Love Can Be so Cold

Santa's Workshop

~Amadora's POV~
I was in Santa's workshop riding on the giant mechanical jelly fish with some elves. The Yetis made a controller so I could control where I was going. My dad and mom were at work so I got bored and came here. It was a Saturday and I didn't have friends other than the guardians. "Hey Aim! I thought you would be here." I heard my best friend Jack say as he flew on the jelly fish almost making an elf fall but I caught him. "Hey Jack, I just got bored so I came here to see what new stuff the Yetis were working on." I told him. "And you talked them into letting you test the giant flying Jelly fish didn't you?" He asked. "Yup!" I said cheerfully as I grinned as he just laughed. I've known the guardians my whole life they were my only friends. Everyone at school always bullied me because I believed in them. I always sat alone at school, reading books on my lunch break eating a usual sack lunch that mom packs me the night before. "You up for a flight?" Jack asked looking into my brown eyes. "Where to?" I asked curiously. "I was thinkin about playing a prank on our good friend Easter Kangaroo." Jack grinned as I smirked in return "That sounds kind of mean...I'm in!" I said. Bunnymund was my other best friend I always loved painting eggs with him. Jack picked me up while flying. "Wait, I gotta tell North that I'm leaving." I told him. "Oh come on forget Santa." Jack said. "No! I don't want to be on the naughty list Jack. Even though you don't care." I said as he laughed. "That is true I couldn't care less whether I was on the naughty or nice list." he replied with humor in his voice. We got to North's office and I knocked on it after Jack put me down. "Come in!" he said with his thick Russian accent. "Hey North!" I said walking in and hopping up on his desk. "Amadora! Nice to see you. Did you have fun on the jellyfish?" He asked. "ha ya I got some of the elves up there with me." I told him. "Did any of them fall off?" he asked concerned. "Jack tried to knock one off but I caught him before he was able to fall." I told him as he gave Jack a stern look but sighed. "Anyways me and Jack are gonna go see Bunny." I told him. "Very well be careful. Jack protect her." he said. "I will don't worry." Jack laughed and pulled me along. He picked me up bridal style and flew out the window causing some papers on North's desk to scatter around the room. "Bunny's Warren!" I said to the magic snow globe that North gave me for Christmas last year. We went into the portal that the globe made and we were there in a matter of seconds. "Look, Bunnymund is sleeping over there." I whispered to Jack as we quietly walked over to him. "No, Amadora! I didn't mean it. I love you." Bunny said in his sleep as I giggled and picked up a near by egg. "No Bunny you never loved me." I told him whispering to him. Jack stood on his staff watching in amusement. "I do love you, I always have." Bunny said again. He has always had a crush on me and I knew it and I just didn't ever feel the same way. But I didn't want to tell him and ruin our friendship. "You'll never be the man that Jack is." I told him again as Jack looked surprised when I said that. "I'm more of a man than Jack will ever be and that's sayin somethin considering the fact that I'm a bunny." he replied. "If that's true than prove it with a kiss." I told him as I touched his soft fury face with my hand and held the egg up. He kissed the egg passionately. As I cracked up laughing and Jack did the same. Bunny woke up immediately looking shocked and looked at the egg in his hand. "What the? Oh rack off ya bloody show ponies!" he growled as I ran up and hugged him. "I'm sorry I just had to and Jack talked me into pranking you" I told him. "Hey whoa now you can't blame this one on me this was all your doing" Jack defended himself. "You should of seen it though! It was so funny." I told him. "Ok I agree with you on that." Jack commented. "Well, ya know Sheila I'm gonna have ta get ya back now and there's no stoppin me." Bunny replied in his Australian accent. "I know." I pouted as he laughed. "So any idea what you want for your birthday Aims?" Jack asked. My birthday is March 17th. Yeah so what I was born on Saint Patrick's day. Is that suppose to mean that I'm lucky? Well I must be cause who else my age has a giant bunny and Jack Frost the guy who controls snow as best friends and who else my age gets to test all the toys the yetis make in Santa's workshop and play with the elves? No one! And plus I get to hang out with the tooth fairy sometimes. But all she really talks about is teeth. And I get to hang out with Sandman who happens to be awesome at charades! "Oh yeah its in two weeks." I replied almost forgetting my own birthday. "You're the only person I know that forgets her own birthday." Jack said. "Well I gotta remember everything else. And if I thought my birthday was important than I would remember it." I replied. "What are ya talkin about? Of course you're birthday is important!" Bunny replied. "I actually agree with this kangaroo for once. You were born on your birthday." Jack said "Oh really smart one?" I asked. "Oh whatever! What I meant to say is that I'm glad you were born cause you're my best friend and I can't do anything without you." he said. "You defeated Pitch without me." I pointed out. "Yeah but that was before you were born. And now I can't imagine my life without you." He said. I blushed, I've always liked Jack in a romantic way, but knew that he would never fall for me cause he and Tooth are kind of together. "I don't know what to say." I told him. "Yeah you do! Tell me what you want for you're birthday!" Jack exclaimed. "I don't really need anything. Cause I have all of you guys. I mean who wouldn't want Jack Frost and the Easter Bunny as Best Friends? And plus I get to play with all the toys in Santa's workshop and hang out with well SANTA!" I said with excitement. "Ugh! your so difficult!" Jack complained. "Your such a jerk! I tell you you're awesome and you say I'm difficult? Oh come on!" I exclaimed. "You guys are my best friends you should already know me by now!" I told them and turned away with eyes closed and arms crossed. I looked up into the sky and saw the rainbow lights that North only turned on to summon everyone for an emergency. Bunny took his tunnels as me and Jack went through the portal that the snow globe made. We jumped in and was at North's place in a second. "What's up North?" I asked walking to the group with Jack right behind me. "Pitch is what is up." he said seriously. "Pitch? But you guys already defeated him!" I exclaimed. "Or so we thought." Bunny replied. "What?" I asked. "He has children of his own now and a wife." North told us. "That's so terrible!" I exclaimed again. "I know." Tooth replied. "I mean he probably forced that woman to marry him and have kids with him! That poor lady." Everyone laughed at this. "Why are you laughing I was being serious and it is not a good time to laugh." I said seriously. "Amadora is right! Jack take her home." I smiled when he said I was right but my smile disappeared when he said I had to go home. "Why can't I help? My Dad help when he was ten. TEN! and I'm seventeen and not to forget still believing." I defended as Jack held my hand. "Yes, your father did. But that was Pitch alone." North replied. "And now he has a wife and children and wife who possibly has the same powers he does." North pointed out. So what? Pitch has kids and wife. That's what people do. I knew I couldn't win this argument so I just walked away completely pissed. I had forgotten that Jack was holding my hand until he started flying. "Hey Aims North only said that cause he didn't want ya getting hurt." Jack said while allowing me to get on his back so he could fly better. "I'm not going to get hurt though Jack." I told him hugging onto his back so I wouldn't fall while he was flying. We finally landed in my room through my window. I got off his back and laid down on my bed. "Amadora. I agree with North, I don't want you getting hurt. Just stay put for awhile especially at night." Jack told me bending down to meet my eye level. "You too? Of all people I thought you would agree with me! I can take care of myself Jack I'm not the same little kid you always had to protect from every little thing anymore." I yelled at him as he looked shocked by my reaction. I was shocked too, cause I've never yelled at Jack with real anger before. I looked down still really mad. "I'm tired of getting treated like a child." I told Jack softly. "I'm sorry Aims." He replied as he left through my window. "Amadora! Is that you?" My mom asked through my closed door. "Yeah Mom." I told her laying down. "Who were you yelling at?" she asked me sitting next to me on my bed. "Jack." I simply answered. "Why were you two yelling this time?" she asked knowing us so well. Yeah she believes in the guardians to. She helped fight Pitch with Dad. "He was treating me like a kid again and when I told him to stop he threatened to burry me in snow." I half lied. Hey I couldn't let my parents know about Pitch being back they would freak. And if they freak I wouldn't be able to help the guardians and prove them wrong. I know I can defeat Pitch I know I can I just feel it. "Ok well dinner is ready come eat." She laughed. "Ok." I replied and walked down stairs with her.
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This is chapter one to my new fanfiction for Jack Frost from Rise Of The Guardians obviously. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded on my other stories in a while my computer has been acting stupid. but tell me what you think Thanks for reading :)