Status: Only just started

Unlikely Events

Chapter 5

Julias POV:

A few hours later I found myself still sat in a Pub - maybe a little too close to Dylan, probably having drunk far too much. My inhibitions had dropped and I now made my interest in Dylan rather clear - not on purpose of course , but hey I am so not subtle when I had a few drinks.
And I have that tendency to loose count of how many drinks I have had when I dont pay for them myself. So yeah. Oops.

"So whats it like being a famous and all that?" I asked - feeling the slight slur in my words more then I could hear it.

"Ehm dunno. I am a normal human really. I have legs, I walk around I can breathe - weird I know" he answered with a cheeky grin and a slight slur in his voice too.

I giggled, though really it wansnt all that funny. "Yeah you can eat and drink too by the looks of things" I replied and giggled even more. Dylan smiled and laughed "Yap, yap I can, and speaking of it I need another drink". He smiled sweetly and got up to go to the bar.

We were sat in the corner on a nice big sofa. Or I was. Dylan had so far been sat on the sofa opposite. They were both dark brown and wonderfully compfortable. It almost felt like sitting at home on your own couch.

Dylan sighed as he sat back down with his now full glass - right next to me. I was taken by surprise.
"Why hello there - inching closer and closer are we?" I grinned at him. A slight blush spread across his face and he smiled shyly.

"Maybe.." he whispered, placing his drink on the table, then bringing his now cool hand slowly toward my cheek resting it there.....


The next day I woke up with a slight headache. I was wearing my underwear and a big T-Shirt (my normal version of PJs). I got out of bed in search for a glass of water. I peeked into the living room to see whether I had left my cup out the day before, and almost got a heartattack when I saw a moving pile of blankets on the sofa.

"What the he-_" I started but was cut off by the pile of blankets shrieking (apperently equally shocked) and jumping up. I saw skin ( a lot of skin) and finally a head with messed up hair appearing from the layers of material.

"You scared the shit out of me" Dylan exclaimed - a bit too loudly. I exhaled and relaxed.

"You scared me just as much!" I replied now laughing. I had totally forgotten that Dylan had crashed on the sofa as he had been everything BUT sober last night. I relaxed and plopped myself onto the couch next to Dylan.

"How you feeling today?" I almost giggled at his expression.

"Slightly hungover I will admit" he said, cringing as he slowly rubbed his temples with his fingers.

"OH so FAMOUS people get hangovers too?" I joked and smiled at him. he just laughed and poked me in the side causing me to poke him. The whole thing escalated into a tickle fight which I knew I could not win. I closed my eyes and tried to hold back my laughing but soon collapsed and giggled. When I opened by eyes Dylan was half on top of me, resting his weight on his elbows on either side of me.
I blushed instantly and looked him in the eyes. They were a beatiful hazel color and I could have looked at them all day. My tongue darted out to wet my lips a smile playing on them.

Dylan smiled down at me, rising one eyebrow as if asking a question with his eyes. I nodded slowly my eyes darting between his lips and his yes. I couldnt decide which was nicer to look at.
He slowly leaned in, closing his eyes as my own fluttered shut, my heart beating at one hundred times the rate it should be, and when his soft lips met mine it felt like my heart was going to explode.
The kiss was tentative at first, but soon became more passionate, Dylan moving his soft lips against mine, his tongue tracing my lower lip asking for entrance, his weight now resting on me, one of his hands cupping my cheek. I smiled against his lips and parted mine. I carefully nibbled on his lower lip causing him to moan gently as our tongues started to dance and move against each other. This must have been the best kiss I had ever had. It felt like every cell in my body was on full attention.
Dylan now kissed down my jaw, then my neck. my neck was my weak spot, and he had me softly moaning pressing my neck against his lips.
When his lips recaptured mine we kissed for a while longer, and after we broke apart I was breathless.

"Wow" we both whispered at the same time with content smiles on our faces. I giggled.

So, I am not sure if I can still deny the undeniable.

I had fallen for Dylan. Way. Too. Fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
TADA hope thats a bit better then the last one

Comment if you want more :P