Status: Hey guys... I'm new here!!! Please comment if you want me to continue!!!

From the Beginning

Do You Trust Me?

I was walking out of my editing class when my phone beeped.
Darren: Hey beautiful.
Me: Hey handsome.
Darren: How's your day going?
Me:Ok I guess... Just a bit stressed because of school:/
Darren: I'm sorry to hear that :( Would it help if we moved our plans for tonight to some other night? I don't want to get in the way of your school work love.
Me: No!!! It's Friday Dare and I haven't seen you in a few days! Seeing you will actually help as a distraction from all the school work.
Darren: hahaha ok. I'll pick you up around 7?
Me: Sounds good!
Darren: Great! Well they are calling me back to set so I'll see you soon!
Me: Bye Dare:)

It had been two weeks since having our New Years kiss and things couldn't be better. For the first few days we were inseparable. Mostly hanging around his place; messing around, watching movies, and kissing. Oh kissing. Every time that I kissed Darren, it felt like it was the first time. Getting all jittery and nervous beforehand, but then melting into the kiss as soon as our lips touch. The kissing part also included a lot of pillows hitting us. Thrown by either Joey and Sam, who would walk in at the most inconvenient times. I was now headed to my dorm so I could finish a bit of my paper before getting ready for my date with Darren.

I was doing my hair when Darren knocked on my door.
"Come in!" I said while putting in the last bobby pin.
"I am here to recuse you from all the stress this school has put upon you!" Darren said as he walked in, putting both fists on his hips, popping up his chest into a manly stance.
What a dork. But he's the cutest dork. "Are you supposed to be a superhero?" I said with a smile on my face, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I was going for a prince vibe." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Works for me" I said before leaning into kiss him.
"So, what do you have planned for this evening my handsome prince?"
"Well my fair maiden, it's a surprise!"
"Oh goodness... Should I be scared?"
He stepped away from me and offered me his hand, " Do you trust me?"
"You did not just use an Aladdin line..."
"Just go with it"
"You're amazing." I said, taking his hand.

"Where the hell are we?" I said as soon as I saw a building that looked like a castle.
"Well since we had the whole prince/ princess thing going on, I thought you might want a castle to complete the idea."
"Oh god."
"And since I didn't know any castle in LA I thought why not miniature golfing in a building that looks like a castle."
"Ooooooo I love miniature golfing!"
"Oh thank god. I was worried that you might not really be into it."
"Are you kidding me? I love this, plus it helps that I'm pretty good at this game."
"Oh really, well hate to break it to you but Im also pretty good. Hopefully no hard feelings when I win..." Darren said, shooting me a wink and then opening the door.
1 hour later
"Say it."
"Allie is amazing at miniature golf."
"She kicked my ass on the first game, happy!?"
"Ecstatic" I said before leaning in to give him a peck on the lips. As I was pulling away,Darren pulled me back into the kiss by wrapping his arms around my waist.
"And that was your prize for winning" he said when he pulled away.
" I like winning even more now."
♠ ♠ ♠
Guys I'm so sorry!!!!!!! It's been over a month and I have so much going on! I also had a bit of a writer block but no worries I now know where I'm taking this!!! I hope you guys enjoy!!!!