Status: not entirely sure if this is going

Good Night, Moon

In My Dreams (Cudder Anthem)

This is a dream come true
Finding the perfect words to sing to you
Here in my dreams
Everything plays out exactly how I want them to
Everything turns out dope
Right here in my dreams

“Get out of my way, toad.”
Toad, that was her name. Not really.
She was tiny, littler than the rest.
But she watched them.
“What is wrong with her, Jason?”
“Nothing, Marley. She’s…perfectly normal.”
“Normal? She lets those kids walk all over her.”
“I don’t know what you want me to do, Marley, she just…does.”
“And she watches them!”
“Marley, calm down. There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s just a little different.”
“I need her to see a doctor.”
“Alright. Fine.”

Even the moon laughed at her horrible shame. She was destined to be alone, even though her only friend was the moon. Ever since she was born she had watched people around her. People pushed her and people shoved. She wasn’t meant to be a strong person.
And she liked her world, just like that. She wasn’t in control, but she was in control.

Come on! Harder!
You could hear her scribbling on the page quickly. Her pen was going to run out of ink soon but she didn’t know that, nor did she need to. You see, she’d been sitting here all practice.
Quite frankly the sound of ice and skates was getting to her head but she couldn’t put music in because she was trying to decipher which player was best with this play.
“Callahan…” She scribbled it in the corner.
“You talking to yourself again, Toad.” She didn’t need to answer. Not that she wanted to. It was a statement anyway.
This was her job.
She was a scout for the Washington Capitals ice hockey team and she was staring down her next pick.

By the way, I figure you might want to know her name.
Her name is Jerica Petit.

American name
meaning "strong; gifted ruler" | a beautiful and outgoing, yet shy and mysterious woman

French surname
meaning "small"
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I decided to start a new one. I don't know where this is going but this is a Pittsburgh Penguins story.
Tell me if you like it, tell me if you don't)))))