Status: Completed as of 8/13/13 9:30 Tuesday


"Say it ain't so..."

*Three days ago*

Daniela POV

“Listen will ya? I’m tryin’ to possibly save your life from the psycho bitch that’s threatening our lives!” John shouted to me, after my third escapes attempt from him. Key word is attempt, it’s not really helping that he has about 50 pounds on me all of pure muscle. I scoff and try to loosen his grip on my arm, which was getting uncomfortably tight.

“Let go.” I grit out while still trying to loosen his grip. He let’s go after a minute of studying my face and glances down at my arm. Glancing down I immediately saw the bruise already starting to form on my forearm. “Do you see this? This is from you trying to possibly save my life! I don’t want or need your help so stop pretending that you care!” I shouted towards him and walked to my front door with him following close behind me. “Get out and don’t come back.” I said opening the door for him to walk out through.

“Fine. When you need me don’t come and find me then,” John spat at me before walking out the door and getting into his truck. I sighed and closed the door before walking back into my house and upstairs into my room.

“I need a bath.” I said to myself going into my bathroom and starting my bath water. I got my bath stuff ready and turned the water off before getting into the tub. “Ah… that feels nice.” I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, deciding to bask in the quietness of my home before something ruins it. I thought back to what John was saying to me earlier, when the conversation was actually decent.

Him trying to save my life? I didn’t believe it then ad I still don’t believe it now. He didn’t care about me enough back in high school to even stay with me for his child, the one I never got to have.

Once I got out of my bath and walked into my room, the floorboards in the hallway were creaking under someone’s weight that wasn’t mines. “Who’s there?” I called out to them, hoping to scare them off once they found out my house wasn’t empty like they probably thought.

I heard the footsteps become faster in the direction of my room. “Ah… there she is.” I turned to see my door open and a buff man walk into my room with, the women I recognized as Dominick, come in behind him. I made to run to my window with every step he took closer to me but Dominick stop me.

“Ah, ah, ah… wouldn’t want our little party to be ruin would we?” Dominick asked me before grabbing my arm in the same spot as John did earlier making me cry out in pain. She looked down at my arm and smirk. “Already injured? Tell me who did this?”

“J-John. He w-was h-here earlier t-to w-warn me a-about y-you.” I told her, stuttering on some of my words. The man and Dominick shared a secretive smile before looking back at me. The man pulled out some rope and tied my arms behind my back while Dominick tied my legs together. After they were finished he lifted me up and carried me out of my house and pushed me into their car before driving off.



Third Person POV

Dominick and Claude carried Daniela into the dark and damp basement where John was also tied up.

“What have you done to her?” John’s voice could be heard asking as light came in through the cellar doors.

“Nothing knocked her out and tied her up. Much like we did to you actually.” Claude’s voice could be heard answering and he sat Daniela down on the floor before untying her and retying her to the support beam in the basement.

“Come on Claude, we have to go but we’ll be back later John.” Dominick spoke her voice echoing in the empty basement where they kept John and Daniela tied up. Unknown to them John had untied himself while they went to fetch Daniela. Once they left he made quick work of untying her and trying to wake her up. Once she finally woke up she was dizzy and semiconscious.

“Come on we have to go.” John’s voice rang out in the silence trying to get Daniela to move faster towards the doors.

“Huh, why?” Daniela asked, slowly regaining consciousness.

“No time to explain, we have to get out of here, now.” John said before he pulled them up and into the forest where Dominick’s safe house was hidden. It was nighttime at the moment, which gave John more hope of him and Daniela escaping. He planned this very thoroughly since he been there almost three days now.

“Come on, come on.” John mumbled under his breath hoping he was leading them in the direction of civilization. He hoped if he got close enough to the road they could follow it in the woods to a city. “Daniela a little faster please.” John said to her making her move faster so neither of them would get caught.

‘I shouldn’t be saving her when she denied my help three days ago. Shouldn’t left her to rot inside the cellar, should’ve showed her where denying my help got her. Dead.’ John thought but shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. Almost three hours later he found a road and they followed it for miles, only taking a break about every half an hour. “Almost there.” John mumbled, pleased that they had got away from Daniela and Claude.

Almost a day later they finally spotted a city. “Daniela, up ahead is a city. Come on.” John said urging Daniela to go faster, by now Dominick must’ve noticed that the cellar was empty and would surly be searching for them. “Alright almost there.” A full hour later they had made it into the city and tried to find someone to help them, although nobody seemed to believe them. ‘Farfetched’ they said, ‘ridiculous’ said another; ‘outrageous’ said the last person they asked before deciding to try and save themselves once more.

They ended up alone in an empty house and John finally collapsed, passing out. Daniela followed behind him, John and Daniela both passed out on the wide, empty floor door open wide for anybody to come in.

One of Dominick’s helpers happened to be in the city and heard of the two people, a lady and a man, who claimed to have escaped and were trying to find help. Not that they got any but they were trying and it failed, very badly. He happened to walk past the opened door and peaked in to see John and Daniela passed out on the floor, still in their dirty and overused clothes. He called Claude to come and help him take they back to the cellar, where they were to be tortured and killed.

When the people of the city saw them being carried by Claude and the helper they wished they could reverse time to believe the man and lady about their accusations but they couldn’t.


*Two years later*

Two years have pasted and no one in the city has seen or heard from the man or lady since Claude and the helper carried them out of the city. Some say that they escaped again and didn’t come back to the city; others say they’re dead, while others believed they are still being tortured to this day. Nobody knows which of these are true except Claude, the helper, John, Dominick, and Daniela. Well, the helper, Claude and Dominick since John and Daniela are dead and have been dead for about a year and a half.

After only six months of being tortured the two were practically begging to die. Claude and the helper happily granted their wish while Dominick watched transfixed and happy at their deaths. She had transformed into a whole new person than before. Thus, her second transformation took place and since she gotten her revenged on her high school nightmares she decided she’d change for the better.

But everyone know the evil is never really gone from a person, only subdued.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the end. Goodbye, adios, véale más adelante! Hoped you liked it.