I Think I Love Him

My Heart Beats For Him (Zachary)

I couldn't help but eye him in class. When I saw him in the window of his new house the day he moved in, I fell in love. I didn't even know his name, and I only got a blurry shot of his face, but I feel in love. When I ran into him on the first day of school, I did it just to be close to him. Helping him with directions, just to talk to him. I don't know what's come over me but I've never felt this way for anyone. Anthony still doesn't know, but I'm gay...And I don't want to tell him...because what if he decides to stop being my friend? I don't have anymore friends. I haven't for years. He's the only one. And I absolutely love having him in all my classes. Math, Science, Art, History, Biology, and Band. He plays the guitar and I play the violin. He's so amazing on those strings...I love him. Anthony's beautiful blue eyes, that nice blackish brown hair...He's got this...amazing body, skinny but with these great body. Arms, six pack....strong legs. He's so attractive...My day doesn't start until I see his good morning text. I don't go to sleep without dreaming about him. Anthony....I truly love him, so much. I know its been little over a month, but...My heart beats for him. I think about him all day, every day. We share our lunch, we work on all our partner projects together, help out with our daily home work. We sit and listen to music and read or write outside, He doesn't judge my bad singing and he's always there when I'm getting bullied or picked on. I couldn't ask for a better friend...But I could ask for a boyfriend. I'm afraid to take him to my house, Only my little sister Annie and brother Elias know that I have this major crush on Anthony.
"Why do you like him?"
"Because I just do..."
"Is he special?"
"Very special Anne"
I grab Annie and hug her tightly. Elias snuggles up to me on the couch to watch The Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy. Randle walks back and forth carrying laundry to the laundry room and grocery's to the kitchen.
"Need some help then Randle?"
"Naw I don't need help from a queer like you."
Elias and Annie furrow there eye brows and I sigh and roll my eyes.
"I don't need that from you to Randle..."
He comes over and ruffles my hair.
"I'm just kiddin with you bro, take a joke would you?"
"Yea...And I'm not a queer!!!"
Randle stops and turns his head. He gives me his stupid smug grin and laughs.
"Zachary David Damian Johnson..."
"Its ok, I know about you and your little Anthony Adams Carter"
The sweat beads up and rolls off my forehead. If Dante ever knew about me being homosexual I think he would kill me. Randle comes over and kisses me on the head and smiles.
"And I'm fine with my brother being a lil gay queer, and I love you no matter what."
He walks out of the room and I smirk. Randle may be a son of a bitch, but he's one amazing brother.
"Yea Elias?"
"When are you gonna tell Anthony you love him?"
"I don't know buddy, but you guys, you to Annie, can't say ANYTHING to Dante or Momma, or Anthony alright?"
I smile and pull out my phone, the screen picture is one of me and Anthony, I love his smile. I hear my text tone and see his name.
"Hey Zacky"
I cover my mouth to stop my gasp. Blushing and smiling.
"Awh Hey Anthony"
"Like my new nickname for you? Cute eh?"
"Vary haha!"
"What you up to Zacky?"
"Just watching cartoons with Elias and Annie."
"Oh nice, Hey...so...you know the movie Pacific Rim?"
"Of course!! It comes out friday!!! You know that!"
"Yea haha, I know how we both wanna see it...so...I got two tickets to the midnight premier tomorrow...and I want to take you with me."
I look at the smily text he sends me next. I smile and blush and try to contain myself so I dont burst into a hyper happy fit.
"Yea, I was hoping that before I can go get us something to eat, maybe do some shopping or whatever, just the two of us you know?"
I clutch my heart. Was I just asked out on a date? No of course not, at least I don't think he thinks of it that way, But I'm going to let my mind play with the though for a while.
"Its a nice offer..but...were sorta strapped for cash..."
"I know, I'm paying for everything, don't worry about!!!"
"You sure?!"
"Positive, so is it a yes?"
"I'd love to c:"
"Great! :D After school you'll come to my place, and then we will leave alright?"
"Alright :)"
"Goodnight Zacky :)"
"Goodnight Anthony c:"
♠ ♠ ♠
Fitz and the Tantrums:
Out Of My League

Tell me how its coming along :D