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Forget Me Not


2 Months Later
It was now time for the long dreaded flight to New York. I popped in my headphones and blasted “When you’re gone” by Avril Lavigne. I woke up to the sound of the pilot on the intercom, “Folks we have reached New York,” He said annoyingly. I made my way into the aisle to retrieve my bags that I had carried onto the plane with me. I drug my feet down the aisle to go find my new home.

We arrived at a new studio apartment, I looked at it indifferently. It was a nice place but nothing special. I wanted my old house back; I already miss my old bedroom. This new place had hardwood floors and my room is macaroni yellow. This isn’t going to work; I set down what bags that I had. I sat down on the clean empty floors; my new home smelled of Lemon scented pine-sol and cleaning products. Whoever had lived here before us had taken extra care to clean this place up for us.

I soon grew bored of my new home and decided to explore the area around me. I came across a small donut shop. I walked in, “Hello there,” a guy that looked about my age said. “Uh, hi,” I said politely. He smiled at me pleasantly. I smiled back, “Uh, what’s that one?” I asked pointing to a strange looking donut. “That’s my very own creation, that is a chocolate, vanilla twist, with lots of love mixed in.” he joked. I laughed at his lame joke. I chose the special creation and sat down with some chocolate milk. “Hi I’m Kaiden, so are you new in town?” he sat down across from me. I nodded mouth full of donut. “Well then Amethyst, I get off in like ten minutes, do you want to wait around and then I can show you around?” he flashed an eye- crinkling smile. I smiled back, “Sure.” I said, because quite honestly I had nothing better to do. I waited and at 12 o’clock sharp he came around the counter and we walked out of the door of the tiny shop. “Hang on, I’ve got to lock up.” he locked the doors and we were off to explore the beautiful city of New York!

I looked down at my phone to see that it was five o’clock. “Oh no!” I gasped. “What?” he asked a look of puzzlement on his face. “I told my mom I was going out, and it’s like five, she’s probably wondering where in the world I am.” I explained. “Oh, well, do you want to get something to eat before you go?” he asked sweetly. “Sure, let’s go.” I agreed. We walked back to the shop, I looked at him confused. “We aren’t walking around downtown New York at night.” He explained, pulling car keys out of his pocket. He unlocked his Jeep Cherokee and I climbed in, it smelled of new car and ocean breeze, and of course is cologne. We drove for a few minutes before coming to a small bistro. He got out and opened my door for me. “Why thank you kind sir.” I said jokingly. He smiled that smile of his again. We walked in and were greeted by a pretty girl in a white dress shirt, bow tie, and slacks. “Good evening, how are you tonight?” she asked politely. “Good and you?” he asked her in return. “I’m good, thank you for asking.” She smiled adoringly at him. We sat down at a small little table with two chairs. She took both our orders and we began to talk about my moving here and pretty soon I was spilling my whole life story to him. I told him all about Arizona and his tragic death, and how I had really dreaded moving here. He listened intently and nodded in understanding. When I was finally finished with my story he told me how sorry he was about Arizona and that maybe moving here would be good for me. “One good thing has come out of this for me,” he said smiling. I looked at him in confusion, “I made a new friend,” he said smiling. I smiled at this too; I had made a new friend. We finished up and I pulled my wallet out only to have him say, “No, no, I am going to pay for it, my treat.” I frowned at this. “No, I want to pay my part of it.” He frowned at me, “I said it’s my treat.” I finally gave in. “Are you sure?” I asked once more. He smiled and nodded. I smiled back and thanked him for such a nice dinner and for listening to me. He just smiled and said, “No problem anytime you need to talk, I’ll listen.” I smiled genuinely at this.

“Well, I guess I will see you some other time?” He asked. “Yes, I will be in tomorrow for another one of your creations.” We laughed. Before opening the door and leaving I thanked him once again, “Thank you again for everything, and thank you for being so friendly and showing me around town.” He walked with me to the door, “Good night, see you tomorrow,” he smiled and walked down the steps and back to his jeep. I walked into the house to see my mom, dad, and brother waiting in the living room for me. “What happened to ‘I’ll be back I a few hours’?” Mom asked livid. “And why didn’t you take your phone with you?” my dad spoke next. “I am sorry I lost track of time and I forgot my phone, it won’t happen again.” I explained and went down the hall to my room. I grabbed my phone to see that I had twenty missed calls. All twenty were from my crazy best friend Kristen. I decided to call her back tomorrow, for now I am going to bed, I had had a long day!