Love Can Be so Cold

Pitch's Children

*Amadora's POV*

I woke up the next day at 6 am as usual to get ready for school. I did the usual routine: shower, hair, breakfast, teeth, grab lunch, kiss Mom and Dad goodbye, and finally walk to school. I pulled out my IPod and started to listen to music. I normally walk with Jack, but for some reason he didn't show up to walk with me or in his case fly. But ya know what ever, I still can't believe he agrees with North on this of all people. I sighed and started humming along to the music until I got to school and the bell rang. I walked through the halls as immature guys threw balled up paper at me and called me names and preppy girls made fun of me. I got my stuff from my locker and walked to first period which was English. I sat alone in my normal seat in the back as I noticed three new kids two boys and a girl. They all had black hair, and they were eally pale. The girl had light blue eyes, one of the boys with the red coat had dark blue eyes and the boy in the blue jacket had golden eyes. My eyes widened as I realized who they were, but I kept quiet. The bell rung as the teacher stood up in front of the class. "We have three new students today and they're triplets!" Mrs. Clare announced excitedly. "Stand up and introduce yourselves." Mrs. Clare told them. All three of them stood up "My name is Shane Black" the first boy in the red coat said. "I'm Angel Black." the girl told us. "And I'm Cameron Black." the boy in the blue jacket said. They all had British accents just like Pitch. They looked at me then sat down at the same time. 'Talk about creepy' I thought to myself. "Now class we are going to start reading a new book today." Mrs. Clare continued as my mind drifted off thinking of a plan. Maybe I could get close to them and defeat Pitch that way. Like they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The bell rang as Mrs. Clare reminded us of our homework to read the first three chapters of the book. I walked to my locker as I felt eyes watching me. Someone bumped into me as I fell down. "Ow." I said as I looked up to see the Jock known as Jacob. "Watch where you're going geek!" he said as he kicked me and walked away. I held my side where he kicked me and closed my eyes in pain. "Are you ok?" I looked up to see Shane holding his hand out to me. I took his hand as he helped me up and helped me gather my books from the ground. "I think so. Thank you." I said. "No problem, hey you wanna hang out with me and my siblings at lunch?" he asked. I smiled knowing my plan "I'd love to thanks." I told him. "Alright see you then." he smiled at me and walked over to his brother and sister. This is so awesome! That'll teach Jack and them that I can handle this! I become "friends" with them meet Pitch then kill him! But he's already dead so... I'll figure it out. I walked to my next class as the next two periods passed by slowly and dreadfully boring. I walked to the cafiteria and spotted the triplets. "Just the triplets I was looking for." I said as I aproached them. "Hey" Shane said. "What's up" Cameron waved. "Hiya!" Angel smiled. I sat across from the three as they ate their lunch and I took out my sack lunch. "Hey what do ya have there?" Cameron asked. "It's just my lunch. Peanutbutter and jelly sandwich with chocolate snackpack, a coke, chips, and a bag of candy." I said. I usually share it with Jack so that's why my mom packs so much. "Woah that looks so much better than our lunch!" Shane exclaimed. "I guess." I replied rubbing the back of my neck. "You guess? We never get this. Our Dad always says that we are'nt allowed to eat junk food." Angel told me. "The closest thing to junk food we had was sugar free gum!" Shane informed me. "Wow not even on Christmas or Halloween? Or Easter?" I asked. "No we don't celebrate holidays. Our Dad hates them." Cameron said as he eyed my candy. "You guys want some? I get this all the time. I feel fat compared to you." I joked as they laughed and grabbed my junk food. "What's you're Dad's name anyways?" I asked. "His name is Pitch, why?" Cameron asked while stuffing his face with my junk food. "Oh I was just curious." I smiled. Yepp I definately know now. So I gotta make a plan. And a good one too. "Dude we should so hang out later!" Shane said. "Umm sure." I told him. "By the way we never got your name." Angel pointed out. "I'm Amadora." I told them. "Thats a beautiful name." Shane told me as his eyes caught mine. I felt my cheeks get red. "Thanks." I replied softly looking down so my hair covers my face. "So everybody keeps telling me that everyone makes fun of you because you still believe in the Gaurdians. You know like Santa Clause, Sandman, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Jack Frost." Angel asked me while putting the emphisizing Jack's name. "Oh yeah. I've never seen them before. But I'm sure they're out there somewhere. Keeping kids safe, helping them when they forget what's important, bringing them joy, and bringing them a lot of fun." I said thinking of all of my friends, but lying to Pitch's children. "Speaking of all that. Your Dad's name is Pitch Black and that's the Boogyman's real name. Isn't that just a funny coincident." I say smiling down at my sandwich giggling. The triplets were hesitent then gave a nervous laugh "Yeah coincindent. Hey class is going to start soon so we should get going." Shane said as the three got up simultaniously. "What class do you guys have?" I asked while putting all my trash in the brown paper bag that my lunch came in. "I have P.E." Cameron told me "I have art." Angel replied. "I have geometry." Shane said. "I have P.E. with you Cameron." I smiled as we all walked together. "That's awesome!" Cameron laughed as he hugged me. We soon parted ways with Angel and Shane and walked into the gym. "I gotta go tell the teacher I'm new." Cameron told me as he walked past Coach T. "Ok well I gotta go get dressed out. Later!" I said as I walked to the girls' locker room. I ignored the ignorant preppy girls that insulted me as I got my clothes out of my locker and changed in a stall as fast as I could. After I put my other clothes in the locker and locked it I walked out. I looked over to Cameron who was talking to some girls as he noticed me and waved me to come over. I hesitantly walked to him. "Hey Cameron, you don't wanna hang out with that geek do you?" one of the girls known as Daisy asked. "Do you know her personally?" Cameron replied. Daisy scoffed in return "No and who would want to anyways?" she said snottily as I clenched my fists by my side. "I do, and I know who I don't want to hang out with. And that's stupid stuck up bitches like you. Come on Amadora." he said and grabbed my hand as we walked away to line up on the wall for attendence. "Why'd you do that?" I asked him. "Do what?" he asked not really paying attention. "Stick up for me." I replied looking up at him. "Cause they're bitches and they shouldn't treat you like that. No body should be bullied. Especially you." he said looking down at me seriously as I looked down and replied with an "oh." The day went by fast and soon it was time for me to go home. I walked into the house knowing that Mom and Dad were at work. I went upstairs to my room and flopped on my bed. I started to think how difficult it's going to be now that I know what such good Pitch's kids are. They're like the opposite of Pitch. "Amadora!" I jumped as Jack yelled that. I looked at him "Oh hey Jack." I said calmly still lying down with my hands behind my head. "Are you ok? You seem dazed." Jack asked. "Uh, yeah just thinking about stuff." I replied sadly knowing that I can't tell Jack of my new friends cause then he'll tell me to stay away from them. "Look I really am sorry about last night and I can secretly let you help plan to get rid of Pitch for good." he said smirking and standing over me. I sat up and looked down for a second. Then I hugged Jack really fast and really tight and started to cry. Jack stumbled back but caught me around the waist. "Woah! Hey why are you crying I thought you would be happy." Jack said confused. I didn't want to hurt my new friends. By the way that they stood up for me today, I knew I could trust them and that they were true friends. "They're my friends Jack, Shane and Cameron stood up for me when I was bullied and Angel was right there beside me too." I told him. "You made you friends? Thats great! So what's up with the water works then?" he asked me. "I'll lose those friends if we defeat Pitch. And if we don't defeat Pitch I'll lose you guys." I told him sitting down on my bed wiping the tears off of my face. "Wait so what?" Jack asked confused. "My three new friends are Pitch's children. They're triplets, but they are'nt like Pitch at all! They're nice and caring towards me." I told him as he looked at me in shock and he was in complete silence for awhile. "Are you sure it's Pitch's kids?" he asked me. "Yeah, They told me that their dad's name is Pitch and their last name is Black resulting in Pitch Black aka the Boogeyman." I told him while rolling my eyes. "Just stay away from them please they might act nice but they're Pitch's kids. They could just be putting on an act." Jack told me grabbing my shoulders with his cold hands. "And what if they're not?" I asked as he stood there with a blank expression. "They're not him just his kids." I told him grabbing Jack's hands and holding them in my warm hands. "And I might be crushing on one of them too. His name is Shane." I said as I looked at him in his eyes blushing a bit. He quickly pulled his hands out of mine and looked shock and hurt. "No, you can't! I just... NO!" he yelled at me. It was my turn to look shocked by his expression. "What's wrong Jack? Why is it a big deal?" I asked. "Because he's Pitch's kid! And I really don't think your parents or any of the guardians approve. Especially me!" He yelled at me again but this time with more anger. I felt my heart drop. "Jack, I... I gotta go." I said as I grabbed my snow globe and ran down the stairs while whispering Bunny's Warren to the snow glob. I threw the snow globe and ran through the portal and into Bunny's Warren. "Bunny! Bunny where are you?" I yelled. He was probably with North at the workshop. I ran to a secret hole in the side of the mountain. The only other one that knows about is Bunny. But anyways I sat in the hole confused about why Jack was so angry. And to be honest he scared me.

*Jack's POV*

I couldn't stop thinking about how scared she looked when I yelled at her. I sat down on her bed as frost began to cover the blankets. I didn't mean to scare her and I can't tell her how I feel either. To be honest I love Amadora. I didn't want her to get hurt physically or emotionally. My hands held my head as I felt bad about yelling at her. She truly thinks that Pitch's kids are good. I'm just not sure, I don't want to talk to North about it either cause then it will make everything worse. I heard a knock at Amadora's window and looked at it. Then I saw a pebble thrown at it and make another noise. "Amadora!" I heard someone yell. I got up and looked out the window. It was a pale kid with black hair and dark blue eyes and he wore a red coat. He looked shocked and angry. Then I realized that he sees me. "Are you Jack Frost?" he yelled. I opened the window. "Yeah so what? You Pitch's kid?" I asked harshly. "What if I am? Where's Amadora?" He yelled back as his eyes turned black. "I don't know she ran off." told him. "What did you do to her?" the kid yelled. "Nothing, what's you're name?" I asked "What's it to you?" he asked as I flew down to him. "Are you Shane or not?" I asked him angrily. "Yeah I am." he replied taking a few steps back. "Why are you here?" I asked him. "I was going to ask her out on a date. And I'm still going to whether you like it or not." he said glaring daggers at me. "Look here lover boy, she knows you're Pitch's kid and she wouldn't fall so easily for someone who's just like Pitch." I told him as I put my index finger at his chest which caused frost to cover a little bit of his shirt. "Look I'm not anything like my dad. And you'll see when she says yes to me tomorrow." he sneered. "Ha and you think you have a chance!" I said with amusement in a smile. "Oh don't tell me you like her?" he laughed mocking me. "So what if I do? Can you really blame me?" I asked him. "That's the only thing I can agree with you on. But just know this, she will be mine." he told me and walked away as I growled at him in anger. I punched a nearby tree over and over again and flew off not caring where I would end up at.
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Sorry for taking so long but I'll try to upload soon