Status: Only just started

Unlikely Events

Chapter 4 - Dinner

Julias POV:

Dylan had held my hand until we had reached his car - which was when he opened the door for me and then walked around to the drivers side. His hands were lovely and big, and mine seemed to disappear in his. I loved the feel of my hands with his.

He had taken me to a small resteraunt in the depths of the little town. I had never been in this street, much less this place. It was beautiful. I think its called Thai Orchid. The interior was small, dimly lit, with small tables in each corner.
"I love it Dylan" I said for the 100th time as we were eating out amazing dinners. He smiled at me kindly.

"I´m glad you do, wasn´t sure what kind of food you like" he smirked and gently stroked the fingers of my hand that was resting on the table, sending my heart to a frenzied beating rhythm. Why was it doing that? I barely KNOW the guy I told myself.

"How long are you in the UK for anyway?" I asked casually. I didnt want to fall for this guy and end up not seeing him ever again. Happened before - dont need it again. Not that I had a lot of control in the matter to be honest.

"No idea... no work coming up so I can choose really" he said with a shy smile. My stomach did summersaults. *I really need to figure out how to stop it from doing that* i thought.

"ah ok" I dumbly reply. *Why in the hell did I say that?? Could I sound any dumber?* I wondered to myself.

Dylans POV:

What did it mean that she asked me how long Im here for? Well Im not even sure why Im sat here with her so I shouldnt overthink it. My thoughts were clouding my mind and I must have zoned out because I came back to my sesnses when a hand waved in my face.

"helllooo???" I heard Julias mocking voice - " Are you still there or what?" she smiled at me mockingly. I felt myself blush. SHIT.

"I am SO sorry" I quickly apologised feeling like a right idiot. I had a tendency to screw up dates. Especially the first ones. Which always left a great impression...

"I was wondering whether you wanted to go to get some drinks after this?" she asked - suddenly it was her turn to blush and look at me all shy.

I smiled and inside I felt butterflies taking over my stomach in a sudden rush. I wanted to say yes. And it was like I didnt even have the time to think about before I nodded and smiled "Id love to " I said my voice raspy.


After we finished dinner and paid the bill - or I did after a mini-fight over who should (Julia tried to insist in paying her part which I would not let her) we headed out to drinks. This should be a good evening ...
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Lame chapter SORRY :P Better one to follow on the weekend when I have more time!
Feedback is welcoem anyways.
Hope you enjoy this