Status: Active.

Ghost in the Mirror

Chapter one

I knew it was coming, and have known for some while now. It was perfect night for it really, the harsh rain slapping against the windows, the wind howling, almost like it was crying for me to escape. But what could I do? His footsteps were already getting closer to the door, his low breathing and haunting laughter, the laughter that always is chasing me, always around me and always in my nightmares.

I didn't dare move, if I tried to hide or run, it would be 10 times worse. I just sat on my bed, my head turned towards the window, watching the rain dance and mold together. I've always loved the rain, it's always seemed to calm me, make me feel untouchable. But of course, that isn't the case today.

I don't turn and look when the footsteps stop outside the door, I don't turn and look when the door swings open, I don't turn and look as he walks inside. I just sit and wait, hoping that it will be over soon, I just want to see my mother again, and this will be the only way I can.

"Look at me faggot!" He shouts, I blink rapidly for a second, my eyes finally off the window. I stare over at him, my tired and broken thoughts just wishing him to hurry up.

"I promised your mother this day would come, I promised that her piece of shit son would end up in the same state she is, dead in the ground." I clenched my hands as he said this, I had no problem with him calling me these names, but insulting her got to me a little.

I look down at my shaking hands, trying to fight off every cell in my body which is telling me to run. As he walks over I close my eyes, when the ice cold blade closes around my throat, I picture my mother, when the blade slices through my skin, all I see is black.
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