Status: Hey guys! I wouldn't call myself a "writer" but when I have an idea I love to share it! Please give me honest feedback, greatly appreciated! Thanks

(Undecided- throw me some ideas!)

Out For Drinks


Monday came and I scuffed my feet into work, I hate Mondays! At least both Haven and I are assigned to clean tables and not serve for half of our shifts. Haven bumped her butt to mine to make room to help clean off a booth before we opened for lunch. We chatted about how our weekends were, I had stayed home most of the time and Haven had come home for a couple days to see her parents. “Do you want to go out for drinks tonight?” She asked. “ I have study tables tonight after work...but I do get off early. Where did you want to go?” I asked while folding silverware and placing the menus back. “Nowhere special. I thought we could take a load off from all these extra days we have had to work. Stupid people keep calling in sick or vacation, and we get stuck with all of their jobs. Reggie should just hire more to be on staff, we have been super busy lately.” Haven looked over at Reggie by the front door who was talking into his microphone to the manager standing outside. “Okay, that sounds fine. Do you want to just meet me at Pat's Grill around 8?” I suggested to her. “Sounds like a plan! See you after work, Rhi!” My shift was 11-7 o'clock, I would be looking over to the clock for the next nine hours.
After saying good-bye to the remaining staff I jumped into my car and headed home to change. I threw myself, my keys and purse onto the bed and stared into my closet. It seemed empty even though it was filled to maximum capacity with mostly MANGO, Candies, Express brands with a few thrift shop finds from this recent Saturday. “Green dress, too fancy. Peach blazer with cream sequin crop top, no. Ah-ha! My yellow and neon blue blouse and skinny denims. Suitable and fitting for drinks.” Dressed and now I'm in dyer need of makeup! I washed my face and patted it dry. Something simple, not too dark or dramatic. I opened my green scale pallet, took some of the Emerald-City green and painted it on with an angled brush. I added a dash of Gold-Leaf yellow into the inside corner of my eyes. Ready! My phone buzzed, “Ready when you are! I'm in the drive, no rush.”- Haven.
When we pulled in to Pat's Grill to park it was pretty much packed all out. Luckily, Haven spotted a space all the way in back of the restaurant right by the dumpsters. “Yummy! That food smells so good, I'm starved!” Haven said hopping onto the sidewalk. The hostess seated us into a booth and we settled ourselves and looked at the menus. “Do you see anything that looks good?” Haven asked as she read the menu. “They have an Asian chicken salad or spicy noodles with roasted peppers. I think I might get the salad.” The waiter walked up to get our drinks and said he would be right back with them and to get our orders. “Nice place! I haven't really been here since they opened a few years back.” I tried to make conversation but Haven had her eyes glued on the basketball game that was on the plasma screen behind me. “Hmm? Oh yeah, it's very cozy. I came here a couple weeks back with Jessica and her friends.” We sipped our drinks and talked about the game and work.
“So about that guy. Did you ever call him?” Haven asked setting her drink aside. Acting like I didn't want to answer her I looked side to side trying to sip my Strawberry Mojito. “Rhi, come on! Seriously. You know what, we are going to do it right now!” Before I could reach for my phone she had already confiscated it and started tapping on the screen then handed it to me. I nervously held it to my ear and heard him pick up.
“Hello? Hello? The screen is black, I can't see anything...” Haven motioned for me to look at the screen and talk. She accidentally Face-timed him instead of calling! “Umm hi! Sorry is this a bad time?” I asked. He looked like he was eating somewhere but before I could see where he was his friend from the restaurant took his phone. “Guys look it's the hot waitress!” They all cheered and got up into the phone screen. He refocused onto my screen after he had retrieved it back from the group of guys. “No you're fine. Is this a bad time for you too?” He asked looking around my screen to see where I was as well. “I'm just out with my friend for dinner. Who called you herself to get me to talk to you.” I laughed and she made a face at me playfully. “Oh, ha ha. I'm glad she did.” he smiled at me and I smiled back. “I can see you are out with your friends. It looks like you are having a great time!” I chimed in hoping he could hear me from the loud music. “Yeah we are actually going to head our to a bar lounge by 96th if you and your friend would want to join? It'll be a great time!” I looked back at Haven as she was eating and gave me a thumbs up. “Sounds good! I'll let you know when we are headed that way.” He waved bye and winked. I sat my phone down and took a bite of my salad.
“Yeah? Yeahhhhhh. Look at you with your big girl pants on! Stuff your face, we need to go asap. I wanna dance!” I took a few more big bites of my salad and sipped the rest of my drink, got our coats and headed out to 96th. We got in the car and I flipped the visor down to check my makeup and hair and reapplied my Cover-girl lip-shine. The gloss shined from the streetlights and I anxiously smoothed my lips until we arrived to the bar lounge.