Black, Blue and Red

Chapter 1

“Hey Lani whats up?”
“So are we still going out tomorrow night?”
“Okay, see ya hun.”
I hung up the phone and walked away. It was about 11 pm and I had been out at a bar.
I was walking down the street when from one of the alley ways I heard a loud growl, I turned to see a pair of blood red eyes watching me. I began to run home I heard what sounded like the thud of paws behind me, I could smell blood and hear my heart beating against my ribs. I felt a breeze on my back and my vision began to blur. I kept running but the coolness on my back became a horrid searing pain and I could feel warm liquid running down my back. I couldn’t keep running for I was becoming winded fast. I started to slow when suddenly I was on my back looking up, I saw large fangs and red eyes looking down at me. The creature looked like a dog but was the size of a man, it was covered in fur, had large pointed ears, red eyes and a large bushy tail.
It let out a howl and bit down on my shoulder, after that everything went black.