Status: Hey guys! I wouldn't call myself a "writer" but when I have an idea I love to share it! Please give me honest feedback, greatly appreciated! Thanks

(Undecided- throw me some ideas!)

Electric Feel


Walking across the dance floor was exhilarating! The bass pumped through my chest and the blood in my veins began to pulsate. It was a very intimate setting with barely any lighting but the large candle fixtures sitting on each table. Everything was black and white; the couches, rugs, tiled floor, even the M&Ms at the center of each table. I popped a few in my mouth and Haven pulled me over to sit with her on the long, sleek white and black couches. I looked all around enjoying the scenery, each element of the room caught my eye. My eyes trailed up to the balcony where the private VIP lounges were. Haven nudged me to look over to the stairs, Jordan waved for us to come up. “VIP lounge? Wow. I feel like royalty!” Haven joked in a exaggerated English accent. “Totallyyyy!” We both said, that was something we would say that all the time when we were younger.
The upstairs set a different mood than down at the bar. It was decorated like different eras of music! To the right of us, the lounge was decorated like the 60's; with big and bright colors, the waitresses were dressed in mod-clothes with short bobbed haircuts. The left room boomed out jazz music with a remixed touch that ingeniously tied it all in to the current time's music and the waiters and waitresses were dressed as old bartenders and flappers. Jordan led us into the lounge and I waved to the guys standing by the balcony.
“I love the 70's!” I said to Jordan. “I'm sorry?” he said holding his other ear to cancel out the music. “I love the 70's!” I pulled him closer and spoke in his ear. He pulled my closer holding my neck, “Me too! Want a drink?” I waved it away, thanking him. I was not about to get drunk! But Haven handed me a shot of some green colored stuff. “Drunken Apple shot! You need it. 1, 2, 3!” Haven chanted and tipped my glass all the way up. “Is that lighter fluid?” I coughed and shook my head. “Loosen up Rhi! You haven't had a Drunken Wednesday in awhile! Show him your wild side.” Haven growled like a cat and made a clawing gesture. She whisked away one of Jordan's friends to dance.
Why don't I know how to have fun? I thought to myself and sat down on the couch by Jordan. “Are you having fun? Haven looks like she is having a little too much!” Jordan laughed pointing down to the dance floor. She was grinding all over his friend, she did a twirl and then pointed up to me. Was this a fifth grade dance battle? Maybe she's right, I do need to loosen up. With that, I took Jordan's shoot glass and drank it and sat it face-down on the glass table. I took my ponytail out and ruffled my hair and jumped onto the table and started to dance. Jordan looked surprised! He took my hand and helped my jump down and he pulled me to the dance floor. Most of that part is all blurred into one- I do remember looking at Haven and us both smiling and dancing to our favorite song. Electric Feel by MGMT faded in to the speakers and Jordan started singing to it. In disbelief I joined in singing too. “Turn me on with your electric feel...” We were staring into each others eyes, I was easily lost. He took my hand and intertwined my fingers with his and kissed me. In those three minutes of the song, at that moment, it felt like the whole place had stopped. The lights all on us it seemed. Him holding me from behind and feeling my fingers. Sensual.
Haven had ran to the bathroom because she felt sick. Like any good friend, I held her hair back while she puked. It's girl-code. “Oh God am I pregnant?” Haven cried looking up to me from the toilet. “No you're not pregnant. You just had too much to drink. I'll go get you a water, clean up your face and I will be right back.” I tried not to laugh at her and I flung the big door open to get her water. When I got back she was propped up on the sink counter with her head leaned against the mirror. “Here's some aspirin, you'll be shipshape in no time.” I assured her. “I think it was the spicy noodles back at the restaurant, because I feel fine now. Thanks Rhi. Isn't this fun?” Haven slipped down and washed her hands. “A little” I joked and she looked at me in the mirror and smiled. “Am I going to have to drive home by myself or are you crazy enough to join me?” She asked. A couple more girls came in and passed by us so we decided to leave the bathroom.
“If he asks I might, I'm not sure. We just met and this isn't like a movie where it won't be awkward afterward. Maybe.” I pointed at her before she could say anything witty.
The music had died down a little in the lounge so everyone that wanted to talk or eat could do so. Our waiter took our orders and Haven and I both got the appetizer sampler, something light so we wouldn't feel too sick. “I'm Tucker by the way.” Jordan's friend said to me. “Nice to meet you. I'm Rhian.” I greeted across the table. “I really like you socks! I'm a sock person, sorry.” I said hoping no one thought I was a freak. “I told you they were cool! She digs my socks. In yo face!” Tucker joked at Jordan. In response I lifted up my foot and took my shoe off to show them my socks which had eggs, bacon, and toast on them. “Those are probably the coolest socks ever. Winner right there, dude. Winner.” He said looking at my feet. “Thank you! I picked them up a few weeks back at a cute little shop when I visited my mom up in Roseburrow.” I said putting my shoes back on. “Roseburrow? My brother lives up there!” Jordan said. “Who is your brother? It's kind of a small town so we might know him!” Haven spoke up. “Shawn Weston.” He said. The waiter brought our food and set my food in front of me. I looked directly at Haven and then down to my plate trying not to make a big scene. Did he just say Shawn Weston? “Yeah, I have heard of him...He works at Aunt Male’s grocery doesn't he?” Haven asked, trying to let me think for a bit before I said anything. Instead of going into freak-out-mode, I calmed my nerves down and added, “I think that's right.” I said sounding normal now. “Yep. He has worked there for the past couple years now, since graduating high school. But he is moving in with Tucker and I in a few weeks.” Jordan turned to me and said. “He is a great guy. I'll be sure to bring him to lunch or dinner one night where Rhian works. That would be fun.” Tucker said looking at me. “Sounds fun! I'll be sure to keep a look out for your table so I could serve you guys.” I smiled at both Jordan and Tucker.
Haven took her phone out of her purse and I thought she might be checking how late it was, but then I felt my phone buzz on my leg. I discreetly slid it to the side of my leg and opened the text, “Shawn is Jordan's brother? I wonder if Jordan has said anything about you.” I clicked the lock-screen and dismissed what I just read.
Haven glanced at me and decided to kill the awkward silence, “Can you believe how the game went tonight? I was so disappointed. How can you miss a side-court shot when no one is there to block you?!” That got the ball rolling. “That was insane! The whole bar yelled watching him.” Jordan said, he seemed very into sports. “You seem very into basketball. Did you ever play?” Tucker asked Haven. “No I never played but I have an older brother and my dad and they basically raised me on it. You could say I'm that rare breed of girls that actually understand it. Rhi and I used to play volleyball together back in high school! The Ravens, remember Rhi?” Haven tried pulling me into the conversation. “Oh yeah, senior year we won the state title against our rival school.” I said engaging in the conversation finally. “I think I remember hearing about that! What position did you play?” Jordan asked. “Outside corner. The game was heated. The other team was called out by the referee from throwing the ball over the net, and not spiking it like she was supposed to and she ended up hitting one of our players in the nose. I brought the score up by hitting every ball that came over our side right back at them!” I exclaimed. “Yeah, I think she turned green.” Haven joked and everyone laughed.
The music paused and the DJ announced that the club was closing in forty-five minutes. Haven slipped her jacket on and got her keys ready as Jordan and Tucker scooted out of the couch so I could get out. Jordan scratched his head nervously and asked if we wanted to come back by their place to hangout for a little bit more. “We could rent a movie?” Tucker suggested and put his arm over Haven's shoulder. In response Haven gently picked up his arm and threw it off her shoulder, “Actually, I think we should just head out. Work has been crazy and I”m sure Reggie will give us a call to come in tomorrow.” Jordan moved closer to me and I shifted my weight, “What about you, Rhian?” he asked me. “Sorry boys, but she rode with me. BUT you can call her sometime, Friday, and ask her what time our work party is.” Haven patted my back and smiled at her creative idea. “Okay, we're free Friday.” Jordan said sounding interested in her proposal. With that, we all walked down the stairs and out the back door. Tucker walked Haven to the car and Jordan and I stayed behind them. The night air was cool and refreshing from the hot and smelly club. When we reached the car, Tucker and Haven quickly pulled away from each other and both laughed at us looking at them kissing. “Hey slow-pokes, come on. I'll see you Friday, Tucker.” Haven smiled and jumped in the car and looked at me through the open window. Jordan walked over to my side of the car and stood there looking at his feet and then to me. It happened again, that eye thing. He leaned into my open window and rested his hand on the roof. “See you Friday. You ladies have a nice night.” He slid his hand over mine that was laying on the door. We both said bye, and Haven revved the engine and backed out.

Chapter 4 awaits!.....