Status: Completed

The Risks We Take


Two months later…

My phone started ringing, oh it’s Treavor! “Hey!” he said “Hey!” I said back. “Let’s go to the park today.” He suggested. “Okay come get me.” I laughed. “Ok, be there in a sec.” he said. “Let’s swing!” he said childishly running for the swings. I sat down on a swing and he started to push me, “I love you.” He whispered in my ear. “No! Stop! I told you I don’t want to see you. Go away!” I fumed. “Why don’t you just admit that we were meant to be together?” he taunted. “Why do you keep doing this? Why?” I fell onto my knees crying. “Blake…” “Blake!” “Blake!” they yelled. I could hear them but I couldn’t seem to find my way back to the voice. Am I dreaming? Where am I? Why can’t I find my way back? I was scared; I didn’t know what to do. What’s happening? “Blakely!” another voice, I think it was mom’s voice. “Blakely?” someone was shaking me. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?!?” I screamed. Now I was crying harder than before; “Why can’t I just live my life, without you coming back?!?” I screamed. “Blakely snap out of it!”

I woke up in hospital bed, with a ton of wires stuck to me especially my head. “Where am I?” I asked groggily. Treavor was asleep in the chair by my bed. “Treavor!” I shook him. “You’re awake!” he said excitedly. “What happened?” I asked worried. “You spaced out and wouldn’t come out of it, and so they had to inject you, and now you’re here.” He said. “Oh.” was all I could say. We sat in silence for a few minutes, “Oh you’re awake!” Mom squealed. “Why don’t we just give her some quiet for few minutes? Okay?”
Johnny cut in. That would be nice, I thought to myself. “Are you hungry?” mom asked. “No, I just want to go home.” I said trying to pull the wires off my head, so I could leave. “No, honey, you can’t leave yet.” Mom frowned pulling my hands away from my head. “Why?” I asked angrily. “Because the doctors are going to watch you for a week to see what’s wrong with you.” She looked sad to see me this way. It must be horrible for a mother to have to watch her child be trapped in a hospital and not be able to do anything about it. Treavor just stared at me, “I’m not crazy, I promise.” I told him. “I know your not babe.” He looked unsure though. He didn’t look like he believed me. “You don’t believe me do you?” I asked irritably. “No. I do believe you, I’m just worried.” He assured me. He reached for my hand, when he found it he kissed it and smiled.

I think that was the longest week I have ever endured. Kane and Bentley came to the hospital a couple times to see me, but it was mostly Mom, Johnny, and of course Treavor. Treavor refused to leave my side, the only time he would leave was to go to the bathroom or the cafeteria. He even slept on an uncomfortable hospital chair for a whole week. The day I was released, I was so happy. The doctor ordered that I not ever be alone, it didn’t matter who was with me they just needed to know how to inject my medicine. Treavor invited me to his house to celebrate me coming home. His mom was a sweetheart to me, the whole time I was there she went on and on about how she loved me being with Treavor. “So now that we are alone…” Treavor trailed off. We started to kiss eventually I was laying back side down on his bed, he kissed me passionately. “Treavor!” his mom was standing in the door way. She stared at us; I wondered how long she had been standing there. “You are being safe right?” she asked nervously. “Mom!” Treavor threw a pillow at her, that hadn’t even crossed our minds, not mine anyway. She left, “Wow, does your mom think I’m some kind of whore now?” I asked nervously. “No, why would she think that?” he asked. “Obviously because she walked in on us making out.” I said worriedly. For the rest of the night we lay on his bed and listened to music. But things were weird now, we had been together a while but I never really thought about it. I wondered if he ever thought about it. Probably, he’s a guy, I thought to myself.

I opened my eyes but didn’t see my ceiling, and there was an arm over me. I rolled over to find Treavor very close to me; he looked peaceful when he slept. I lay there for a few more minutes before he finally awoke. “Good morning sunshine.” He smiled at me. “Good morning.” I smiled back. Ever since his mom said “that certain thing” I haven’t been able to forget about it. I love him and I’m pretty sure I’m ready.

“Blakely!” mom yelled up the stairs. I was preparing for another date with Treavor. He’s early? I thought to myself. But when I got downstairs I didn’t find Treavor this time though. I broke out in sobs and ran back up the stairs slamming my door. “Why?” I sobbed harder. “Sweetie I didn’t know he was coming.” She held me in her arms. “How can he come back after leaving me with no explanation other than, “I can’t do this anymore.”?” They were now angry, confused, shocked tears. “I don’t know how to feel about this.” I said frowning. “It’s okay sweetie, I’ll go tell him that he needs to go.” Mom said sympathetically. “No!” I said angrily. “I’m going to tell him about the damage that he has done.” I said firmly. I ran downstairs to let him know what he had done. But when I got downstairs he wasn’t there, but in his place was note, “I’m sorry if this was a bad time. But I would love to talk to you again; I still have the same number, so call me. I let myself out by the way.” Then a few spaces down “Love Sean,” I picked I up and ran upstairs to redo my makeup. I crumpled it up and threw it.

“Hey!” Treavor greeted me. “Hey,” I said trying my best not to give away that I had been crying. “Is something wrong?” he asked worriedly. Great mission accomplished. NOT! “No I’m fine, let’s just go.” I tried changing the subject. “Okay.” He agreed. When we got to there (our special star gazing spot.) he started in on the “me being upset” subject again. “Are you sure your okay?’ he asked once more. “Yes, I’m fine, an old friend just dropped by and I got a little upset.” I said. Crap! Wrong choice of words. “Was it that Sean guy?” he asked angrily. “No, why do you think that?” I asked suspiciously. “Because you don’t get upset about any other friends coming around. Damn, he’s smart. “Yeah it was, but he left so we are good now, okay?” I said trying to close the subject up. “So, uh, how do feel about that, “Thing” that your mom brought up the other night??” I asked blurting out the first thing that came to mind. Well, and I wanted to know so badly. “Uh, well, um, I uh feel that…” he stopped. “How do you feel about it?” he asked buying some time. “Well, uh I um… think that I’m ready, but how do feel about it?” I said nervously. I wasn’t looking at him, “Well uh… I think I’m ready too.” He said biting his lip. “Um…okay” was all I said. “Okay, then” He agreed. It was silent for a while, until he broke the silence. “I love you, and I would do anything in the world for you, you know that right?” he whispered. “I love you too, and yeah I know.” I whispered back. “Same here.” We star gazed forever it felt like. I think that was the most awkward silence I have ever sat through.