Status: Hey guys... I'm new here!!! Please comment if you want me to continue!!!

From the Beginning


Eastwick was sadly cancelled so Darren went to Michigan to participate in the Starkids new show. It had been two weeks since he left and I missed him like crazy. We had just celebrated our three month anniversary before he left. Like the the other two, we went out to dinner, watched a movie, and then fell asleep tangled in eachpthers arms. Our relationship couldn't be better. Of course we had our little arguments but they were usually about stupid things like where we wanted to eat. But now since he was in Michigan, it was becoming more and more difficult to get a hold of him. We had both been super busy which made it even worse. I was either in class, working, or working on some paper or project. For some reason, it seems like my professors all wanted to give me a shit ton of work at the same time. And Darren was either in the show, sleeping, or reminiscing his years at Michigan. It was becoming hard to be in touch with him and it had only been 2 weeks.

"Hey Al" Sam said as she sat down next to me in my English seminar class.
"What's up?" She said as she eyed my phone in my hands.
"Just trying to get a hold of darren, but he's probably busy, so I'm not counting on it." I sighed.
"Yeah I know what you mean. It's been hard getting a hold of Joe."
"Yeah, at least only have 1 more week left and they are probably having a blast. We'll get to hear everything about it when they're done."
"Yeah I know. I just miss him"
"Me too hun."
"Anyway, are we still working on the video project at 5?"
"Shit! I totally forgot!"
"Girl! This project is due in 2 days! We've procrastinated enough!"
"I know I'm sorry! Could we push it to 6? I have to finish my physics analysis."
"Yeah sure!"

It was 10 at night and I was just getting back to my dorm. I sat at my desk since my body was so numb and sore but also because I still needed to edit this video. I got onto my school email and noticed some grades had been uploaded. A D+ in Civics. Great. Just great. What an end to a horrible day. Not only had I been forgetting things here and there... I also have to get tommorow for work at 5am, Darren hasn't answered my text, and I am now failing a class. I now had the biggest headache and I felt like I was burning up. I decided that the best idea was to cool off by taking a shower so I got up to walk to the bathroom but a wave of dizziness hit me and I fell to the floor. After that I heard my roommate screaming my name but she sounded miles and miles away. I just couldn't grasp where she was coming from and that the moment where I started seeing black spots.
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GUYS IT'S BEEN MONTHS. I'm seriously sorry. I graduated this year so it has been so crazy last school months and to add to that my computer broke so I'm actually updating from my phone. That's why it's kinda short since I'm typing all of this on an iPhone. Anyway, I hope you guys keep reading and thanks again for the support. Please comment!