She's a Rebel

Pinch me, I must be dreaming.

“Eeew, go take a shower you stink! And you have been wearing that same Green Day shirt for the last 3 days!” – Emily said
“Well you stink too! Do I really have to!?” I always hated showers.
“ YES. We have to get ready, were going In a couple of hours.” Oh yeah, I forgot about that stupid party.
“Alright, but you are going to shower with me!” I said
“Okay. Go turn on the water. HOT water. “
I went to the shower and turned the water on. “Emily! Come.“ I shouted. I took down my clothes and got in. In a couple of moments Emily came and entered the shower. We just stood there for like 10 minutes. I closed my eyes enjoying the hot water on my face. Suddenly I felt Emily’s arm running up and down my thigh, her fingers slowly touching my cuts.

“These one’s are fresh” – She said.
“Yeah, they are”
“I’m sure Tess can help you! She helped me. Look, I haven’t cut in 3 months!” she raised her hands and showed me her wrists. Tess was her therapist.
“I know, and you can’t believe how proud I am of you. But you can’t help a person that doesn’t want to be helped. That just doesn’t work that way.”
“I know honey. I just understand you too good, and can’t stand to see you like that. I love you” She said and hugged me.
“I love you too.” I said and hugged her back. Then she kissed me on the temple.

We left the shower and dried our hair. Emily dressed her Suicide Silence sleeveless t shirt, black skinny jeans that are ripped on knees and some black vans. I took my black shirt with big white stripes, also black pants with a chain on them and completely black All Stars. Of course the shirt was long sleeved. I only wear long sleeves when I’m outside. The last thing that I need is people judging me because of my scars. We sat on the bed. We started watching “Gene Simmons: Family jewels” .

“Hey, we should probably get going.” Emily said
“Why? We have time until the party. “
“Well, I have to go to my house first. To get some money and to tell my parents I’m still alive.”
“Oh, okay. Do I need to bring some money? I thought that this was a house party?”
“No, you don’t have to. It is a house party. But I need money.”
“Yep. And can we please stop by KFC on our way? I’m so freaking hungry!”
“Okay. You and your KFC.” She said. I laughed. She was right. I could eat KFC all day every day.

I took my phone and my headphones (I never leave my house without them), Emily took her backpack and we left. We drove for about 10 minutes in the bus until the KFC. I ended up getting a bucket and some fries. So we caught another bus. I could see in Emily’s eyes that it was awkward for her. I was in my seat, eating sloppy and everyone was looking at me.

“Did you know that somewhere in USA, a woman found a fried...”
“Chicken head in the bucket, I know!” She interrupted me. I guess that I tell that story every time we go to KFC.

Everyone around me just looked away.
We got off the bus and walked a little bit until we reached Emily’s place. It was a pretty big house with a nice front yard and a big pool in the back yard. You would say that a happy family lives their normal lives there, but that wasn’t the case. Ever since Emily was little her parents didn’t treat her right. She was treated just as a person that lives in the house, and not the part of the family. But they loved her older brother. So it was always awkward, coming to her house. Both for her and for me. We entered the house.

“Hey, I’m home.” Emily shouted. No answer. “Hello!” She shouted again.
“Huh, nobody’s home” I said.
“Yeah, I guess.”
She ran up the stairs to her room and I followed her. I turned on her stereo and Serj Tankian - Harakiri started playing. I sat on the bed and watched her pack some clothes in her backpack. In a few moments we came down. She went to the living room and she opened a jar that was standing on the cupboard. She took some money out of it. “They won’t even notice” she said. I laughed. We then took a cab. The party was held by Emily’s friend Max. Max was a cool dude, I have seen him a couple of times.
I hate parties. It’s just… Too many people. The only thing good is the alcohol and dope. We got to the house. You could hear loud punk music. The door was opened and there were some people standing on the side. As soon as we started walking towards the house my hands started shaking. What if I look terrible and everybody’s just looking at me? What if everybody hates me? What if…
My thoughts were interrupted by Emily, taking my hands.

“It’s okay. I’ll be with you all the time. Don’t worry. “ She said and smiled.
“But… Okay. Do I look okay?”
“You look gorgeous! Now come on.” She pulled me in.

God, there were so many people. There was a wasted girl on the stairs. Ha, already. The party started an hour ago. Empty cups and cans of beer were everywhere. I started practicing the conversation with Max in my head. Hi, hi, how are you, good, you, fine… Over and over, in my head. What if I say something wrong?! See this is why I hate going out. Emily saw Max. He was sitting in the living room with his girlfriend Melinda. Emily hugged Melinda and then Max.

“Hey guys! I’m so glad that you came. I haven’t seen you in ages. Hi, Hayley.” Max said.
“Hi Max.” I waved, because I didn’t want to shake hands with him or hug him. ” How are you?”
“I’m fine, like always.” I took out cigarettes out of my pocket and lighted one up. I couldn’t stand this conversation.
“Hey, where’s the beer?” I asked him.
“In the fridge, In the kitchen.”He said pointing behind me.

I turned around and I took a beer. I sat on the couch and stared drinking. Emily was still there, talking to Max. East Jesus Nowhere started playing. I guess the only thing I could do to speed up this night is to get drunk. All of a sudden I realized something. There were a “pack” of girls around a guy, across the room. I so hated that. Those guys would feel so full and perfect and just walk around with a smile on their face, feeling like they could get every girl in the world. Some girls moved, and I saw his face. OH MY FREAKING GOD. That is fucking Joey Armstrong. YES, THE SON OF THE WORLDS MOST HOTTEST MAN BILLIE ARMSTRONG. How did he end up here? Am I hallucinating? I became so nervous. I guess that now I understand why all girls were around him. He caught me looking at him and he smiled. I smiled back. Emily sat down next to me.

“Oh my god, correct me if I’m wrong, but that is fucking Joey Armstrong right there. And don’t look right away. I don’t want it to be so obvious that we are talking about him.” I said into her ear so nobody could hear it. She casually turned and looked.
“What the fuck is he doing here?!” She asked. “Come on, go, say hi.” I started laughing.
“Oh, you were serious. NO. I’m not going to do that.” I said
“Yeah you are right. It would be stupid, with all the girls around. You would just be one of them”
“Yep.” I said. And both of us noticed him coming towards us. I grabbed Emily’s hand. He sat next to me.

“Hey, I’m Joey. And you are…?” he asked me. I’m going to have a panic attack.
“Hayley. Nice to meet you. This is Emily, my best friend.”
“Hi” Emily said.
“Hi there” Joey said.
“Alright, I’m going now. I have to go to the bathroom.” Emily said and left. I knew what she was doing. Why did she leave me alone. I’m going to kill her later.
“Okay” Joey said.
“ So yeah, what’s up?” He asked me.
“Nothing much, just, drinking.”
“Can I have a smoke?” I handed him one. “Thanks”

We ended up talking for the whole night. Emily didn’t come back. That bitch. But I guess he was doing me a favor. We talked about music, I told him that I play the bass, and he told me that he plays drums, what I already know. I didn’t tell him I know who he is. The last thing that I want is for him to think I’m one of those girls, using him to get to Billie. By the end of the night we were so drunk. I don’t remember everything that clearly. But I know that I gave him my number, and that Emily brought me home and fell asleep with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, a new chapter! I hope you guys like it. Leave comments :)
sometimes I will leave a link to polyvore so you can see what Hayley and Emily were wearing! :D - Hayley's outfit - Emily's outfit.