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Forget Me Not


In fifth period I got a text message from Mom saying that they would be home early today. So now I could go with Kaiden, I was happy that I wouldn’t have to worry about Kyle now. When the bell rang I told Kaiden that I could go with him now. He was overjoyed; he was all smiles for the rest of the day. In seventh period P.E., I found out that I had this class with Sapphire. When she saw me, she waved and ran over to me. “Hey, we have P.E. together.” She smiled at me. “Kaitlynn,” the coach barked. “How many times do I have to tell you to take those out!” the coach rolled her eyes. I looked around to see who she was talking to but everyone was looking at me. Sapphire rolled her eyes, “Coach, I can’t take them out or the holes will close up.” She informed her. The coach mumbled something and said, “The put a band-aid over them, please?” she asked disgustedly. Sapphire nodded and walked out of the gym to the nurse’s office. I was left alone with a bunch of overweight stuck up girls looking at me disgustedly. When Sapphire returned the girls turned their attention to her, this time it was a little less intense of a glare, but when they looked at me it felt as if they would burn a hole in me at any given second. Sapphire noticed my puzzled look, “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Why are those chicks looking at me like that?” I asked worriedly. “Oh, them, they’re just jealous.” She laughed. “Of what?” I asked in return. “Umm, let’s see… you’re blonde, skinny, and gorgeous, and they’re not.” She explained to me. I blushed at the compliment; no one had said anything like that to me in a long time. That really made the rest if my day.

After we changed back into our normal clothes, we walked off to my locker where we were met by a beaming Kaiden and indifferent Olli. “Ready to go home?” Kaiden asked. I nodded, and looked over to see Olli and Sapphire sucking face. I was stunned, “Oh yeah, forgot to tell you they do that a lot.” Either they were too busy to hear him or just didn’t care because they say anything to the joke. We laughed and walked towards the student parking lot, where we climbed into his car and drove back to my house so that I could drop my stuff off and ask permission to go exploring with Kaiden. “My parents will probably want to meet you, so come in with me, okay.” We walked in the house, “Mom, Kaiden’s here!” I yelled because she was in the kitchen. A few seconds later Mom came around the corner smiling. “Hi, I’m Heidi.” she stuck out her hand for him to shake. She seemed to like this because next she asked, “Would you like to stay for dinner?” I was shocked. He looked at me as if he was awaiting my approval, I smiled and nodded, “Well I don’t want to be a burden.” He said modestly. “Oh, don’t worry you wont be.” She assured him. “Okay,” He accepted. “Kaiden was going to show me around some more, is that okay?” I asked her knowing she would say yes. “Sure, just be careful, okay?” she walked back into the kitchen. We grabbed our coats and left to explore the rest of the city. “Where to?” I asked happily. “A place.” He said vaguely. I smiled and nodded. We finally arrived at an abandoned house. I looked at him confused, “Well get out.” He laughed. “Are we going to get into trouble for trespassing?” I asked worriedly. I was always the one to spoil anything fun, I was always the one worried about getting into trouble. “No,” he simply said. “Now come one.” He came around to my side of the car and grabbed my hand. I did as I was told and followed him into the old house. When we walked in I noticed the gigantic fire place. “This is an old house isn’t it? I asked. “Yeah, it was my great-grandparents at one time, we had tried to sell it, no one would buy it, so we just boarded it up and left it alone. “And now you hang out here?” I inquired curiously. He nodded, and grabbed my hand; it was dark so I guess he didn’t want me to be scared. He moved some logs into the fireplace and found the matches in his pocket, he lit the logs and the old house was illuminated. He found and old blanket in the sitting room he drug into the room we were standing in and shook it off so we could sit down. We sat down; he started asking me about my life again, I answered all his questions until I looked over at him and was at a loss for words. “When I was…” I paused. I couldn’t find y words. He leaned in and so did I, next I felt his soft warm lips press lightly to mine, it lasted only a few seconds but it was sweet and sensuous. He pulled away and I opened my eyes, he was smiling at me. I didn’t know what to say, so I stayed silent. “Is something wrong?” he inquired worriedly. “No.” I simply said. But my short simple answer had lead him to believe that something was wrong. He frowned and looked away, I spoke next. “Really, nothing’s wrong, I am fine.” I reassured him. He nodded and tried to start the conversation again but couldn’t really get the conversation going like it was. I was too busy thinking about something to get into it the way I had before The Kiss. He stopped trying to make conversation and just let the quite take its place. Now the only sound heard was the crackling of the fire. “I am sorry to interrupt the quiet but I think we should head back to your house for dinner, remember?” he said quietly. We put the fire out and he once again grabbed my hand to guide me out of the house because now I really couldn’t see anything.

We got back to my house and my mom had just now finished making dinner. We sat down and barely spoke to each other because of my mom and dad were talking to him, but even if they weren’t I wouldn’t have anything to say anyway. We ate dinner and then walked him out to his car so that Mom and Dad wouldn’t think anything was up. I did it too for his sake. “Well sorry that I was kind of off the rest of the night.” I apologized. “It’s okay, but is it because I kissed you? If it is, I am really sorry…” I interrupted him. “No it isn’t I just have a lot on my mind.” With that I walked back to the house.