Status: Hey guys... I'm new here!!! Please comment if you want me to continue!!!

From the Beginning

Home Sweet Home

I had just gotten off the plane and was putting my luggage into the truck of the taxi. Christmas vacation was great but LA was my home now, and I was back just in time to celebrate New Years Eve tomorrow. Throughout the 3 weeks at home, I was contacted none stop by Sam or Darren, with an occasional random conversation lead by Joey or Joe. Sam had gone back home to Colorado to spend time with her dad and Darren had gone back home to San Francisco to spend Christmas with his folks. Darren and I had become quite comfortable with our relationship. It went back to what it was like before our awkward encounter. That's what I loved. When most people learn about my condition, our conversations turned into how I felt and I should be careful of this or that, while giving me a pitying look. Even though Darren worried for my health, he did it in a way that didn't make me feel handicapped. We talked forever, causing my family to start with "boyfriend" jokes. Even though I would get bright red and tell them to shut up, I secretly smiled on the inside. It gave me a bit of an imagination of what it would be like if we were together. A girl can dream right? The four of us planned to celebrate New Years together before leaving. I was the last one to arrive in LA. Sam had arrived 5 days ago. Even though Darren and I had talked a lot the past weeks, he hadn't really contacted me the past 6 days. He arrived yesterday from what he told me 2 weeks ago. It didn't really bother me since I knew he hadn't seen his family or hometown in a while, making him super busy. I got to my dorm and opened my door. I had barely made it in before having someone jump on me, hugging me tightly.
"I've missed you!!!!" Sam yelled as she squeezed me even tighter.
"I've missed you too!!!" I said, hugging her back.
We laid on my bed for hours catching up on the 3 long weeks we had missed. Then Sam told me something that made me frown.
"And I was thinking we could have a sort of party at Darren and Joeys place. I told them my idea when I went over and they said that would be fine. Darren and Joey have it all taken care of."
"When did you visit."
"The day I got back, they were both already here."
"Oh..." Darren had lied to me. Why would he need to lie to my about this?
"What wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just a bit tired." I said, trying to hide my sadness.
"Ok well before leaving you so you can sleep, I just wanted to tell you that I invited some of our friends to the party since the boys have invited some of theirs."
"Who did you invite?"
"Matt, Nikki, Steph, Abbey, Justin, Brian, and Harry."
We had met Steph and Abbey when we had to join forces with the theater department to create a short film. We also met Harry and Brian through that project since we needed musicians and vocalists. Steph had introduced me to Nikki, who was majoring in political science who then introduced me to her boyfriend, Justin, who is majoring in architecture. I had know Matt from the first day when we met in my editing class. It's an odd mix but it worked from the day we all meet each other. Other than Sam, they were my friends and my "group" in college.
"Ok. Awesome."
"Yup, well now I'll let you sleep. Goodnight." Sam said and then exited my dorm. Even though I was a bit saddened my Darren's mysterious early flight, I shook it off. Who am I to be getting offended? He doesn't have to tell me anything. It was probably a last minute decision and has been busy ever since. I let it go and got really excited about tomorrow. I really couldn't wait to see those hazel eyes I hadn't seen in 3 weeks.
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