World War Apocalypse

Chapter 1

There was radiation in the air , and no one wanted to move . Unfortunetly there was no choice. The air was cool , and the sky was dark . The radiation moved South but the leftovers were still aroused. There was no control at all , everyone agreed.. Everyone , but there was a shortage of Men and the camp part of the task had to be completed. There was a team of Men on one side and a team of women on the other , it was getting darker and darker by the hour as none of them moved from the wall to the door, and just stared out the window looking nervous. One man took a deep breath and slowly tip toed to the front door , sweating as he finally made his way there. He took ahold of the knob and slowly turned it counter clock wise , taking long deep breaths . Finally it was half way opened and he never realized. He turned toward everyone and nodded his head as if to say it was okay to go outside. No one believed him , no one , but as the air grew colder and the sky turned to nightfall , there was no question about it , it was time.. Time to do the dirtiest task ever .. It was time to run the 4 mile O course.

" Sir it's 8:30 at night , we wont see a thing! " One man said to the main soldier , who was smiling and taking breaths . He loved the smell of the night time breeze , and he could care less what others had to say . There was no sign of radiation .. Yet ; The soldier turned around to his pleebs and snapped his fingers , louder than fingers could snap. Everyone huddled around him.

" Okay you worms , it's time ! You must complete this O course in 30 minutes , and if you aren't back here when the clock strikes , you're GONE! " The soldier clapped his hands and walked everyone to the begining of the field and sat on a log. He raised him arm up and blew his loud ass whistle . The games had begun! He went back to the building and sat outside , reaching out of his back pocket to grab a cigar , he enjoyed tourturing his fellow recruits . He almost had a blast , it made his chuckle to himself . He had 28 minutes to be serious before it was time for the lights to go out , they all had a big day tomorrow , it was the last week of training and he would finally tell them whether they'd be sent out to Afghan or Iraq. There were less amount of Girls than guys so the Soldier thought for a long while on what he would do. No use to over think now , he thought to himself , but he figured he'd sit there .. Enjoy his cigar and feel peace within himself while he waited. Well 30 minutes had past and he found himself half asleep. ONe guy kneeled down infront of him and yelled right in his face !

"SIR ! I'm back , I'm the first one ! " One recruiter shook his hand and screamed in excitement . "WOOOOOT!"

The soldier got up and congradulated him , everyone made it just in time and the soldier couldn't have been more happy .

"You all did great ! We are going to hit the hay now ! Be up tomorrow at 0700 hours to complete your last week of training , you Hear me PLEEBS!?" The soldier raised his hand to his forehead and everyone yelled " SIR YES SIR!"
The soldier felt like he just accomplished so much , when in reality it wasn't really nothing at all . I bet you're wondering who that soldier is, and I will tell you.

That right there fellow readers..

Is General Franklin Gazzero.