Status: Hey guys... I'm new here!!! Please comment if you want me to continue!!!

From the Beginning

Movie Night

Those eyes. A mixture of green and a light caramel color made up his beautiful eyes that were staring right back at me. Oh and the hair. Those crazy but beautiful curls that hung just below his eyebrows. Then I shifted towards the stubble. God, I usually disliked stubble on men but on Darren it just looked so sexy.

"Umm Allie?" Sami suddenly stopped my trance. Oh shit... I had been staring. How awkward.
"Umm yeah. Sorry, I thought you reminded me of someone." I tried to play it off.
"No its all cool, why don't you guys come in?" He said stepping aside. As we walked in someone came up to Sami, swooping her off her feet and spinning her around. He seemed 3 times the size of Sami with big muscular arms gripping her waist.
"I'm guessing that is Joe." I whispered
"Yup, that's him alright." Darren told me. Looking at the couple that was now making out in front of us.
"Umm Sam..." I tried to get her attention which actually worked, as they looked up at us.
"Oh I'm sorry... I'm Joe and you must be the famous Allie" Joe said, extending his hand towards me which I gratefully took. I looked at piercing blue eyes and smiled. He was cute, but not my type, on the other hand the one right next-"
"Hey Al you are doing it again" Sami whispered in my ear.
"Oh hey Joe. Its really nice to meet you. I feel like I've known you forever since she talks about every chance she gets."
"Hahaha it goes both ways"
"HELLO" I turned around to see a talk skinny man which dark hair and a small mustache creeping up on his upper lip.
"Hi, you must be Joey?"
"Yeah, and you're Allie right?"
"Yup that's me"
"We have heard a lot about you from that one over there" Joey said, pointing at Sami.
"Well I hope it was all ok"
"Mmm nothing too bad..." Sami said shrugging
"Huh yeah right, anyway, what movie are we watching?" I asked
"Well we should take a vote because we cant really agree."
"Yeah Joey and I want an action movie but Darren wants a Disney movie" I hear Joe tell Sami looking at her with puppy dog eyes, still gripping her waist.
"Mmmm I don't know... I guess I'm going with Joes pick."
"Awesome! What about you Allie?"
"Are you kidding? Allie is a huge Disney freak! Of course she will pick the Disney option." Sami says, making me blush.
"No way!!! Your a Disney freak too?!" Darren questions me with wide eyes.
"Well yeah. I love Disney. I'm guessing you are too?"
"Umm Darren is obsessed. He even sings Disney covers when he has gigs." Joey tells me.
"Oh I didn't know you sing. Sami just told me that you guys were actors." I said directing my attention to Darren and Joey. Ok well mostly to Darren but whatever.
"Umm well we are trying to be to be actors, but we also sing. Darren here works at a restaurant doing gigs." Joey says. Well shit, he's not just and actor. He sings.
"Mmm yeah. You can come and watch one day if you want. And of course, you to Sami." He says looking just at me.
"Yeah that would be really cool. Do you write your own songs or only do covers?" I asked, interested.
"Well I have a few covers but mostly from musicals we do in our productions." He responded like I knew what he was talking about.
"Umm you guys have a production?" I asked with a confused look on my face.
"Ohh shit sorry. I'm talking to you like you know who we are. Mmmm I'm not an asshole, its just we told Sami and I thought she had maybe mentioned it and-"
"Darren slow down! Its fine. I just wanted to know more about these productions you talked about"
"Well we started a theater company called Starkid productions in the beginning of this year. We decided to become a company after we did a musical parody of Harry Potter. It got a huge response on Youtube, so we did a sequel."
"Oh that's fucking awesome!!!!! I love Harry Potter! Are you all in it?"
"Yeah, and the rest of the company just moved to Chicago."
"Well I will have to watch them on Youtube one of these days." I told him smiling. He smiled at me and I swear we had a moment until a certain someone...
"Ok now that you know what Starkid is we need to chose a movie. I want to eat this candy!!!" Sami rudely interrupted our moment holding up her bag full of candy.
"Ok well I vote for Joes too" Joey says
"Well I guess we are watching Die Hard." Joe says, leading Sami to the couch.
Darren noticed my pout and said, "Don't worry, we'll watch a Disney movie together another day." He smiled and winked before turning towards the couch and sitting down. I was sorta stunned. Was he flirting?
"Al come on!" Sami called from the couch. I walked over there and saw that there was only one seat left. Right between Allie and Darren. I hesitate for a second but then Darren pats the seat, signaling for me to sit there. I slowly sit in between them and tense up when I feel Darren's side next to mine. As the movie starts I feel Darren's eyes on me, I look up and he directs his eyes towards the movie. Sami notices my tension and whispers,
"Stop being so tense. Relax girly."
I just look at her, as she snuggles back up to Joe. They really are cute. I start relaxing. letting my back fall towards the couch. I feel Darren's arm resting on the top of the couch and immediately stop, but he then reassures me by putting his arm around me. He looks at me and grins. I have to be honest my heart kinda melted. I mean this guy is really cute, he sings, he loves Disney and Harry Potter, and he's a big sweetheart. What more can you ask for?
♠ ♠ ♠
RIP Corey Monteith.... You will always be remembered.
Thanks so much for the comments...:)
I'm sorry for the typos