Begins With a Word

august 4 2014


It's hard to believe that, its been a year since Mel and I saw eachother but..
July first second and third I saw and slept with her in her arms kissing her awake. it felt amazing. I'm not telling details those are mine..
My weekend was amazing I don't know if she enjoyed it as much as I did.

I do know for a fact that one day we will be married and hell we are plamming to move to where we were this weekend I am really excited.

Mel is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me she is my shelter in the storm and my rock that won't crumble. I don't really express my feelings to her which I know frustrates her to no end.

we went to P.F Changs our first night, I got green tea and Pad thai mel got crispy honey chicken and rice.. I ate some of hers I don't think she liked the pad thai that much oh and we got spicy tuna rolls.. yum

I left out that we went to victoria's secret and bath and body works at the mall also.
after dinner we went to the hotel and.. well I'll let her tell you that.. I love you melly boo.

the second day we went to IHOP for breakfast and then back to the hotel which i'll let her tell you that also..

then shopping and starbucks multiple times that day, then we went to fridays where i was hit on by almost every male waitor in the whole resturant.. Mel didn't like that to much.

I didn't feel good I am chalking that up to low blood sugar.. but we got star bucks again and went to CVS to get medicine and then went to the hotel where she procideded to take care of me and hold me and love me until i fell asleep.. then the little brat took a picture of me and sent it to her best friend sierra.

I'll let her tell you the rest.

I love you baby.