The Downfall of the Creed


It is the summer of 1515, and with every passing day, Venice becomes more and more calescent as the summer rolls through. Sunshine is pouring down in the streets, and along the waterways that travel within the city. It's at the peak temperature of the year today, and it's only just begun. The narrow alleyways beneath the buildings are packed with the homeless and poor trying to shade themselves from the baneful sun. The streets are not as filled as usual, even some of the merchants had decided to abandon their stands. Meanwhile, in the more prosperous district, a church bell tolls in the steaming sunlight.

A dark, indistinguishable figure is seen sprinting across the decorated rooftops, climbing every ledge, jumping every gap and rolling off his landings flawlessly, without losing any speed. The mysterious figure emits a shadow over the deserted streets of Venice as he makes his way. The church bell tolls again. The figure, who is slowing down to a stop, appears to be a young, tall man dressed in a white long sleeve robe-like material, with a hood covering most of his face. His pants were made of light cloth, and his boots were made of cheap, lightweight leather. Along his robes though, is an entire arsenal of weapons. A long, silver cutlass lies holstered along his waist, and two menacing thick bone daggers lied on the other side of his waist. His belt contains several pouches of all sizes, and numerous small knives lie along the front of his belt. It is fairly obvious that this man was up to something destructive. His long, silky, velvet red cape sways in the wind like a flag. The man stopped on the edge of a building overlooking the courtyard of the Church. Crowds of high-class civilians begin pouring into the courtyard, awaiting for the massive doors to open. The man swoops down from the edge into the crowd of people, landing quiet and soft like a feather, almost drawing no attention and walks along with them. The bell tower on top of the Church is now ringing back-to-back, signalling the beginning of the ceremony.

As the bell tower slows down to a complete stop, there is absolute silence in the air. Almost a minute of silence passes before it is discontinued by a loud grinding of the wood-and-iron church doors opening. Some Catholic Churches have been around for several generations, making the buildings very aged and rusty. Squads of soldiers spill out of the Church, followed by Cardinals dressed in bright, rose red robes. This is a very special occasion, Pope Alexander VI is riding through Venice before his departure. Soldiers and Cardinals spill out of the wide Church doors, followed by a small carriage led by two horses. The man slowly begins making his way to the front of the crowd. Soldiers spill out behind the carriage, but none of the soldiers look as intimidating or frightful as the Pope's personal guards. There were about 5 guards, each outfitted with thick, jet black metal armor, with helmets like Medieval knights, with giant battle axes the size of small children. There is no doubt these guards would be able to stop any threat to the Pope, each one was practically a walking giant. The man was now at the very front of the crowd, with his eyes fixed upon the carriage that was moving ever so slowly across the courtyard. Opening a pouch in his belt, he pulls out a handful of dense iron balls, the size of small marbles.

The carriage was starting to get closer and closer to the man. With his free hand, he reached across his body and placed his hand on the handle of his first dagger. As the carriage was now directly in front of him, moving slowly, he broke eye contact and looked into the sky. A single eagle, with majestic wings soared in circles around the courtyard. Its wings cast a shadow over the entire courtyard, partially blocking the empowering sun. As the eagle departed, it let out a marvelous, sharp, and explosive scream that filled the silent courtyard. The man looked down, and looked at the carriage in front of him. There were several guards surrounding the carriage, staring straight ahead. The man then raised his arm up, and before the guards could react, he scattered the iron balls through their feet, and under the carriage. The guards and the soldiers behind the carriage were instantly alarmed, and started making their way to the man, weapons drawn. Before they could reach him, the balls detonated, ravaging the formation of the guards, and sending pieces of the carriage in all directions. Everyone was now aware of what was happening. Civilians and cardinals were all sprinting towards the exits, creating a mayhem and a scene of disaster. Guards and soldiers were hunting ferociously for the man, but he had disappeared into the panicking crowd. The guards then turned their attention to the carriage. The back of the carriage was blown to shreds, and it was tipped on the side, but the Pope was left unscathed.

Having their backs turned, the guards occupied themselves assisting the Pope out of the ruined carriage. Then suddenly, the man attacked with a second round of explosives. This time, they showered from above. The guards took preparations this time, and hauled the Pope out of the carriage before it exploded into wood chips. This time, the explosives were more fatal. Blood painted the courtyard grounds and pavement from some unaware soldiers standing beside the carriage, and several others were wounded. The guards were now in a panic, fear was striking them in the hearts. Everything was going according to plan. The man dropped down into the courtyard. His fall emitted a shadow that alerted the guards. The guards unsheathed their battle axes.

"Transport him to the sanctuary, and seal the doors." One guard muttered to the other. The guard nodded his head, and lifted the Pope on his shoulders, and scrambled towards the Church. The guards bolted to the mysterious attacker, preparing to slash and destroy him. The man grabbed one of the small knives from the front of his belt, and got into a defense position. The first guard, who had reached the attacker much faster than the others, swung at him with all of his might, but the man dodged to the side. The swing threw the guard's balance off, and the man leaped on him, and sunk the knife inside his neck. As the man looked up, the rest of the guards had arrived, and were about to slash him. The man rolled backwards and got on his feet quickly, as the guards were within swinging distance. He quickly stomped on ground, and a 3 inch blade emitted through both of his boots. The guards simultaneously swung at him from all directions, and the man dropped, barely dodging all of the swings. Battleaxes hit other battleaxes, cause a bit of a stumble. The man kicked at the nearest guard's leg, digging his blade all the way in. The guard screamed in pain, and fell over.

Quickly, the man rolled backwards away from the guards, dodging another attempt to chop him into pieces. He stumbled back on his feet, and unsheathed his long, silver blade. Just as he unsheathed his blade, he was barely able to block another aggressive slash. He used the momentum from the block to twist behind the guard very briskly. Blood trickled down the man's fingers as he slit the guard's throat. As the lifeless body dropped, the remaining two guards came chucking at the attacker. The man blocked, but it sliced his blade into several fragments. He dropped the handle of his sword, and the guards retaliated again almost immediately. Dodging their attacks yet again, the man promptly picks up a battleaxe of one of the fallen guards. Regaining their balance, both the guards then swung again from above. The man slides between the guard's, and stands up behind them. Before the two guards were able to turn around, the man slams the battleaxe down on the closest guard's head. The last guard, who is now completely terrified, drops his battleaxe and runs towards the exit of the courtyard.

A loud grinding noise fills the air. Startled, the man realized what's happening. The doors are closing... With extreme haste, he bolts towards the church. He grabs a handful of explosives from his pouch, and pulls his arm back ready to throw them. As he releases them, he feels a sharp pain in his right leg, and stumbles into the ground. A loud slam fills the air as the doors are shut, and a loud lock mechanism is heard. Explosions go off in front of the Church, but it doesn't alter the doors in any way. Church doors were crafted to be sturdy. The man attempts to get up, but fails. He rolls over, and discovered the source of his pain. A soldier was standing behind him, slowly walking towards the man, loading up a crossbow for the last shot. The man pulled his sleeve up, to reveal a mechanism around his forearm, going all the way up past his elbow. He pulled a small switch, then aimed his arm towards the guard. A loud shot echoed through the desolate courtyard, and the guard dropped.

Blood was everywhere. The entire courtyard was a debacle. Dead bodies laid everywhere, bits and pieces of the carriage were scattered, and the clean, paved Church grounds were turned into a murder scene. Grunting, the man pulled the arrow clean out of his leg. His white robes were now splattered blood red. "I've got to get out of here." He said to himself. Staying in the courtyard would only be a mistake, it was a matter of time before reinforcements showed up. Chances of reaching the Pope now would be futile, it would take a battering ram to even crack the thick wood doors. Running with a somewhat limp, he made his escape into the city, back to the Assassin base.