A Girl In The Shadows

My Only Ending

That day i walked home feeling guilty, and that i wished i hadnt done it....

The walk home felt like i was in a tragic movie and that the worst was coming in the form of a Philippino woman who calls her self my mother.

I walked on to the drive way, and took a deep breath.

I walked forward.

Images flashed through my mined of my terribled life.

Tears of pure sadness streamed down my face

There was alawys so kind of thing that could have been prevented. They weren't. obviously....

i just wish i could have had someone i could go to.

But they would tell me everthing will be ok.

And in the end i knew i would get hurt.

then someone else would say time and love will erase everything.

There's just too much that time could not erase.

And there's noone that would ever love me.........

I reached for the key and unlocked the door.

I stepped inside.

A rush of wind hit me, and i fell to the floor.

The world went dark.

It was peacefull

And i drifted into what was now my death.

My happily ever after!!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
read my other stories............................. theyll be just as sad and depressing!