Status: not entirely sure if this is going

Good Night, Moon

Soundtrack 2 My Life

I got some issues that nobody can see
And all of these emotions are pouring out of me
I bring them to the light for you
It’s only right
This is the soundtrack to my life, the soundtrack to my life

“So, did you like any of them?”
“There was one. He was alright.”
“Toad, you know better than anyone that I can’t read your handwriting from your notes.”
“The point is the kid is good and you need to bring him up.”
“I can’t just bring up a kid because you think he’s-don’t look at me like that.”
“When have I ever steered you wrong?”
“Toad, please.” Coach Oates leaned back in his chair.
It was true. She’d never given him a bad rep for a kid. But, with the playoffs coming upon them, he was in a stick, you see.

You might notice that most people she knows, call her Toad.
Well, she’s not as small and annoying as the children in the orphanage thought she was. In fact, most of the Captials players and wives liked her very much. But she was so used to being called Toad from her eighteen years in the orphanage, she took the nickname to heart. I mean, if you were called a name for the first, meaningful years of your life, you’d probably either pick the name or kick the name. She chose to pick hers.

“I’ll have to see him, just…Christ, Toad.”
“You’re welcome.” She got up, timidly, and went through the locker room.
“Toad! Are you doing anything tonight?”
“Is she ever doing something tonight?”
“Shut up, Nick. Are you?”
“Ovi, that’s a stupid question.”
“We’re all going for some drinks-”
“Toad!” But the defiant side, very rare, of Toad told her to keep walking.
But in the end she’d probably end up with the team and their girlfriends and wives, drinking Coca-Cola.

In Jerica’s life, she had few people. Being left at an orphanage when she was not even a day old, she didn’t have many ‘people’. But she did adopt animals. Animals were the only ones who didn’t care why she was there, but that she was there. So, when she turned eighteen and Jason and Marley had to kick her out of the orphanage, they bought her a new best friend by the name of Slapshot.
And no, it’s not the Capital’s mascot.
She was a two month old Siberian Husky puppy.

I knew you’d come out!
“I don’t know why I say no.”
“Because it makes you feel like a bigger person.”
Her deadly, beady gaze snapped to the eyes of a smirking Nick Backstrom. “Just because I’m fucking small doesn’t mean I’m a small person.”
“Technically-” She cut him off, like she always does, by shoving her hand in his face and pushing him towards his girlfriend.
“Tomas doesn’t come, why should I?”
Because Tom is old and you’re not!
Stop listening to me talk to myself!” Nick snickered and laughed.

The two of them, Nick and Jerica, had a very young relationship. You know how a big brother is. Constantly teasing his sister until the day she dies? Well, that would be Nick to Jerica. But, you know how little sisters are? Annoying, constantly catching her brother at the best but worst moment to embarrass him? Well, that is Jerica to Nick. Alexander Ovechkin is just their oldest brother who always has to break up the fight.

“Toad, why don’t you get an actual drink tonight?”
“Be…because I don’t want to end up naked in some random guy’s house tomorrow morning.”
“When’s the last time you had a real drink?”
“I was eighteen.”
“That was a year ago.”
“Well…” She sipped her drink. The last time she’d had a real drink was the first time she’d gotten so drunk that she didn’t remember the night. What happened was that she had a one night stand that she didn’t need to know about. Or remember for that matter.
And who he was isn’t a valid point until…later in the story.
“It’s almost one, Ovi. I should get home. Slapshot’s probably tired.” He sighed.
“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I’m on a scouting mission. I’ll be in Pittsbur-”
“Why are you going to Pittsburgh?”
“I can’t tell you.”

“Slapshot, go get your leash!”
She looked over.
Slapshot!” The dog grudgingly got up and pulled at the end of her leash. She dragged it behind her and sat in front of Jerica. Just as Jerica went to clip the leash to her harness, there was a knock at the door.
She let out a wild groan and went to the door.
“Alex, I don’t have time.”
“We’re trading Vokoun at the end of the season?”
“Alex, I don’t have time.”
“Why didn’t you tell me, Toad!?”
“I-Adam told me not to! I’m sorry!” She visibly cringed back from him.
Since she was young, she’d always been trained to cringe from the people who had yelled at her. If she didn’t, she’d get hit.
“Toad, I’m not gonna hit you. I am the captain, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Adam said not to. He wanted-wanted you to focus on the playoffs…”
“Who are we trading him for?”
“Why you’re going.”
“Alex, please forgive me.”
“I’m-I’m not mad at you, Toad, I’m just shocked.”
“I’m sorry, Alex. I-I have to catch my flight.”
“I can drive you.”
“T-thanks.” Alex helped her to gather her things.
And she was off to Pittsburgh.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this story is happening during the 2011-12 season. Sorry that these chapters are so short, they will get longer.
I hope you guys like this, I already got 4 subscribers and a comment, so thank you so much!