Black, Blue and Red

Chapter 3

When I came out to the lobby to sign myself out, there stood Al waiting for me.
"Um why are you waiting here?" I questioned nervously. Here stood a really handsome young man and I had never met him before in my life but yet I felt connected to him in some way.
"I'm here to drive you home since you've been under anesthesia for about a week, plus there is something I need to tell you." he said as a matter of factly.
"Oh" was all I managed.
After I signed out we walked to his car, a sleek black sports car.
Wow I thought. He's handsome, young and drives a nice car.
He opened the door for me to which I said a light thank you and got in. The car was so nice. It was all black leather and smelled kind of musky but had a warm and comforting scent. It was one of those smells that I just couldn't place.
He started up the car and took off.
20 minutes later we ended up at my house.
"How do you know where I live?" I asked
"When you were signing out I noticed your adress. I have a friend who lives a couple of blocks away so I know this neighborhood well."
"Um well thank you for the ride," I said before trying to get out of the car but noticed the door was locked.
"Uhm the door is locked and I need to get home" I said in a slightly shaky voice.
Al gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and turned to me.
"I need to have a talk with you." he said in an authoritative way.
"Okay" I squeaked.
"Do you remember anything about the night you were hurt?" he said.
"Well I remember walking home from the bar and passing by an alley way...."
"And some type of dog came running out of it and attacked me, thats all."
"Thank you and I'm sorry for scaring you but I have to ask but may I please have your number?"
"Um sure, why?"
"I need you to keep in contact with me"
"Okay but I still don't get what's going on"
"I will tell you later, now seems to not be the best time but call me if you have ny severe headaches or feel ill, okay?"
"Yeah I gotcha." I said before he unlocked the door and we exchanged numbers.
"Bye!" I called out behind in which he returned in the form of a wave and then drove off.
What a strange guy I thought to myself and went inside my house.