Status: Hey guys... I'm new here!!! Please comment if you want me to continue!!!

From the Beginning

Happy New Year!

I put on my leather rounded mini skirt with my cream sleeveless blouse. I tucked my blouse into my skirt and put my leather jacket on top. I got some black tights and finished it of with my ankle high black boots. I let go of the bun on top of my hair, causing a wave pattern and blow dried my side bangs. While I was finishing my makeup, there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I said, not even bothering to looking away from the mirror.
"Holy shit Al! You look hot."
I turned around to shyly thank her and saw what she was wearing.
"Look who talking dude! You know Joe isn't going to be there right?" I joked. She was wearing black skinny jeans with a skintight white shirt and a black blazer on top. She had closed toe black heels on and her hair was pull tight into a neat ponytail. She finished the look of with dark red lips. She rolled her eyes after my comment.
" This is for me... Plus we are going to Skype at some point during the party."
"Ok... Are we going with the others or are they meeting us there."
"We are taking Matt, Steph, Abbey, and Harry. The others will meet us there."
"Ok, we'll I'm ready. Let's go!"

We waited for them by Sams car.
"Who's ready to party!!!" Abbey screams and she waves her jacket in the air. Steph, Harry, and Matt all trail behind her.
I just laughed and hugged them as they got to us. We all got in and drove to Darren and Joeys.
"So, we're finally going to meet the famous Darren and Joey." Steph said as we stopped at a light.
"Yup, you'll love them!"
"It's really nice that they are letting us come. Im liking them already."
"Yup, I'm excited to meet their friends!" Abbey commented
"Oh god, Abbeys going to strike again!"
"Shut up, just because I like having fun... Plus I need a New Years kiss."
"Well I think Joey could be up for that." Sam joked. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"What about Darren? You do need backups after all." Matt asked.
"Al has that one covered." Abbey responded.
My eyes widened. "What?! I- no!" I stuttered. "How the hell did she know that?!" I turned to Sam.
"What? You guys are so obvio-"
"I'm sorry! You wouldn't say anything and I had to tell someone how cute you guys were!!! Anyway guys, they are just friends now." I appreciated that she respect my wishes, even though she said it in a somewhat mocking tone.

We pulled up to their apartment and found that the door was already opened. We walked into the crowded and very loud group of people. I estimated about 40-50 people crammed into an tiny apartment that would normally fit about 20. I immediately spotted Joey who was serving some drinks.
"Hey! You made it!" He said when hugged me.
"Joseph!!! Great party!"
"Thanks!" He the let go of me and shifted his eyes towards Steph, "Would you care to introduce me?" He asked me, never taking his eyes of Steph. Steph was blushing hard, but kept her eyes on him.
"Steph this is Joey. Joey this is Steph." They just got closer and looked at each other. I literally didn't know if I wanted to burst out in laughter or awww because it was weird and cute at the same time.
"Hi, I'm Joey..."
"She already knows that!!!" Sam shouted, I elbowed her, worrying that this might interrupt their moment but it hadn't even interrupted the conversation they were slowly starting.
"Guys I think we should give them some alone time.." I said when I noticed that our entire group had been watching. Before following the group to the middle of the crowded mush I turned around and asked Joey, "Hey Joey, where's Darren?" He didn't even turn to me but pointed with his finger. He pointed towards a bookshelf. Ugh, Joeys going to be no help. Whatever, it's a 2 bedroom apartment, how hard is it going to be to find him at some point? I went to the middle where I found my friends. We danced and goofed around for a while. In this period of time I drank 2 bottles of water which wasn't really convenient because my bladder was one of an 80 year old. I headed to the bathroom, removing myself from the sweaty group of dancers. As I turned the corner I saw him; he wasn't alone though. He was sitting down, taking to a friend beside him and on his lap sat a dirty blonde who might as well walk around naked because her "dress" was fooling no one. Her arms were around his neck, leaning her head against his neck. She would whisper things into his ear and he would smile. His hand was on her back, tracing a line from the top of her spine all the way to the beginning of her ass. I stood there with my mouth slightly opened and on the verge of tears. I didn't expect for him to move on so quickly. Or maybe that was it, he didn't care after all. I was just another girl that he tried to seduce. Failing with me, moving on to her. He was an actor after all, he was pretty good might I say. I couldn't look anymore so I opened the bathroom door and locked myself in there. I just sat on the floor, crying for about 5 minutes when there was a knock at the door.
"Could you hurry up? I need to go."
I cleared my throat and said,"Yeah, I'll be right out." I quickly wiped my face and touched up my lipgloss. I'm over it. Yup. He's having his fun, let me have fun. If he's happy, let me be happy for him. It is New Years after all... I joined my friends again and saw that Joey and Steph were dancing very closely together. Yay!!! We were all goofing around until a particular song came up. Everyone started pairing off in couples and I just stood there, awkwardly. But then some on took my hand and spun me around. Matt. I smiled and thanked him for taking me out of that awkward loner situation I had going on. He just laughed and started dancing with me. I was having a great time until I looked up and saw Darren. He had stood up from where he was and locked eyes with me. The girl was gone. He smiled at me and waved. I just looked at him with an expressionless stare and went back to looking at Matt, who seemed to read my mind since he just then decided to bring me close to his body. I took advantage of this and started dancing closely with Matt. Yes, hoping Darren would see us, it's not like Matts having a bad time or anything. The night kept going on like this. Eventually the blonde went back to Darren and dragged him out into crowd. We were only a few feet away and he would look in my direction at some points. I would pretend that he wasn't even there. Finally, Joey turned down the music so we could watch the ball drop. We had 10 minutes until the New Year. Some turned to the TV to wait, some went to get a drink ready to toast. I found my group and joined the people by the TV. Somehow Darren and his "friend" ended up right next to Matt and I. I could see Darren looking at me from the corner of my eye, but I ignored it and scooted closer to Matt, focusing the TV screen.
"Hi.." I heard a small whisper, only loud enough for me to hear.
"Hi." I quickly said, not even bothering to take my eyes off the screen.
"Ok then..." He said a little louder. I rolled my eyes and expected that our conversation was ending there. Of course he had another plan. I suddenly felt a hand on mine and looked up to see Darren starting to walk towards the hallway, dragging me along. I started to protest and Matt reached for Darren's hand on mine but Sam stopped him. Darren then stopped and made eye contact with her for just seconds before she turned to Matt and said it was ok. I just looked her with wide eyes, "Sam!!!! What the hell!?!!?!?" I started shaking my hand free from Darren and was about to walk off when she grabbed me by the shoulder and said, "You are going to have to talk to him, sooner or later. He really needs to talk to you too."
"How the hell do you know this?!"
"Please, for me??? Al, you don't wanna start this New Year on a bad note."
I just sighed deeply and turned to him. He reached for my hand but I yanked it away.
"I can walk by myself." I said before turning the corner I had turned earlier. There was no one there anymore giving us privacy I didn't want. I turned around and crossed my arms. He just stood there, saying absolutely nothing.
"Look, whatever you wanna say, do it fast. I'm not missing the New Year celebration just to see you stand there like idiot."
His eyes widened a bit, which made me feel kinda bad. I mean, it came out a little harsher than I planned it to be but, whatever. This is no time to apologize or cave in.
"Al I-I I just"
"Why are you being so rude to me?"
"Why are you being so slow?!"
"What the hell is wrong with you Allie?!" Oh shit. He just pulled out the full name. He had raised his voice and furrowed his brows a bit. Thank god that everyone was in the living room being really loud because then we would definitely be heard.
"Nothing! Since we aren't making much progress, I'm going back to MY FRIENDS to celebrate the new year. You should do the same." I was about to walk off but he stood right in front of me, blocking my path.
"Allie. We haven't seen each other in 3 weeks and this is how you treat me? Did I do something to piss you off?"
"You did nothing. I'm happy. See..." I gave him a clearly fake smile. "Now, if you would excuse me.."
"Al, please" his voice softened. " I was really excited to know you were coming. I've missed you. I thought you had not come since I didn't see you until I saw"
"Oh, well I saw you earlier but I didn't wanna bother you. You looked so comfortable over there..." I pointed at the two chairs that brought the disturbing image back into my head. "with your friends around you... and on top of you, so I just kept minding my own business. Well this had been a nice chat. Bye." I went around him but then his hand went around my arm and detained me.
"Is this what it's all about? Alex?"
"Who's Alex?"
"The blonde who with me."
"No! Now let me go!"
"This is about her! First off, you rejected me!!! And secondly, I wasn't exactly enjoying watching you grope your friend in the middle of my living room!"
His face was starting to get red the more he got louder. His eyes started turning a bit of a darker color. I have to admit it was kinda hot...NO!! MAD!!!! SUPPOSED TO BE MAD!
"First, my friend, Matt and I were just dancing. It's not like he was touching my ass like someone I know! And yeah I did reject you! So that's clear!!!! You have nothing holding you back so go and be with her!"
"You know what Allie, I could. I could go and be with Alex!"
"That's great!!!! Thanks for announcing in my face!!! Bye!" Again I tried to leave but I failed once more. Fine. He wanted to fight. Let's fight.
"Again let's remind who said no. Oh yeah, you!"
" I'm not saying I didn't!"
"Then stop complaining!"
"I'm not! It's nice to know that you move on really fast though! Maybe I should warn Alex that she shouldn't get too attached."
"Do you seriously think that?!"
"We'll it sure seems that way!"
"You are unbelievable! We haven't seen each other in 3 weeks and then you see me being friendly with Alex and you go fucking crazy!!!!"
"Friendly?! If that's friendly, I can't imagine what being handsy is like for you..." From the living room, people yelled 1 minute! Crap. Ok. Just let it out quick and be done. "You know, I was so happy that we were going back to normal. I felt that we had become really close but then, all of the sudden someone just stopped texting me. But I was like, he's probably busy so I let it go. Then when getting to LA, I found out that certain someone had already been here for a while when they told me that they would only arrive a day earlier than me. Why lie I asked? I again shrugged it off and came to this party like fucking idiot with a smile on my face, happy to see them again. When getting here, I couldn't find them until I had to go to the bathroom. Then I found that person in a very comfortable position. So why bother! I understand now. It was all for her! You needed distance, so you stopped contacting me. You probably came earlier just to see her too. Well, congratulations!!!! I'm happy for you two!!!"
"I'm not with her!" His tone had changed from angry to desperate.
"Then go be! No one is stopping you!!!"
"Yeah there is Allie!!!! Don't you get it!! For someone who is so intellectual at points, you're being so dumb right now!" He said, earning a bit of anger back.
"What the hell did you just say?!"
"I don't want her!"
"I don't give a fuck who you wa-" I was suddenly stopped by a pair of lips. Not just any lips, Darren's lips. He kissed me... Holy shit, he did. This was actually happening. His lips began aggressively, due to the force created when surprisingly coming together. My lips took a few seconds to respond since I was in utter shock, telling my self to pull away. Instead, my hands automatically reached up and looped around his neck. When I started kissing him back, I felt a small smile on his lips which I reciprocated. He cupped my face with one hand and the other hand slid down to my waist, pulling us closer. God, this is so much better than I imagined it to be. Yes, I had imagined this moment... No shame! He was an outstanding kisser. He was a leader, but checked my comfort like a true gentleman. Finally, we pulled apart. I opened my eyes to find those beautiful eyes staring right back at me. I retrieved my hands and put them down to my side and just stayed looking at him. He did the same, showing a small smile. This was suddenly broken when Sam grabbed me and Joey grabbed Darren and pulled each other in separate directions into a crowd of people. When the hell did they get so close?! Weren't they just in the living room!? There was screaming, laughter, confetti being thrown around, even drinks were being thrown into the air. My friends hugged me wishing me a happy new year. I somewhat returned their hug, still trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. Everything around me was a blur, a mess. The only thing I was thinking was of the pair of lips who had just kissed me. I just smiled and thanked the new year for their amazing present.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is really long!!!! Finally... Kiss!!! We'll I'm heading into finals so I won't update for a while..... Unless you guys want one more chapter before I take off on my quest for good grades... So if you do, please comment and read!!!! Thanks so much for supporting this story guys!