Are you going to Kristi’s rave??
EmoPrincess21: When?
BloodThirsty21: tonight, at nine…
EmoPrincess21: yeah, if I can get away Chuck!
BloodThirsty21: ok ld (laughing deeply)
EmoPrincess21: I’ll get out of lockdown somehow…
BloodThirsty21: well gtg I hope to see u at rave… call me..
BloodThirsty21 has signed off.

“I’m leaving, Chuck!” I yelled to my mom. “I told you not to call me that!” “What would you rather me call you then?” I asked rudely (like I was going to do what she wanted me too). “Mom would be nice.” She was signing Kane’s report card. “Okay, Chuck!” I grabbed my jacket and left. “What are you laughing at?” Charlotte asked. “Chuck asked me not to call her chuck and I said okay, chuck!” I laughed. “Hey Stoner!” I greeted Charlotte’s boyfriend. “Hey, Blake!” Ugh! His breath smelled heavily of Pot. “Ya’ll ready for a night of partying?” he was high.

When we got there a bunch of scene kids greeted me, they all offered me something to drink or a smoke. “No, thanks, not tonight.” They all just walked away. I went to find Charlotte and Stoner to tell them I wanted to go home. I couldn’t find them so I went out and sat on the hood of Stoners car. I pulled a cigarette out and realized I didn’t have a lighter, “Shit!” I said ticked off. “Do you need a light?” a male voice came from the darkness. “Yeah, that would be nice.” I said thankfully, seeing his face emerge from the dark. He lit the end of my cigarette, “Thank you.” I smiled, even though he probably couldn’t see me. “You’re welcome.” He said casually. “So how come your not inside partying?” he asked surprised. “Oh, I don’t feel like it tonight.” I said coolly. “Why aren’t you?” I asked casually. “Oh, my friend that I’m with, went upstairs, and I have a headache from all the smoke and noise. “Oh, that’s cool, again thanks for the light.” I said thankfully. “I didn’t get your name.” he said smiling. “Oh, I’m Blake.” I told him. “That’s cool, I’m Treavor.” He said coolly. Charlotte and Stoner finally came out and we left. “Did you have fun?” Charlotte asked me on the way to my house. “Yeah, sure.” I said sarcastically. But she was too high to know I was being sarcastic. “Really? Where were you the whole time?” she asked. “Oh, I was outside…” I said dryly. “Who was the dude?” she asked. “Oh that was Treavor.” I answered her question.
She didn’t say anything, she was asleep. When I walked in the door the first thing Chuck said was, “Why are coming in at three o’clock in the freaking morning?” she yelled. “Because I can!” I said smartly. “Stop being such a smart a**!” mom shouted at me. Whatever I thought to myself, I ran upstairs and slammed the door.

I told Chuck I was going out again, “Don’t come straggling in at three in the freaking morning this time.” She said stupidly. I was going to a party where there would be drinking and drugs and all she could say was “Don’t come in at three.” What a stupid retard I thought.

I once again didn’t feel like partying tonight, so I wandered off into the backyard and to my surprise there was Treavor. “Hey, funny seeing you again.” He laughed. “You want to walk down to the park with me?” he asked. “Sure, why not?” I said. We walked down to the park, “So…” he struggled to make conversation. “What’s your story this time?” I asked filling the silence. “Same as last time, didn’t have anything better to do, but still ended up being outside at a party.” he told me. “Same here.” I agreed. “Well, then we will just have to make our own fun.” He laughed. “Yeah…but what?” I laughed too. “Um…” he looked around, “…Want to swing?” he asked. “Sure.” I said. So I got on a swing and he got on the one next to me. He made me laugh so hard, and he had such a nice smile. Around twelve o’clock I told him I had to leave, “Oh, well I should probably get going too.” He agreed. I started to leave when I heard him run up behind me, “Hey where do you live?” he asked sincerely. “Oh, I live over by the old movie theatre” (we live in a small town). “Oh, me too, what street?” He smiled. “Wilshire.” I said to answer his question. “I live on *Hillside*.” He told me. “Do you mind if I walk with you.” He asked. “Sure.” I said smiling politely. “I would hate to hear about some street monster getting you, when I could’ve saved you, but I wasn’t there.” He said jokingly. “Yeah me too.” I laughed.
*(Hillside is one street over from Wilshire)*
Thirty minutes later we were in my driveway, “Well I guess this is goodbye.” He held out his hand, I shook it, and he walked away. “Good job, your home before three.” Chuck said from the living room. “Yup, lets throw a party.” I said sarcastically. This time she didn’t bother with one of her famous I’m tired of your smart mouth and attitude speeches. So I dragged my self up the stairs. I laid on my bed thinking about how much fun I had had tonight. I hadn’t had that much fun in a while, since Sean. “I don’t want to think about him.” I shook my head, as if to shake the thought of him away. Great! I’m talking to my self again, I thought to myself. I turned some music on and eventually fell asleep. The next morning, Chuck had two announcements to make; 1) We were having dinner guests and 2) *Johnny* was moving in.
*Johnny* is Chuck’s boyfriend.

“Question, when are they moving in?” I raised my hand. “Today!” she said excitedly. “Oh, thanks, warn us the morning of.” Kane said sarcastically, he was starting to act like me. “So the guest’s rooms are going to be Bentley and Shane’s rooms now?” I asked. “No, Just Bentley.” She said still excited. “Can it be the down stairs one?” I asked hopefully. “Yeah.” Kane agreed. “It’s his pick and why?” she frowned. “Uh, because I don’t want to share my floor with yet another kid.” Kane answered for both of us. “Well, it’s his pick.” She frowned once more. “Then, he better pick downstairs.” I said under my breath. “Yeah, really.” Kane laughed. This one of the few times Kane and I actually agreed. “It would be really nice if you two could be nice to him.” She frowned. Good gosh, woman stop frowning, you’re going to get wrinkles early, I thought. “Oh, and tonight, I need you to be nice to our dinner guests.” She said firmly. Gosh, she acts like we torture everyone that walks in the house. “And Blakely, please don’t call me Chuck tonight okay?” she pleaded with me. “I’ll try.” I said sarcastically. “Ya’ll…” She was talking to each of us this time, “…Kane, they have a son that’s your age and a son that’s your age Blakely.” She finished. “Yay! A house full of boys tonight!” I said sarcastically going up the stairs. “Can we at least act like a happy family, just for tonight!” she shouted up the stairs at me and Kane. “I guess.” We both shouted back.