Begins With a Word

july 3, 2013

Codi, and i met over myspace.
She was a senoir in highschool
I was in 8th grade.
Myspace was my escape after ty and i
Gave up Jaccee.
Codi. Was everything i wanted
she was abused just like me
We just clicked.

She asked me out on feb 14, 2009
I of course said yes.
She was perfect. The first few months.
then tne fighting started it was little things at first
She called me names i was 15 it hurt.
She was cruel, exspecially after we had sex
Everything became my fault
Everyone would ask me what was wrong
I would lie and say nothing
My mom hated codi
she saw and heard
Me cry to much i think.

Codi and i got worse and worse throughout the three years we were together, i was blinded
By love i think.
I did things to get her to leave me
She never did and the things she said got worse
"Your ugly no one would want you, your lucky to have me, i put up with your shit"
I have shit because oh my past I can't help that.

I cheated on her, with a guy named Jake we made out in his car on halloween.
I don't regret it.
The action of cheating yes the things that followed no.
Codi was relentless after that, when no one was around to hear her she verbally abused me.
I would rather be raped that be emotionally molested.
This went on until feburary twenty fith 2013
I finally had enough I broke up with her
i was done with that. I was bullied in school i didnt want to be bullied by the person that susposedly loved me.

Well.. one good thing that came out of Codi
Was Mel.