Status: Completed

The Risks We Take


“You spend more time with a guy who broke your heart than a guy who actually loves you, what up with that?” Bentley asked rudely. “Why do you care?” I asked meanly; don’t bother me when I first wake up. “I don’t, I just don’t understand it, that’s all.” He said trying to hide the fact that he actually does care about me. Why does everyone care so much about what I do? Why don’t they do this to each other instead of me? I think through all this Dad has been the most supportive, he doesn’t ask questions, he just lets me be.

A couple of months later…
“That’s strange I haven’t heard from Treavor all day.” Hmm, maybe he’s busy. “Sweetie, why don’t you invite him over?” mom suggested as if she heard me thinking. “That’s okay, I’m supposed to go to Sean’s house today and I want to give him space.” I told her. “Blakely, you’ve kind of neglected him here lately.” She said seriously. “No I haven’t, I hung out with him here recently.” I said denying her accusation. “Honey, we need to sit down and talk.” Mom walked toward me slowly. “I’m not crazy, don’t treat me this way!” I screamed. I ran upstairs, and locked it. I gathered up some clothes, when everyone went to sleep I was going to escape.

Everyone is asleep finally. Now I just have to climb out the window, slide down the patio roof and then jump off onto the ground, and I’m gone. I finally put my plan into action, but when I went to jump off the patio roof I fell on my arm. “Shit!” I groaned. I got up and continued on my adventure to my destination. I saw a couple hobo’s on the way, and a couple of people offered me a ride, but I’m no stranger to “Stranger Danger.”

I tapped lightly on his window. He opened the window and let me in. “Hey, so what’s up?” he asked quietly. “Chuck made me mad so I ran away.” I said madly. “Oh, well okay.” He said. “Uh why didn’t you just go to the door?” he asked. “Because I thought it would be funnier.” I said sarcastically. “Oh, okay…” he said looking at the floor. “So where do you want me to sleep?” I asked. “Uh, well…” he stalled. “You didn’t think about that part did you?” I frowned. “No, I’m sorry, uh, well you’re not sleeping on the floor or the couch, so…” he looked at me. I then realized he wanted me to sleep in his full sized bed with him. “Oh, okay…” I said nervously. “Do you want me to sleep in the living room on the couch?” he asked. “No, it’s your bed, and it wont bother you will it?” I asked. “No, but what about Treavor?” he asked. “What do mean?” I asked confused. “Well, he’s your boyfriend and all, that’s not going bother you?” he asked. “No, it’s not like we are going to do anything…” I trailed off. I was starting to fall in love with him again. “Okay then” he agreed. We went to bed, “Goodnight.” He patted my side. “Night.” I said back. For once in a long time I felt safe. What’s wrong with me? I love Treavor but why do I have such strong feelings for Sean? I turned over to face him, he opened his eyes. “Can you not sleep?” he asked concerned. “No, I was just watching you sleep.” I blurted out. Oh S***! I said that out loud. “Oh, really?” he smiled maniacally. “So you do like me?” he asked. “No, honestly I’m in love with you.” I confessed. He pulled me closer, and pressed his face gently to mine, I didn’t pull away. I wasn’t strong enough to resist him anymore. We kissed for I don’t know how long. But for the first time in my life I finally felt at peace besides the fact that I was now being unfaithful to Treavor and I sincerely felt bad about it. But I was finally happy, either way he was going to get his heart broken, and this felt so right.

I guess my mom noticed I was gone, because the next day she called frantically, but I didn’t answer. She left a voicemail, “Honey, I know your there, please just call me back and tell me your safe?” she asked sadly. “Who was it?” Sean asked pulling a shirt over his perfectly sculpted body. I tried not to gawk, I stuttered, “Uh, m-my mom.” He looked at me strangely for a minute. “What?” I asked puzzled. “Nothing… I was just looking at you.” He smiled. “Um, okay.” I frowned. “Sorry, I know that sounds creepy.” He frowned, but quickly started laughing. “Yeah it kind of does.” I looked at him; I couldn’t help but start laughing too. He doubled over he was laughing so hard, and once again I felt that evil warm liquid running down my leg. “Oh my gawd!” I stopped laughing. He stopped and looked at me, then looked down and laughed harder than before. “It’s not funny!” I yelled embarrassed. “Damn it, I’m always peeing myself!” I screamed. “I know, what’s wrong with you?” he joked. I didn’t laugh though, it wasn’t funny to me it was embarrassing. “I’m going to call my mom.” I walked into the kitchen. “Wait…” he ran out of the bedroom. “Did I hurt your feelings… because I was just kidding?” he asked. “I was joking baby!” he realized what he had said and looked at the ground. I didn’t say anything to him I just walked off and called Mom. I told her I was safe; she didn’t ask where I was and I didn’t tell her.