Love Can Be so Cold

To Date or Not to Date?

*Amadora's POV*

I woke up in my bed and was suddenly confused. I rubbed my eyes and looked around and saw Bunnymund sleeping on the floor. "Oh, I must've fell asleep at the Warren last night." I thought aloud. "Yeah are you alright? I found you sleeping in the mountain." Bunnymund said opening his eyes. "Yeah, sorry I was waiting for you and I guess I fell asleep." I lied smiling a little. "I should get ready for school now." I told him as I got out of bed and grabbing some clothes out of my dresser. "Ok, I'll be with North all day if ya need me at any time." he said hugging me tight. "Ok." I told him as he tapped his foot on the ground twice and jumped through the bunny hole. I sighed as I got ready for the day going through the regular routine. I started walking to school when Jack flew up to me as I just walked faster. "Amadora wait up!" Jack called to me. "Go away Jack!" I told him as I start to walk faster with my eyes closed as my heart started pounding faster. "Wait, Aims please hear me out." Jack said as made ice on the side walk making me fall. "Ow! you jerk!" I yelled at him. "I'm really sorry about last night and I didn't mean to get upset like that." Jack said looking into my eyes. "You really scared me Jack." I told him looking down as my brown hair fell into my face. "That was never my intension. I'm so sorry." he said as he hugged me close to him. His embrace was cold but loving, I just wish that he would love me. If he did maybe I wouldn't even try with Shane. I hugged him back, as a sweet tear fell from my eye but quickly froze. "I'll fly you to school so you won't be late." Jack said as I nodded. he flew me a block away from school but stayed with me. "Are you staying with me today?" I asked him. "Well yeah I usually do." he said as he flew above my head. "Hey Amadora! Over here!" I looked at the voice who called my name and it was none other than Shane who was leaning against a wall with one foot on it. I smiled and walked over to him "Hey Shane." I said walking up to him as he hugged me. "Wow you're so cold! What has Jack Frost been following you around?" he laughed. "Uh, haha I wish." I said trying not to make it obvious that I can see him. "So anyways, wanna go on a date with me tonight?" Shane said as he flashed his bright smile. "Wow really? You wanna go on a date with me?" I asked shocked while blushing. "Yeah, why wouldn't I you're so beautiful." he complimented me as he stood up off the wall and placed a gentle hand on the side of my face. "I don't know." I said as I looked down. He brought his other hand to the other side of my face and lifted it as my eyes met his. "Come on Amadora, it'll be fun just you and me." he said coming closer. "Ok Shane." I told him as he smiled really big. "You don't know how happy you just made me." he told me as he picked me up around my waist and spun me around. I held onto him as I laughed. He leaned in to kiss me but a gust of cold wind blew towards us and blew his hat off. "That was so cold." I said as I bent down to pick up his hat. "Hold on, you can wear my jacket." he told me taking his jacket off and putting it on me as well as his hat. I laughed as he put an arm around me, but when we passed Jack I gave him a look that said "knock it off or I'll kill you." Jack glared at us as he followed, I knew he didn't like the fact that I was going on a date with Shane and I was going to get it big time. "Hey Amadora!" I heard Angel and Cameron say walking up to us with juice bottles. "I got you an orange juice Amadora." Cameron said giving it to me. "Oh, thank you. You didn't have to really." I smiled as I took the juice from him. "Yeah, but we wanted too." Cameron smiled back. "So are you guys going on a date tonight?" Angel asked taking a sip from her apple juice. The bell rang and we went to class as Jack followed. I could tell that he wasn't happy with me going on a date with Shane. "Aims we have to talk later. I don't want you going on a date with Shane." Jack said as Shane pulled me aside in the hall with his siblings. "Hey, we know that you can see him, cause we can see him to." Shane said. "What? Jack!" I said looking at Jack. "We just wanted to let you know that we know about you seeing him." Shane told me. "But you still like me anyways?" I asked shocked. "Just cause you know the Guardians doesn't mean I shouldn't like you any different. The day went on and Jack still followed me around to make sure I was ok and when the day was over I walked home with Angel who was helping me get ready for my date. "Jack doesn't like us does he? It's because of my Dad. I mean he's great to us, and I'm Daddy's little girl, but we aren't anything like him." Angel told me as she did my make up. "I know you aren't... If only I could get the guardians to see that then maybe there could be a different way to stop your Dad from trying to destroy the guardians." I replied. Angel suddenly stopped brushing my cheeks with the blush "Do you think that maybe I could... Uhmm meet them you know as an actual person and not the daughter of the guy they all hate?" she asked innocently. "I don't know how they would react. I know Bunny can smell the black sand you hold inside of you." I told her as she gave me a shocked yet confused face as to how I knew that. "I've been hanging around Bunnymund since I was born. Him and Jack are my best friends so of course I picked up on knowing these things by instinct." I told her as if it were obvious. "One more thing." Angel said turning to Jack who was laying on my bed very grumpily. "Are you going to ignore us and sit there all night?" Angel asked him. "No, I'm going with Amadora tonight." Jack said as he stood up. "No you're not. I'm not a little kid anymore and I trust Shane so you are not going to follow me. And take a note he already made it clear he can see you and the same with Angel and Cameron, so stop acting like this." I told him as I stood up and turned to him. "I'll come home tonight safe and sound. I'll be fine." I told him as I hugged him gently as he hugged back. "Fine but just incase I'll be near so if you need me just whistle and I'll be there." he told me as he hugged tighter and the door bell rang. Angel looked at me and smiled really big and did some finishing touches to my accessories and make up before pulling me down stairs as Jack followed us. I wore a red dress with black at the bottom, black heels, black necklace and bracelet, and black bow tie earrings. It was all Angels stuff, she even did my makeup. "Where did you get that dress? Take it off its too short! I don't approve." My dad nagged me as I approached him and mom who greeted Shane at the door. "Oh, Jamie she's beautiful let her be." My mom told him. "Thanks mom." I smiled. "I agree with your mom Amadora." Shane said eyeing me up and down. "Hey, eyes on her face not her body!" my dad said being over protective. "Dad, he didn't mean nothing by it. He was complimenting me." I told dad. "Is Angel staying the night?" Mom asked. "Oh no, Mrs. Bennett, I was just helping her get ready. But perhaps another time." Angel told my mom politely. You would think that Pitch's kids would be rude but they're very polite. "Shall we go?" Shane asked holding his arm out like a gentleman. "Of course." I said as I quickly gave my mom and dad a kiss bye before taking his arm. "Be back no later than 10 tonight!" my dad called out as we walked towards Shane's car with Angel following behind. We agreed to give her a ride home before our date. I knew Jack would follow us and hide somewhere.

*Jack's POV*

I was talking with Jamie and Pippa about me going with Amadora. "I won't crowd her too much, I'll just be close enough to where I can help her if she needs me." I told them, Pippa didn't like that I was going to follow her, but Jamie was all for it. I followed them all the way to the fancy restaurant Shane and Amadora went to. They sat outside around a wall of rose bushes, she was laughing and it looked like she was having an amazing time. I glared down at Shane as I sat on the roof of the restaurant. "Why did she have to go on this stupid date." I thought aloud. "She's growing up, that's for sure." I heard a Russian accent behind me. "North, what's going on with Pitch?" I asked. "Not sure yet, first he attacks the Pole, then he tells us he will take something important to us so we will give him what he wants." North informed me. "What's he going to do? Give the children nightmares again?" I asked sarcastically. "I think he's going to try to take Amadora." Bunny's Australian accent came from my side. "Take Amadora? I won't let that happen!" I exclaimed. "Hey who's Amadora kissing down there?" Tooth looked down. "Kissing!?" both Bunny and I exclaimed. I blew a strong wind at them, making their drinks spill. "Oh my god! That's so cold!" Shane yelled. "Oh no! Angel's dress is all wet! How will I make this up to her?" Amadora exclaimed as Bunny and I laughed at them. "Don't worry about it Aims, she has a million dresses and she doesn't even wear that one." Shane replied using my nickname for her. "Lets go, we were done eating anyways and I'm freezing." Amadora told him. "Sure, we can go to my place. Angel can give you some dry clothes to change into." Shane offered. What? Is he crazy? Oh wait, he's Pitch's son of course he is! "We can't let her go into Pitch's layer!" I whispered to the other guardians as they shushed me and continued to listen to them. "I don't know Shane. Jack would freak out if he found out." Amadora said as they paid for their food. "But, he's the one that caused us to get soaked! I know he's here and he's trying to ruin our date too." It was true, but I know what he's doing. "Your dad knows about me being with the guardians doesn't he?" Amadora questioned as they stopped in front of Shane's car in the parking lot. "I do now." Pitch's voice came out of the shadow. "You're precious to them aren't you?" Pitch asked as he came out of the shadow behind them. Amadora gasped and turned around. "Pitch! stay away from me." She told him as she gave him a brave look. "Oh, come now. I just wanted to see how my son and his girlfriend were doing on their date. And it looks like you had a splashing time." Pitch replied as he motioned to their soaked clothes. "We have to do something!" I turned to everyone. "No, he won't make any moves around other people." North told me. "And besides Jack, I really do think Shane does like her. He won't let Pitch hurt her." Tooth pointed out. I didn't like the thought of Shane liking Amadora. "Dad, what are you doing here? I told you I was going on a date." Shane asked as he put an arm around Amadora. "Like I said just checking on you. What were you about to do?" Pitch asked his son. "We were about to go home. That's all." Shane replied. "Very well, and Amadora, tell the guardians to watch their backs cause I'll be there to tear them apart." Pitch told her. "Stay away from them! Just cause no one is afraid of you or believes in you doesn't mean you can start screwing things up for the guardians! And besides don't even try anything, They'll just defeat you again and I'm on their side and that's never changing." She told Pitch. "And what would I use you for? You aren't anything compared to what I am! None of you are, I'm your biggest nightmare!" Pitch replied with a slur. "Nightmare? As if! I have had dreams about teddy bears that was more frightening then you'll ever be." "Big talk for a little girl. But that's just fine cause I'll be after you." After I heard that I jumped down. "Stay away from her! She has nothing to do with this." I told Pitch. "Oh look at what we got here! What a wonderful surprise! Jack Frost and the other guardians." Pitch said sarcastically as I realized that the other guardians were behind me. "Jack what are you guys doing here?" Amadora asked. "Looking after you, protecting you." I replied. "I don't need protecting! I have this situation handled." she replied. "Protecting? I wasn't going to hurt her and I won't let anybody hurt her!" Shane stepped in. "Yeah? Well I don't trust you! None of us do." I yelled at him. "Jack, I trust Shane. Just cause he's that disgusting creatures son doesn't mean he'll try to hurt me." Amadora told me. "We're going home Amadora!" I yelled at her angrily as I quickly flew towards her and picked her up bridal style and flew off. "No you don't!" I heard Shane behind us on a Nightmare. "Shane! I'll see you at school, I'll be fine I promise!" Amadora yelled to him. "What?" Shane asked. "He's just taking me home. I'll be ok." she replied. "This isn't over Frost!" he yelled as he turned around. I flew in the front yard and let Amadora down. "I can't believe you did that!" she screamed at me. "Do what save you?" I defended. "No, spying on me! And ruining Angel's dress!" she yelled again as she started walking towards the front door. "It's a good thing I did spy on you! he kissed you and his dad showed up!" I shot back as I shut the door behind us and flew up the stairs beside Amadora. "Ok so first off I wanted him to kiss me and second he wouldn't let Pitch hurt me!" She said at her bedroom door as she slammed it in my face. "I told you that you shouldn't have followed her." Pippa said behind me. "It's a good thing I did, he's Pitch's son and Pitch showed up." I told her as Jamie came up the stairs. "She went on a date with Pitch's son?" he asked. "Yeah and Pitch said he'd be after Amadora too." I said as I leaned on the wall. "No he won't! I'm going to North to have her stay at the pole until its safe! I trust you Jack." Jamie told me as he went to his room to get his snow globe and Pippa followed. I walked in Amadora's room. "Go away Jack!" she yelled throwing a book at me. "Just hear me out Amadora I don't wanna fight." I told her as I sat on her bed. "I don't want to fight either but I'm not a child I can deal with things on my own now. I don't need babysitting." Amadora told me. "I know you're not a child, and I have to tell you something." I told her seriously rubbing the back of my neck as she nodded sitting up crossing her legs. "I didn't wanna react like that to your first date and I was just afraid I wasn't going to have a chance." I said blushing a bit. "What do you mean chance?" she asked. "To show you how I feel, I was going to on your birthday, but if I wait that long it might be too late." I said as she looked at me confused. I looked at her in her beautiful brown eyes as she realized what I meant and before she could say anything I lifted up her chin and kissed her. It was slow and sweet like off a movie. Her lips were so soft and I loved every moment of it. We pulled away "Jack." she said happily and tackled me in a hug making us both fall on the floor. She laughed as she sat on top of me and kissed me. I kissed her soft, warm lips back happily.

*Shane's POV*

I went to go check on her on my Nightmare and I saw Jack kiss her! That bastard! I waited to see her reaction. They pulled apart and she hugged him making them fall off the bed. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her on top of him kissing him. "That stupid bastard! Dad was right about them. I can't believe I even liked that bitch." I growled and road off back to my house.

*Amadora's POV*

"Jack, I've always liked you but I never knew you felt the same." I laughed as I laid on his chest on my floor. I was really happy until I thought of Shane and frowned. "Hey, what's wrong? What's with the frown?" he asked as he held me. "Shane." I replied. "Yeah? What about him?" Jack asked me. "I have to break it to him that I can't be with him." Jack laughed. "He's gonna be pissed!" "Jack that's not funny! He's actually really cool and I don't wanna lose my new friends. Even if they are Pitch's kids." I said as he scoffed. "I'm sure he seems cool to you but, I can already tell that once you tell him you like me then he'll be on his dad's side." "Jack-" I was cut off by my parents walking in the room. "Wow, I have to admit I didn't think you two would make up this quickly." I heard my mom say. "Oh, hey mom and dad." I said as Jack and I sat up. "Amadora we have to speak to you." Dad said seriously. "What is it?" "We talked to North about you staying with him at the Pole until Pitch is defeated again." Mom told me. "What? You know about that?" I asked astonished. "Sorry, I told them." Jack admitted sheepishly. "Jack! Why would you do that? Now I can't talk to the triplets again!" I told him. "Damn right you aren't!" Dad said. "They're not like Pitch! They're different!" I defended them. "Pack your stuff you're going to the Pole for a while." Dad told me. "What about school?" I asked. "We'll get your work for you." Mom told me. I sighed knowing that there was no way out of this so I replied with an ok as I started packing my stuff in silence.
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Sorry I haven't updated I've been focusing more on school, but I'm on Thanksgiving break so I'll try updating all my stories this week