Begins With a Word

August 4th, 2014

Well, it's been awhile. It's been over a year since either Brie or I have updated this story. It's been a long year, but the end results have been good.
I guess we could do this in a fair way. I'll explain the past year in my prospective and she in hers.
I think the last time we updated this, it was right after my annual beach trip. She got her things back shortly. It was a sigh of relief for me because I hadn't seen her face or heard her voice in so long. We were back to the way we normally were, at least for a little bit. What I thought was peace and serenity slowly turned into hell.
I lost the girl I loved with my entire being to, what I thought at the time, was manipulation by her "best friend" into being someone she wasn't. She left me for a guy that wasn't even there for hopes that he would be. I guess she didn't realize that he couldn't give her anything, quite honestly.
It mentally and emotionally wrecked me. It happened September of last year and from that day it happened until about 4 months after, I was just a wreck. I couldn't find any true reason to face the days I had to put up with other than the hope I had that someday we would get back together. I was still hanging by the words that she said and the promises we made, thinking that they make her change her mind.
Days turned into months, and I tried dating a girl that was my friend. Probably one of the worst decisions I've ever made because she turned me into someone I thought I'd never be. Long story short, she was a pot head and we didn't date for long.
After that, Brie and I tried talking again, but that turned into the same ending result from the first go around; high hopes being shattered into little pieces of the only hope I had keeping me alive. It was back to square one. It was September all over again.
A few months later, I made new friends. Friends a grade lower than me. They were pretty cool. They had the same interests in many aspects, so we clicked. I started developing feelings for a friend named Hayley. She was the post hardcore, edgey type girl. She dressed up, but still had this grungey feel to her. Leather jackets, stretched ears, badass music taste, piercings and had looks. She was, what I thought, the girl who could make the past few months disappear. Admittedly, during the duration of our relationship, it went from loving her in an intimate way to slowly it being something more with a friend, that I just wanted to be friends with. It was mutual.

The girl I truly loved was back with her first love. I saw no light at the end of what I thought could be an ending tunnel. It slowly turned into a lose of hope. She stopped talking to me when I was with Hayley. So I had lost all communication with her. I chose someone who was temporary over someone who has been in my life now for five years. I desperately wanted the friendship.
Maybe a week after breaking up with Hayley, Brie sets me up with a girl named Isabella. She's Italian. Beautiful. She was honestly the person I thought would help me successfully get over Brie. Yeah, the days went by and it help mend the broken heart I carried on my sleeve everyday. I thought it was all perfect until I saw her for what she really is. She left me for a week because I went on a family vacation. After that, it all went downhill. We broke up. I was left alone. Again. Once again, I slowly started slipping into the way I was for months starting in September.

I wanted die. I did try killing myself a few weeks after Brie and I broke up. I couldn't handle it. I would have been successful if it wasn't for Chrissa calling me from Diana's phone and wanting to talk to "Meme".

So here I am, desperately wanting the love of my life back. Then, there was hope. Her and her husband were fighting. Actually on the verge of breaking up. I can't lie, it did make me happy. He treated her like shit.

So long story short, we talked after they did, and it was like old times. We both missed each other. Old feelings came back and we are dating again. It was a week yesterday. I saw her August 1st and 2nd. I will tell that story after her point of view.

I love you, baby. Thank you for this chance again.