Status: Sorry.



"I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Do what, Lovi?"

The sun is a little too bright, and the cig isn't working the way it's suppose to. I'm still jiggerty, my whole body shaking, and I wonder when the nicotine will finally kick in.

"I don't know, Mase." I shrug, taking another pull. "Everything just seems too much. I don't feel right anymore." I wish I could tell him what's really on my mind. I wish I could tell him that I cried myself to sleep, that I took ten sleeping pills last night.

Mason is picking away at the grass. He's thinking hard about something, and I know he's debating whether he should confine in me or not. He watches his words around me; he thinks I'm fragile. And, don't I hate that.

"What?" I finally ask. I have to go home soon, and I don't want to worry about what he could have said.

Mase shakes his head and lets out a chuckle. It's a bit too twisted, and I know I should have kept my mouth shut. "You know, Lovi, this is why you don't have a boyfriend. You're too depressing. No one actually likes the manic pixie girl."



I thought he liked me. I thought he had liked me for a while, and I need to ask him what he feels about me, but I'm so scared now.

He's staring at me with a sad smile. "Guess what? I asked Cass out last night. I think she's going to say yes. I'm meeting up with her tomorrow." Well, that answers my question, and I'm a little grateful that I've been spared the embarrassment, but my ego has been smashed all the same.

You are so fucking stupid, Lovi. It was just one drunken night, and whatever he whispered, he did not mean. I was just a pair of lips, a hand exactly where he needed it. He never wanted me.

I want to scream, push back and yell in his face because he just grabbed my hand. What makes him think he can just insult me like that and then hold my worthless hand.

He would be good with Cass.

I shake my hand from his. "I'm happy for you." I don't know if it's a lie or not. I scrub the end of the cig in the dirt before I stand. I have to walk away; I know I can't sit here any longer without crying.

"Where are you going?" He's following me, and Mason sounds mad. Why is he mad?

"Leo's waiting at home." I don't look back, but I know Mason isn't following anymore. Why should he?

He's never liked me in the first place.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm aro. Did I read enough Nicholas Sparks to write this?
(okay I'm sorry that's a bad joke)