Begins With a Word

July 6th, 2013

Brieanna Deas is probably the only person that I could love. Meeting her was the best thing that could happen to me. She makes me the happiest I've ever been. I'm not sure what to say other than she is the most amazing person I could have in my life.

Having the privilege to be her girlfriend has been the best experience of my life. At first, admittedly, I wasn't sure how our relationship would turn out because of us not being able to see each other and being around each other everyday. I was afraid that I'd lose her. But, when I finally met her.. It was the greatest day of my life. When I first got there, we did act awkward around each other. All that happened was a hug. I was fine with that. We went a little of everywhere so she could show me her town. First place was rathskellers, a German coffee shop that she so highly bragged about and believe me, it's amazing. I think we'd both recommend the Italian cream soda. Vanilla, to be exact. Following that was a book store to meet Brooke, a clothing shop, then her friend's grandmothers store. After that was, Walmart, Sally's, Peebles, and Kmart to meet her friend Morgan. We bought these German chocolate caramel candies that she loved so much. Later on was the park. Then back to her house. Is it sad that I remember every place we went, yet I barely know the town?

Our first kiss was shared as we were laying on her bed, watching the Hobbit. Pretty cute, right? From that first kiss on, I knew that anything could happen. I don't kiss and tell, but regardless having that day with her sealed the deal for me. I knew that she was the person meant for me. I didn't have to worry about anything from that day on.

Sadly, her dad made me leave because of his homophobic ways. I haven't been able to see my girlfriends face since June 20th. I haven't heard her voice since then. We communicate through her nook and to me, as long as i get to talk to her every day somehow, I have no reason to complain. As much as I want to see her, I know that when I do, it'll make our relationship stronger. I've learned that patience is a virtue.

Brieanna Hope Deas is the only person I could ever love. I can't see myself with anyone else. She's my girlfriend, lover, best friend, reason to love and my future wife. I will marry her. I will be with her for the rest of my life.

Like I said in the previous chapter, 7 months until I see her again. She'll be moving in with her step dad and I can see her whenever I want. In 10 months, we'll be graduating and moving in together. I have never looked forward to something so much.

To finish off my part, I'm in love. With the person I never thought I would be in love with. I love Brieanna Hope so much. Sometimes it hurts. She kisses me like she's in love with me and I know she is. She loves me for me, and I love her for her. I couldn't ask for someone better.

I don't know what the future holds, but I know somewhat how it will go.