Status: Hey guys! I wouldn't call myself a "writer" but when I have an idea I love to share it! Please give me honest feedback, greatly appreciated! Thanks

(Undecided- throw me some ideas!)

Table Nine


There are many things that I could scribble down on these pages. I could tell you what I ate for breakfast, I could describe how these pages smell crisp and floral, I could say that the pen I am writing with is faded silver with a single pearl at the end of it or I could explain to you what happened today, an electric, romantic jolt to my heart. I saw him. It was as if the sun had known where to shine on his face to make me automatically lock eyes with him.
I was working outside serving tables and he was making his way to his friends a few tables over. He broke our eye contact and scooted up his chair and engaged in his buddy's conversation. I responded by clearing away plates and made my way inside to the kitchen counter. “Table 9, jean shirt.” I whispered to my friend, Haven. She raised her tray to scout the table and her eyes stopped scattering around. She spotted him alright! “Is he not fine?! Good eyes there, girl!” I smirked at her and replied, “HE'S the one with good eyes, they were locked on me till he sat down!” Haven gave me an unbelieving look “Yeah, and I'm a size 6 with a man on each hip. Jessica needs help at a table, can you help her? I'm stacked with trays.” I squinted my eyes at her as if I were measly amused by her comment. Jessica motioned me over, “Rhian. I'll put you at...Table 9, here are their orders, ring them in and get someone to take trays out with you.” She handed me the tickets and waved for me to go. “With me?” I asked in a questioning tone. “Yes. Now ring those in before the food is late” I rang the food in and looked over to his table, the guys were talking and having fun. The food was ready in what it seemed faster than usual. Here we go, I thought, don't fall on your face, just give them the food and walk back to the kitchen. We placed the food in front of the guys and I started walking towards the kitchen but one of the guys chimed in before I could walk away. “Could we get some refills?” He asked. “Mhmm, what do you all have?” I asked while wiping my hands off. “Coke. Mountain Dew. Root Beer. Coke. Coke. Water. Water with lemon. Water with no lemon.” One of the guys asked “Can you remember that? You didn't fill it in your pad.” He challenged me to remember. So I fired back and recited them all in order. They all clapped and were surprised I remembered everything. I nodded and smiled and headed back to the kitchen. When I got back there Haven was giggling at me. She seems a little suspicious, I thought. “Did you tell Jessica to put me on Table 9?!” I leaned on the counter and shook my head and laughed. “You're welcome by the way. You would have never went over there if it weren't for me. I saw him, he is totally into you. You better make something happen before they leave or I will!” she gave me a push with her elbow and I pushed back harder and made my way over to the door outside.
I arrived with the drinks and sat them down and did a basketball spin with my tray. “Anything else I can get for you gentlemen?” The guy at the end nudged the guy in the jean shirt and smiled. “Maybe a number for my friend here?” All of the guys joined in teasing him and he lowered his head in embarrassment. “How about you give me yours? I can remember it.” I smiled and shifted my weight and held the tray under my arm. “763-4226” he said leaning up in his seat crossing his arms. “Okay. Well you guys have a fine night, I hope you enjoyed your time here.” I concluded and his friends got up and left. I started towards the kitchen and someone called out to me, it was his friend that had asked for my number. “You did a fine job tonight. Here's extra tip. My bud, Jordan, is very into you. Don't break his heart now, you hear?” He handed me the money and nodded a good-bye. 763-4226, I ran the numbers through my head walking inside the restaurant.