Status: trying something new.

The Last of Us


I'm not sure what started it. Or what caused it to spread so fast. Some said it had went global, others said it was just here in the states.

No matter what, I was warned and ready for this. I was prepared before others were. My dad warned me. On his deathbed a year ago he looked at me with his deep blue eyes and said, "It's going to happen. Sooner then everyone thinks. And I want you to be prepared. Use everything I taught you."

Those were his last words. Half a year later the first case was broadcasted on the news. People with a high fever and pale skin. They didn't last long in the hospital. Once they 'died' they were forgotten about, but then it started happening. They started killing. They started appearing everywhere you turned. They were taking over the world. And all that was left were dead bodies of both people and animals that the geeks had attacked.

My dad, the biggest and baddest Lieutenant General of the army, started teaching me at a young age how to shoot a gun and use a knife. I was his first born, my sister, London, being ten years younger then me. He told me these stories before bed when I was little, about these things called geeks. He said he rufused to call them zombies. They were things that ate animals and other humans. They were things that would eventually take over the world. I hung on his every word of course.

He trained me from the time I could properly hold a small gun, up until the day he died. And now, at twenty years old I was on my own in this place, killing geeks and surviving off whatever I could find. Some geeks had ambushed my sister a few weeks back.

Iwas supposed to protect her and I promised her that, but I failed her. We talked about getting to the safe place in California and being free to do what we wanted. We wouldn't have to word about anything attacking us. Or having to look over our shoulders every few minutes. But now, now I was headed there for her. I was doing all this and not putting a gun to my head, for her.

Marley, my Doberman, lifted her head off the floor of the house we were camping out in and looked toward the window. Her ears were alert and she let out a low growl. I hopped up and got my rifle ready. I peaked out the window and saw three geeks headed my way. Looking through the scope on the gun, I got a closer look.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled. Marley headed toward the door and started scratching at it. She was ready to attack whatever was coming toward us. I grabbed her leash and stepped out on the porch. "Drop your weapons!" I shouted. The three guys stopped in the middle of the street and reacted by pointing their guns at me.

"I said drop your weapons!"

"You drop yours and we'll drop ours!" The blonde one yelled. Marley growled from beside me and moved forward. I pulled at her leash, keeping my weapon on the guys. "Stay Marley," I instructed. "I'm not chancing that! You drop yours!"

They looked at each other and talked quietly, then slowly put their weapons on the ground. I let go of the leash and instructed Marley to follow me. With my rifle aimed at them, I slowly made my way to them. When I reached them, I kicked their guns behind me. Holy balls. I was standing in front of 3/5 of One Direction. One fucking Direction. That's what having a ten year old sister will get you; knowing who the biggest British/Irish boy band is.

"Why the hell are you here?" I questioned. "Where are the others?"

"Let's skip the questions, babe," Zayn snapped. "We were just passing through."

Passing through. That's what the last guy said. He ended up having been bitten on his side and turned, trying to attack me. I brought him into my 'home' and gave him food and clothes and a place to sleep. Liam, the one in the middle, moved forward so I shifted my gun to him. It was now an inch from his forehead.

"Take one more step and I blow your brains out," I seethed. Marley growled, getting in her attack stance. He gulped and held his hands up in surrender. Well, what I thought was surrender. In the blink of an eye he had my gun in his hands and pointed at me. Fuck! My hands moved to the pistol in the waistband of my jeans and held it up, pointing it straight at him. "I don't know who you think you are taking my gun, but if you don't hand it over, I'm gonna shoot Blondie in the arm."

His hard eyes faltered a little, but he didn't give me the gun. So I shifted the gun over to blondie and pulled the trigger. He screamed out in pain and held his left arm. I tried to tell him.

"Bloody hell!" Zayn shouted, rushing to his friends aid. Liam dropped my gun and rushed to his friend. I grabbed the gun as I slipped the pistol in my jeans. "What the hell, lady?! You just shot him for no reason!" Liam shouted.

"Don't fuck with me and that won't happen again," I snapped. "Get your friend and bring him in the house. I have a first aid kit."

I may have shot him and they may have pissed me off, but they looked like they'd been walking for days. And my mother and father were both from the south, so they instilled that southern hospitality in me. It made us stick out in the heart of New York City, but we didn't care.

"You just shot him and now you're inviting us in and patching him up?"

I sighed. "Do it before I change my mind." They really tested my temper. "And hurry or a geek'll smell ya."


I had the room, so I let them stay. I made dinner. Nothing special, just some canned green beans, bread, and canned peaches.

"So how long have you been here?" Liam asked.

I shrugged. "A day or so. I'm not staying long though."

"Where are you going?" Niall asked as he forked some peaches in his mouth. That kid could eat. "California," I answered. "There's supposed to be a safe place there."

I placed my last peach in my mouth. It was silent for a while, so I took that as my chance to glance around at the guys. Zayn's defined features reminded me of a Greek god. Liam's brown eyes remind me of a puppy. Niall's eyes were as blue as the sunny sky.

"What's your name, love?" Niall asked.

"Holland." I pushed some of my blue and purple colored hair out of my eyes. "Holland Rhodes."

"My names Niall Horan and that's my mate Liam Payne and Zayn Malik."

I chuckled. "I know who you are."

They all smirked to me. "So you're a fan?"

Once again, I chuckled and shook my head. "Nah. My little sister is...was."

The looks they gave me screamed they wanted to ask. I knew they did. So I just went ahead and answered. "A geek killed her a few weeks back," I answered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't--" I waved them off. "Its fine. You didn't know."

My sister was my everything. She was the only piece of my parents I had left. She was my mom through and through. I was my dad through and through. My mom passed away when London was two which just left me and my dad to raise her. When my dad died, I had to take care of her. I promised them I would take care of her and I did just that, as best I could. So when she died...I lost my everything. My mom and dad were finally gone, and so was London.

"What about the others?" I asked. "Where are Harry and Louis?"

Zayn sighed. "We were stopped in New York for a gig and had a few days off. It happened and we got separated by a big group of walkers, geeks as you call them, about a month ago. Eleanor, Louis's girlfriend, was with us. She got ran off with Harry and Louis."

Shit. They were out there somewhere on their own. They could be dead. They could be geeks or walkers or whatever you want to call them. Jesus Christ. Why did this world have to go to shit? And break up families? And friends? And parents and children?

"I'm leaving tomorrow. We're close to the Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana state line, so I'm leaving Cincinnati tomorrow morning," I said. "You can either come with me or stay back."

It was better to have others with you, then to go out on your own. And having three guys with me would be better then being alone in a world filled with walkers.

"You're inviting us to leave with you?" Niall questioned. "After shooting me?"

I shrugged. "I always shoot first, ask questions later. Better be glad it was your arm and not your head."

"…So when the last and dreadful hour
This crumbling pageant shall devour,
The trumpet shall be heard on high,
The dead shall live, the living die,
And Music shall untune the sky” ― John Dryden, The Major Works
♠ ♠ ♠

It's not as good as Sandra's, but I think it's okay. Haha. Comments would make my day!