Trying My Luck.


I packed up my bags to end my brother's persistent pleas for me to come visit with him. I moved away from my family to the other side of the map, Georgia was a beautiful place. I helped on a farm with cattle, that's how I made my living. I didn't mind it, I always had something to do. I threw all kinds of different clothes in my bags and packed the two bags down to my Ford and put them in the back. I called Chris to let him know I was heading to the airport.
I got off the plane and went to find my bags, shortly after I found my brother.
"Tanlor!" He gushed, pulling me into a hug.
"Hey." I grinned, dropping my bags.
He grabbed my chin and lifted my face up towards the light, "You been okay?" he quizzed.
"Yeah, Luke hasn't shown his face since we split, Chris." I assured. "What time are we heading out tonight?"
"Well, I am actually meeting the boys for a drink before hand. You can join us if you'd like." he offered.
I agreed to go as he grabbed my bags and we headed to the car. Cali was so much different from home, it made me extremely home sick. Chris had the top down on his car and I closed my eyes and let my drift. We arrived to the bar and I followed Chris in. My boots clicked loudly on the tile floors, and all eyes seemed to be drawn to me. Chris took a seat with three other guys.
"Rob,Tom, and Mark this is my sister, Tanlor." Chris introduced.
"Hi." I blushed.
"No need to be bashful honey. We know what it's like to be blessed by the sight of beauty." Rob smirked.
I felt my face burn red hot. I sat down and muttered to Chris what I wanted to drink. Chris got Robto lay off picking on me, but that didn't stop the blue eyed Tom, from watching me intently.
"Chris, I don't have a dress to wear." I stuttered, those eyes watching my mouth.
He chuckled, "Here, go down the street and hang a right. Buy one you like." As he shoved several hundred dollar in my hand.
"I can take her." a velvet, British voice spoke.
I turned to see who it came out of, Tom. Chris thought that was a grand idea. I got up and rushed out to the street, Tom following shortly after.
"Have you seen all the films leading up to Thor 2?" he asked, breaking the silence.
I nodded as I watched my feet. I felt someone yank my arm and I fell into a body, I looked up to see Tom above me.
"Sorry, that bike rider almost took you out." He swallowed.
I grinned bashfully, "Thanks."
We arrived at the store and I searched quickly for the perfect dress.I grumbled and groaned because I wasn't a "dress" type girl, I like my jeans and tees. I finally decided on one though and grabbed some shoes to go with it. As I paid for my things,I searched the store for Tom. I went out of the store to see if he was waiting. Nowhere to be seen, so I started off towards the bar.
"Tanlor!" I heard someone shouting.
I spun around to see Tom chasing after me. Once he caught up with me he handed me a bag.
"To match you outfit. " He grinned.
I opened the bag and saw designer brand jewelry, my jaw gaped.
"Uh, I don't know what to say." I stammered.
"Don't just think of it as welcome home and nice to meet you." he chuckled.
I smiled and my phone rang. Chris. I answered and was told they had already left so I would need to see if Tom could take me and meet him there. Tom didn't care to, he opened the car door and went around to the other side and we took off. Tom gave him directions and we arrived at a condo.
"What are we doing here?" I panicked.
He laughed, "You have to get ready don't you. I'll wait for you, the bathroom is the third door on the left as you enter."
I rushed in and shimmied out of my work clothes and into glam. I searched my purse for some of my makeup and reapplied some. I pulled my hair up into a loose and messy bun, pinning my bags back with a bobby pin. I hurried out to the car, as I jumped in we took off.
"You look stunning." Tom glowed.
I blushed and thank him and looked out the window. The crowds of people got larger as we got closer and we came to a stop.
"Take my hand." Tom blurted.
I did as he said and we crawled out. The lights we all but blinding, I was out of my comfort zone. grasped Tom's hand tighter and he looked at me. I gave him a scared look and he pulled me close to him.
"Tom! Tom!" A blonde interviewer shouted.
We made our way to her, him never letting go.
"Who is this young, beautiful girl?" she piped looking me up and down.
My free hand couldn't help but fidget with the seam on my skirt.
"She's a good friend's sister. She came in from out of town and needed things for the premiere, I offered to take her." he told.
"Your name hun?" she asserted, shoving her mic in my face.
"Uh, I-" Tom squeezed my hand. "Tanlor Evans." I gulped.
"Evans? As in Chris?"
"He is my big brother."
She grinned and we went on down the carpet. We entered the theater and found Chris and Rob immediately. Chris smelled of alcohol and he was being his goofy self. I found my way to the bar and ordered me a drink. I but all sipped it down in one gulp. My nerves were in shock, my mind was running a million miles an hour. But those blue eyes calmed my mind, like nothing can touch me. I turned to see him talking to Chris, and Chris looked at me, smiling.
//*Tom's POV*\\
I watched her down her drink and Chris approached me.
"She's something isn't she?" He asked.
"Yeah, she is." I muttered and grinned.
Chris looked over at her and smiled. "She is available."
"I am not though." I replied.
"Well possibly not after tonight." he chuckled.
I smiled as she joined us. Chris joked about me and her, she blushed and pushed her bangs behind her ears. She was a beauty, there was no doubting that. They announced that the movie would be playing soon, she followed Chris to our seats.