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Forget Me Not


Monday at school he was waiting at my locker when I got to school. He smiled nervously, “Listen Amethyst, I am super sorry about snapping at you Saturday, please forgive me?” he asked obviously feeling terrible. I pulled my history book out of my locker and turned to face him; at first I stared at him, and then slowly smiled. He smiled back, our eyes locked for a moment and we moved in closer and closer until our lips met each other. The kiss slowly deepened; then the bell rang. He pulled away, I blushed embarrassed for not pulling away first, he probably thought that I was way too into him. He smiled and walked off toward his class.

The whole week passed me by really fast. Friday finally rolled around, in fifth period I received a text, it was from Kaiden:
Meet me in the courtyard after school, okay? :]

I smiled and slid my phone back into my back pocket. Throughout the whole day I couldn’t stop smiling, I was on top of the world and nothing could bring me down. Finally the final bell rang, and I ran out the door to meet him in the courtyard. I slowed as I got closer, I didn’t want to seem too eager. When I reached the courtyard, I found Kaiden standing by the coy pond. He smiled nervously at me. “Hey, whats up?” I asked. “I just have to clarify; where do we stand?” he looked deep into my eyes this time. “I don’t know wherever you want us to stand?” I said stupidly. He laughed and kissed my forehead. When he pulled away he smiled and lightly brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. In the back of my mind I knew that this wasn’t right, I still very much loved Arizona, but I needed to let go, and move on with my life so I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. He grabbed my hand and we walked toward his Jeep, fingers intertwined. It wasn’t spoken, but we both knew how we felt about each other, we are officially an item. The whole three minute walk to his Jeep I couldn’t stop smiling. He stopped at my house and let go of my hand so I could get out. I smiled, “Bye.” I waved, and turned to open the door, “Wait.” He grabbed my hand again. “Do you have to be home just yet?” he asked nervously. “No, I guess not, why?” I smiled. “I want to take you somewhere...” He said mysteriously. “Okay.” I turned and put my seatbelt back on. I remembered the way to the old abandoned house. I text messaged my mom and let her know that I would be home later.

We arrived at the old house and once more he lead me into the darkness of the house, only this time he didn’t hold my hand he pulled me onto his back, “Hang on,” he laughed. We sat and talked for hours, and occasionally kissed. I yawned, “I think you need to get home.” He laughed. I nodded agreeing, I yawned again, “Sorry, it’s been a long day.” I apologized. He laughed and said, “Don’t apologize, I know its been a long day for me too.” We climbed back into the Jeep and drove to my house. I uttered a weak goodbye and staggered toward the door. I pulled my key out and unlocked the door. I drug myself up the stairs and plopped down on my bed.

When I awoke the next morning I discovered that I had a missed call, it was Kaiden; I would call him back later. I got up and ate my normal dosage of fruity pebbles. The plopped down on the couch and started to watch cartoons.

Soon I was always with him, we were inseparable, and the thoughts of Arizona were becoming fewer. The memories were fading and new ones took their place.