Status: Completed

The Risks We Take


“Blake, how was your day?” Dad asked (I started calling Johnny dad). “My day was actually pretty good!” I said happily. “I’m glad, that’s nice.” He smiled at me. “Kane how was your day?” Dad asked. “Well, it was like every other day of my life… boring as Hell!” he said vulgarly. “Kane, don’t use that kind of language at the table!” mom got on to him. He just smirked at me, “Bentley how was your day?” Dad asked. “Oh it was just the most amazing thing… I did nothing, wow so exciting!” Bentley said sarcastically. “Bentley, I’m tired of your sarcasm and moodiness toward everyone in the house.” Dad said frustrated. That was his special thing that we all looked forward too at dinner, he asked each of us including mom how our day went, and then mom or I would ask how his was. “Tiring, but worth supporting my family.” Was his usual answer.

“Hey, want to come over?” Sean asked. “Sure.” I said casually. “I’ll be over in a few minutes.” I jumped into my car and left.

“Hey!” he answered his door. “Hey” I said back. “So this is your new place?” I asked looking around. “Yeah, so what do you want to do?” he asked casually. He wasn’t very good at covering up his anxiousness towards me. “Uh… I don’t know, what do want to do?” I looked up at him. “I got the new Crusher 2 DVD!” he said excitedly. “Okay, lets watch it then.” I fake enthusiasm. “Just a second, let me get your special blanket.” He laughed. “You know me so well.” I laughed. I need to stop being so uptight because I can relax and just have fun with him, he’s still the same Sean, just more grown up. “You missed graduation…” I said sadly. “Yeah, I missed yours, I’m sorry” He said apologetically. “What do you mean?” I asked confused. “While I was gone I graduated, just not here.” He said trying to give me some information just not too much. “Okay, so are you going to college?” I asked curiously. “Yeah I sent an application to Harvard, Yale, and TCU.” He named off all his preferred schools. “Are you going?” he asked. “Yeah, I sent in an application to TCU, Yale and BHSM.” I smiled. Maybe we would get into at least one of the same schools. That would be so awesome. Ugh! Why do I keep thinking about Sean and not Treavor? What’s wrong with me? OMG, I wish I could shake the thoughts of Sean away all except the friendly friend thoughts. “You okay?” he looked concerned. “Yeah I’m fine” I smiled. I needed to just relax and let things be. For now on whatever happened, happened, and I wasn’t going to try to control everything, it was exhausting trying to control things that were out of my power.

We laughed a lot and I even jumped a couple times. Once I jumped over onto Sean, but I didn’t obsess over it because it wasn’t sexual in any way. “That was a good movie… but the first one was better.” Sean reviewed on the movie, we always did that after a movie; it was our thing. “Well, aren’t they always?” I laughed. “Yeah, I didn’t expect magnificence from it, but I figured it would be better.” We laughed and there was a brief silence as we looked at each other intensely. “Oohh! Look at the lovebirds!” Cameron (Sean’s brother) barged into the living room ruining the moment. “Cameron, get the jell out!” Sean screamed frustrated. “I’m sorry, he’s such a retard.” Sean apologized. “No, its fine I’m used to Kane and Bentley doing it to me.” I laughed. “Oh, yeah I bet… wait who’s Bentley?” Sean asked puzzled. “Oh, I didn’t tell you did I?” I asked. “No.” he answered. “That was a rhetorical question.” I informed him. “But, anyways My Mom and Johnny got married, and I inherited Bentley and Shane my stepbrothers.” I explained. “Oh, okay.” He said understanding now. “So should I go home now?” I asked nervously. “No, unless you want to.” He said politely. “Okay, I guess I could stay a bit longer.” I said starting to let go. We watched another movie and danced like retards in the living room. “I should go home now.” I finally said. “Okay, I talk to you later, bye.” He waved goodbye. I waved back, “Bye, see you later” I yelled out my car window.

The chorus from All Time Low’s “Weightless” blasted from my phone. “Who the hell?!?” I groaned. It was twelve-thirty in the morning and someone had so rudely awoken me. I usually go to bed around three in the morning, but I was worn out from jamming and dancing with Sean today. It was Treavor texting me.
Treavor: Hey, you asleep? LOL stupid Q!
Me: I was actually… =[
Treavor: Oh sorry =[ that’s weird, why so early?
Me: At Sean’s today we wore ourselves out…
Treavor: Oh =[
Me: why U unhappy?
Treavor: cuz u spends more time with him than me, and I miss you…
Me: sorry that I have a life and friends other than you, I love you but I need space sometimes…
Treavor: k I give u space…. Have a nice time with ur space….
Me: okay… I will…
Treavor didn’t text back; gosh I’m sorry I have a life other than him. Whatever though, I turned my phone on silent and went back to sleep. I’m done doing things other people want me to do, I’m going to do what I want too, if he doesn’t like it then too bad.