Status: Writing and uploading this on my phone, I apologise for short chapters or spelling errors etc.

The Fate of the Tainted

Chapter Four

"They had an Emissary with them, it didn't attack directly but when the Ogre went down they all fled. Why is that? I for one want to find out. There can't be more than forty still alive after that battle." I say looking down at a large map of the area with my palms on the table. I'm weary and still covered in blood like everyone else in the room. We're holding a war council in the great hall, Mother, Duncan, Amnon and a battered looking Favian stand around the table.
"What course of action would you have us take?" Favian asks
I think for a moment. What if their retreat is a trap, Emissaries are quite smart, yet not overly smart.
"I think we need to find and kill this Emissary. Hurlock's and Genlock's are quite harmless in comparison, but this Emissary could rally more together and attack again, maybe more Ogres next time. One Ogre alone is a problem, but more, they could tear down our gate. We need to go after it as soon as possible." I say leaning off the table
"Do you not think you should wait until morning?" Mother asks as she pulls a chair out and sits down.
"If we wait until morning we may have another attack on our hands" I state
She nods.
"I'll come with you" Favian says
"And I" his sister agrees stepping forward.
"I cannot ask you both to come. If there is an attack while I'm gone I'll need you two here"
"My lady, what if you're ambushed"
"Have no fear of that, I will accompany her" Duncan Volunteers. I nod accepting his help.
"I'll take a handful of twenty five men and head towards the blighters cave. I have no doubt that they will be around there."

We mount up on horses and ride towards the Darkspawn cave. Since it is still night, the fastest we allow the horses to go is a slow trot. As we get out of sight of the castle we notice a small fire off in the distance, we go closer with our weapons at the ready.
"Darkspawn" Duncan states when we're about two hundred feet from them, as we get closer I can tell also. We set off into a charge and take them out easily. Almost too easy. But then again they were only small number. I dismount and check the closest body, definitely dead, throat sliced open so deep the head almost tore off as I picked it up to put it on the fire. Not even three bodies had been put to the flames when one of them, thought to be dead, jumps up stabbing my horse and killing a couple others before killing the soldiers riding them. It was soon felled by a crossbow bolt to the eye socket. I go to check my horse that is snorting and twitching its front legs in pain and shock. The wound is fatal and I feel a deep burning hate well up inside me, mingled with sadness. I've had this horse since I had helped give birth to it, and looked after her since its mother died in the birthing. I've played with her in the estates paddocks. She's carried me on many Darkspawn hunting trips and scouting missions. I've cleaned and tended to her wounds even before my own have been fully seen to.
She whinnies frightened trying to lift her head to get up.
"Shhh." I lean down and pet the frightened mare leaning my head on her neck, my eyes threatening to flood with tears but I hold them back. The soldiers are finishing burning the Darkspawn bodies and as I lift my head back up it feels as if time itself seems to slow down. I look into her amber eyes that ate hiloghted by the firelight, so full of fear and pain and she looks back into my blue ones which no doubt are showing my hurt for the creature. "I'm so sorry" I say stroking her neck. I know what I have to do, but the thought of killing my best friend lies heavy on my heart, but it's a mercy that must be done. She nuzzles me with the side of her face, no doubt knowing the situation and what needs to be done. I take my concealed blade from my boot and quickly end the creatures suffering, a loud squeal sounds from the horse and a violent shake before air around silent and still. I close my eyes and whisper a prayer in Dalish that Amnon taught me when her horse had died the same way. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and look to see Duncan with an sorry look on his face. I stand up and nod, now is not the time for this and the last of the Darkspawn bodies had just been added to the fire.