Begins With a Word

july 2,2013

Ty and I became friends in a unusual way. I was walking
Home from middle school
and he saw me and offered
To give me a ride
I of course took it
When we got to my house
He came in with me because
I was scared
He has always been there for me.

Three weeks later we started dating
Our first date we went to olive garden
It is my favorite.
Then we went and watched pirates of the carribean
Shared a bucket of popcorn with cookie dough bites
In it. He held my hand the whole movie.
It made me feel special.
That night he walked me
to my door and kissed me.
when he left, I got scared.
I called Ty and he came over
We watched t.v and kissed
I fell asleep in his arms.

Three months later,
We were at his house.
We were kissing one thing lead to another and we
Had sex. God he made me happy then, losing my virginaty or what as i see as losing it.
Was amazing I wouldn't change it for the world
Ty made me happy.
A month later I found out i was pregnant.
This is one thing ill never regret.

Ty I believe triggered my male attention complex, my father was Absent. So being with ty made me crave the attention i didnt get from
My dad.

When jaccee was born I'm not going to lie say it was an amazing experiance. It sucked ass.
The pain was awful
I was to young to get a epidural
So all natural it was.
It hurt so bad.
I blacked out when she was finally out.
The next thing I remember is Ty holding her and
Smiling.when i got to hold her it was the greatest thing
And feeling I ever had.

I didn't want to lose jaccee
But putting her up for adoption
Was the best thing for her
At the time.
I'm glad we got her back
She is beautiful
A perfect mix of us both
I love her and iI love ty he is my best friend.