Status: Active.

Ghost in the Mirror

Chapter 13

Ricky's P.O.V

I haven't heard from Devin since last night. But I will probably be seeing him again very soon as the boys should be arriving in a few minutes.

Last night was rather...touchy feely and I'm not entirely sure why I felt comfortable with it. I'm trying to forget about it, as Chris will be able to tell if I'm acting strangely, but it's all that has been circling my brain for the past couple of hours.

Mum left for work three hours ago with a happy expression splattered across her face. I'm guessing that last night went rather well, which brings me great relief. Normally if the date goes bad she gets grumpy. Understandable I suppose.

Three sharp knocks break me from my thoughts. I pull myself from the sofa and shuffle towards the door, giggling lightly at the sound of Balz telling Ryan off. I throw open the door but soon get pushed aside as Chris excitedly bounces in. The others quickly follow and make themselves comfortable on the sofa.

"Well come on in." I mutter while plopping myself down next to Angelo. They all turn to me and smile widely while holding up the ouji board. I grin and shake my head lightly, such children.

"I'll go get him." I inform before jogging upstairs and down the corridor. I nervously stand outside the door for a few moments before raising a hand and knocking lightly. I step back a little and wait for a few seconds. The door starts to creak open and I start shivering lightly again.

"Devin? Everyone is downstairs." I whisper while rubbing my left arm a little. I can soon feel a cold grip on my shoulder, which causes a shiver to travel down my spine.

When Devin starts to appear lightly in front of me, I begin to feel a little weak. This is probably what he meant when he said that I'd feel the effects. Once he's fully powered up, I blink a little and lean back against the wall behind me.

"Are you alright Ricky?" He asks while touching my arm lightly. I nod and smile reassuringly before pushing myself off the wall.

"Everybody is very excited to see you." I explain before starting to walk down the hall, but when I don't hear him following I turn back to see an empty hallway.

I raise an eyebrow but when loud shouts and screams come from downstairs I laugh loudly. Quickly, I jog downstairs and back into the living room where Devin is sat on the couch and grinning widely while everyone else is on the other side of the room. Ryan is clutching a lamp and pointing it towards Devin.

"I guess you've met Devin then." I laugh while sitting myself next to him. Ryan puts the lamp down slowly and they all gingerly sit back down.

"H-How fucks name can you do that?" Angelo asks quietly, poor dude looks petrified.

"I stole some of Ricky's energy." He explains while resting his head on my shoulder. I blush lightly when everyone gives me a sceptical look, I guess Devin doesn't give a shit about public affection.

Chris switches on the TV and starts flicking through the channels while Balz comes and sits next to Devin. I watch with amusement as Balz starts asking him questions about being a ghost, soon Devin sits up properly to face him and they start a conversation. Everyone else is just sat staring at Devin, well everyone apart from Chris who is sat chuckling at The Office. I begin to watch with him and laugh at the appropriate moments, God I love this show.

Everything was going great, well, that was until Balz grabbed my hair and pressed a cold blade to my throat.

This is why we don't leave him alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Um yeah.