Begins With a Word

July 7th, 2013

Everyday, I miss Brie even more. I can't really express how much I think of her and the day we had together. I find myself dreaming about it, zoning out and reliving every moment we shared.

I remember buying candy and snapple at Kmart. She tried mine and hated it. When I was driving down the road, she kept feeding me chocolate candies. What I would do just to be in the same presence with her. That would make everything right. We kept trying to hold hands, but sadly, that's difficult when trying to drive. I just miss it.

It's crazy how I remember every single detail about what happened in that one day. I miss feeling her in my arms. Just thinking about everything makes me cry.. I miss everything about her. Even when she did my makeup and hair.

I wouldn't change one thing about her. I have come to love every aspect of her. Even the things that most people couldn't love or deal with. It's not her though. Everyone has them quirks about them, but when you're in love with that person, you look past them.

I will love Brieanna to my dying day. Even if she doesn't love me anymore, I will continue loving her. I miss her. I love her with all my heart. Forever and always. As tall as the trees, as wide as the seas. To the moon and back.
