I Think I Love Him

Making It A Date <3

"Hello Zachary."
"Hello sir."
Zachary and my dad, they do good. But is it sorta alwkward. Zacharys nevious smile around my dad is acually really cute. I go and wash my face, fix my hair and throw on some more deoderent and perfume. I walk downstairs and pat Zachary on the back, he smiles and I look to my dad.
"Ready to go boys?"
"Yep, Zack?"
"More then I'll ever be!"
We get into my dads black and white 1970 Chevelle, his prized baby, We get in the back and my dad drives us to the mall. He drops of off across the street in front of a resteraunt.
"There you go boys, What time do you need me to come get you?"
As we get out the car I take Zacharys hand and help him out of the car. I turn to my dad.
"Ill text you when where ready."
"Ok, no fighting Anthony"
"Yes dad, bye"
Zachary smiled as my dad drove away. He looked up at the sign and smiled.
"How'd you know that this is my favorite resurant?" He looked at me
I squeezed his hand. Maybe...
"I know you Zachary..."
"Did you say you love me?"
Zachary looks at me, still holding my hand. I said I know him, not I love him didn't I? But...Did i mean to say I love him? I love him, I do, as a friend, a great friend. I'd do anything for Zachary, anything at all...Anything in the world for him...I know I like him more then a friend. I know I do, I might just even...
"I said I know you haha, but I love you to, I'd do anything for you bro"
He smiles, and it seems like he's almost a little disapointed. I tighten my grip and her perks up. We walk inside and I walk up to the register
"Hello Welcome To The Keg"
"Hello, I made a reservation for Mr. Anthony Adams Carter?"
"Ah Mr. Carter! Table for two as requested?"
"Yes ma'm"
"Then I'll show you to your table, follow this way"
I take Zachary and pull him after us. He slowly but eventually comes. The waitress sits us down and smiles. She's pretty, but nothing to special. A dime a dozen to be honest.
"Anything to start you two off? Or do you need more time?"
"Uh...I'll just start out with some water and a order of Shrimp Cocktail, Garlic Cheese Toast and the Baked Goat Cheese"
"Ok and you sir?"
She looks at Zachary and he rubs his arms. He looks up at me and I nod, reaching across the table I smile and rub the palm of his hand.
"Zachary its fine, eat away! All on me."
"Uh...I'll stick with a Caesar salad and water to, thanks"
"Of course I'll be right back with you appitizers"
She leaves and Zachary sighs in relife.
"Your a asshole!!!"
"Excuse me???" I furrow my eye brows at his remark
"You know I'm not good in soical situations!!! You know this!!"
His face becomes flushed in red and pink, I smile and move closer to him. The more we go into this dinner, the more it seems lke a date...And I like it.
"Hey....Its just you and me, and sometimes the waitress, but just you and me Zacky."
He smiles and I smile back.
"Why'd you take me here? Its like fancy and classy and upscale!"
"Because you only get to come here once a year, on your birthday and maybe twice if your lucky. Why is that anyways?"
"I don't really feel comfortable talking about it...if you dont mind"
"Yea sure, Sorry haha!"
"It's ok dont worry about it."
"You know though, that you can trust me with anything right?"
"Your...like my best friend..."
"Yes!!! I love you!!!"
I pause and smile. I reach across the table and grab his hand, kissing it I look staright into his eyes.
We both smile and the waitress returns, giving us out appitizers and drinks. We eat and talk, Zachary thanking me for the meal, even tho its just the begining. I sit and try to rack my mind threwout the dinner, Do I want this to be a date? I didnt think I liked girls or guys, I liked no body, I wasnt gay or straight or bisexual. And from todays actions, I think Zachary may be gay or bisexual himself. I hope so at least because I want this to be a date. I want to hold his hand threw the movie and wrap my arm around him, and maybe, I might kiss him, No thats to much dont you think? For a first date I mean? I dont want to seem desprate, or slutty or whatever. But what if i'm worng? What if Zachary is straight? What if he is gay, but dosent like me in that way? I could ruin absolutly everything if I mess something up tonight, from a peck on the cheek to a full blown kiss, it could ruin our friendship, or change it for the better. As Zachary finishes up his New York I push aside my plate of Chicken Oscar. I pick up the check and pull out my wallet.
"You are not a cheap date..."
I grin and laugh, Zachary shoots me the evil eye.
"What? I like it. Come on..."
I grab Zachary's hand and pull him gently out of the booth. I get him to his feet and look into his eyes. Those green eyes...It it just me or does the left eye...look a little...discolored? No. I think I'm just seeing stars in those
"Gorgeous eyes..."
Zachary blushes and I smile
"No...its fine..."
We walk out together and I pay the check. We cross the street to the mall and walk inside. Zachary looks around and asks to see the movie ticket times. its only 8:47 , Pacific Rim starts at midnight. I got the 3D movie tickets to, I knew he'd love it, and I was right. We walk around for a while until we reach the one store, you would have guessed we go into.
"God when was the last time I was in Hot Topic...?"
"I couldnt tell you, this is the only time we've ever been together outside school, not including coming over to my house or staying after school..."
"Yea your right..."
"Come on, go look around, anything"
"Wait no no no, Dinner at my favorite restaurant, that I could handle, but now your buying me cloths?"
"Yep, dont argue Zachary David Johnson. Just shop would you?"
"Anthony it's making me really uncomfortable..."
I sigh and hug him, tighter then I think I ever have before.
"I know, but, Zachary...I dont wanna do this to make you uncomfortable or anything, but I want to like...spoil you...I uh..have been noticing.."
Zachary's cloths are old and worn out, most of the band shirts he has are from back in 2010 and 2011, its 2013, and October for that matter. You can see his black and grey jeans dulling in color, ripped and torn. Zachary still keeps his hair clean, he doesnt smell bad, its his cloths, he never wants me over at his house, and he never likes to talk about his family. He loves coming to my house, and when he goes to take a shower, he's in there for at least two hours or so. He eats like all the food in our house, and I do to, but....Its like he's starving. He's bone skinny, pale skin, old worn and torn cloths...and so quiet about his family...I wanna know.
Zachary looks down and I pull him closer. He perks up and I rest my face against his.
"Please? Let me spend some money on you alright? Anything you want, hell go buy a dress I dont care. Come on, go."
He smiles and walks into the store and looks threw the racks of cloths and belt buckles, buttons, CD's, bags and much more. I lean on the rack of Avenge 7 Fold shirts mixed with the Suicide Silence shirts. I have the one that trubites to Mitch Lucker's death. I ended up donating $372 bucks to his daughter Kenadee Lucker Education Fondation. That poor little girl had the coolest father right next to Johnny Depp. I mean, Johnny Depp is friends with Marilyn Manson and had him play at his sons 10th birthday!!! Zachary looks around, enjoying himself it looked like. I go and we pick out about three pairs of skinny jeans for him, two black ones and a pair thats half black and half checked. He smerks and smiles and I make him go try them on. He comes out and I clap my hands.
"You look great in those..." And he really..really did.
"You think?"
We spend at least another half hour looking for shirts and such. When we come up to the cash register we have the three original pair of skinny jeans and a pair of blue cloud wash skinnies. He picked out The Big Bang Theory Rock Paper Scissors shirt, the I (Heart) The Walking Dead shirt, a Blink-182 and a Five Finger Death Punch shirt. I picked up a Deuce shirt for myself, but told Zachary he could borrow it any time. As long as I'm not wearing it. We pay and I check the time as where walking out.
"Lets go get our seat for the movie its 11:49-"
Zachary kisses me on the cheek.
"Thank you Anthony..."
I turn my head, aware of the red tital wave that has flushed my face. I smile, showing off my K-9 teeth.
"Don't...mention it...."
I grab his hand we walk up the stairs and into the movie theater. We sit down and I run and grab candy, soda and pop corn. When I come back up I hand the stuff to Zachary as I get myself seated between us and our bags. I look into my wallet and grin. Almost broke me there, but theres still enough left for afterwards. We sit threw the previews hand in hand, smiling like crazy. I turn to him.
"Hey, Anthony..."
The lights go down and turn to black as the parental warning comes to the screen.
"Can I ask you a honest question..."
"Of course..."
The movie starts and I squeeze his hand.
"Is this a date?"
I sigh. Rest my head back and rub his palm with my tumb.

We sit threw the movie, holding hand and sharing straws, we laugh and jump up and down in our seats at finally being able to watch the movie we've been waiting months to see. It lived up to our expectations, and passed/beat them with flying colors. We walked out of the movies, still hyper and practically yelling about how great it was.
"God I loved that movie!!! I've never been so happy in my life!!! Ahh!!"
"I know right!?! Jesus they couldnt have made it any better!!!"
Zachary looks at me like he's ready to rip me to pieces.
"They could have picked a asian girl who spoke more english..."
Zachary bursts out laughing
"I needed subtitals for her the hole time!!!"
Carrying our bags, we walk out of the mall and back across the street. I smile at the always open Froyo.
"Anthony no...this" Zachary holds up his bags "and the movie and the dinner was enough...Dont take me to my frozen yogurt place..."
"What did I tell you? Your gettin spoiled tonight, suck it up"
Zachary rolls his eyes but follows me. We walk in, grab our bowls and fill them up, I stack my vanilla yogurt with carmal, whip cream, maraschino cherries, gummi bears and some popping bobas. Zachary gets vanilla like me but with butterscotch, yogurt chips, twixs, rainbow sprinkles and mini marshmallows. We sit outside in the semi cold October air. I sit right next to Zachary and we snuggle against each other.
"Anthony are you..."
"Honestly...I dont know. I've never known. But what I do know..."
I lick the whip cream off his nose.
"Is that, I like you, and that...I love you."
Zachary looks over at me, I tip my bowl back and drink the mixture of melted frozen yogurt and carmal. I pick out the remaning gummi bears and bite there heads off.
"And if that makes me gay Zachary..."
I stick one in his semi open mouth.
"Then so be it"
I go to kiss him till a pair of head lights breaks us away. Thank god our backs where turned, so my dad saw nothing. We get into the car and my sleepy dad looks back at us.
"Did you guys have a good time?"
"Best movie ever!!!" I say excited
"Yea it was awesome!"
"Well good, ok Zachary wheres your home?"
Zachary freezes and looks at me. My dad starts back down the freeway.
"Uh....You know, just drop me off at the school, I can walk from there."
"Naw I can just drive you, and you got some bags there to that I dont think you wanna carry."
I see Zachary start to panic.
"Uhh....no....no its fine...please.."
I place my hand on Zacharys leg. I look at him right in his eyes.
"Let us take you home..."
"Please Anthony you can make me do everything else...just dont make me show you my house..."
It looks like he's crying. I hug him and hold his hand.
"Alright....Dad just...drop him off at the school, his brother said he will pick him up"
My dad looks back at us and I nod my head
"Ok, well be there soon."
Zachary rests his head on my shoulders. He gets a text reading:
"Will be at the school in five minutes. Out front. Can't believe you won't let him just drive you home"
he replies
"Randle...you know why..."
"....*sigh* be there soon"
As we arive at the school a old pick up truck waits on the curb. I couldnt make out the make and model, but I get out and help him out of the car with the bags. Smiling I hug him, and hold him.
"Thank you for everything that you've done for me tonight Anthony....I dont deserve it..."
I look him in the eyes and rub out noses together.
"You deserve way more then this Mr. Damian."
He laughs and walks away
"Hey, Mr. Damian?"
He turns around and I make a heart with my hands. He smiles and gets in the truck. I climb in the passenger seat and wave good bye. We head home.
"Why'd Zachary want us to drop him off at the school to have his brother come get him???"
"...Because Dad....I think Zachary's poor..."
My dad looks over at me as we pull into the drive way. My dad pats me on the back and I go up to my room. I lay down in my bed, to lazy to undress. I look at my phone and grin.
"How's that for a first date?"
I get back a :") face.
"Goodnight Zachary..."
"Goodnight Anthony... &lt;3"
I scratch my chin, lay me head down and close my eyes.

"I love you to &lt;3"
♠ ♠ ♠
Barbie, Eat your heart out.

All the menu items are real, acually meals you can order off The Keg menu, its my favotire resterunt, I suggest you go and try it :D

http://www.suicidesilence.net/ This link will take u to the Suicide Silence page where it should tell you about his daugher Kenadee Lucker's Education Fondation donating. I beg of you to donate, I ended up donating $55, you can at least chip in the $5 &lt;3 R.I.P Mitch

BTW!!! Pacific Rim was the best movie of all time, I know i changed the date but it just worked, the movie is in theaters now as it came out July 12th &lt;3 best movie ever, WATCH IT!!