Status: I will try to update as often as I write! :)

Paper Plane

In the beginning..

"You know we don't have to watch this movie if you don't want to..."

"No, it's okay. I know this is one of your favorite movies. I don't mind watching it." He said with a smile.

Harry had always been my best friend, ever since the first day I met him, when I moved to Cheshire at the beginning of sophomore year. My dad had to move for work and since my parents were divorced and I lived with my dad I was forced to go with him.
Harry had been the only nice person to talk to me that first day at school.
I'm the type of person to stay to myself, so in my first class of the day I went straight to the back of the class room and found a seat closest to the window.
I watched as all the other people filled in the room greeting each other. You could tell that they had all known each other all their lives and I felt almost intrusive being the new girl just sitting in the back of the room watching them.
I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and responded to the message. As I had finished replying I noticed a guy walking into the classroom. I observed him as he walked to a desk towards the front of the class. He had on a light blue plaid shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. He had a pair of dark blue jeans that hung off of his waist with a glimpse of his red TopMan underwear showing. He wore a pair of black van tennis shoes with blue laces perfectly tied in bows. His facial features are what struck me the most. He was very handsome and I was almost starstruck. When he smiled a pair of perfectly sunken dimples appeared. His hair was a light brown that almost curled and was pushed up into a semi quiff in the front. Then I was caught by the color of his beautifully emerald green eyes. They sparkled as he turned to talk to his friends.
It wasn't until his glance met mine that I realized I had been staring for a good amount of time. I tried to look away but not before I caught a glimpse of a smile on his lips. I smiled back then dropped my head.
I kept my head down for some time before I raised it hoping I wouldn't meet the guy's glance. But instead of meeting his I met a girl's that was sitting beside him.
She must have had a thing for him because she stared me down, then ran her hand on the guy's back as if marking her territory. I quickly looked away, not wanting to start any conflict on my first day of school.

After that class was over I quickly scuddled out the door to try and find my locker. I started up the stairs closest to my classroom, when I heard a group of people pass me on the stairs. When I looked up the girl that gave me a stare down was right in front of me, with a group of her friends behind her.

"You are obviously new, so let me fill you in about how things work around here. He.." She said pointing to the handsome guy from before.. " is off limits. Not that he would go for your type anyway."

I didn't know what to say back to her, so I just stood there frozen in my tracks.

"Your best bet is to go back to American, foreign girl." With that she took her perfectly manicured hands and slammed the books I had in my arms down the stairs.

"Whoops!" She said, then walked away laughing with her friends.

I was so embarrassed so I quickly tried to collect my books and escape as unseen as possible.

Once I was down on the ground, I started to reach for a book, but a pair of hands got to it before I did. When I looked up, to my surprise it was that beautiful guy.

"I'm really sorry about Elle. She thinks she owns the school and everything in it. I hate to tell her she doesn't. " he gave me a smile revealing those same dimples I had seen before.

I was afraid to speak so I only nodded as he collected the last book for me.

"I see that you are new. What's your name stranger? I'm Harry by the way."

"Arlie. My name is Arlie." I stammered out.

"Ahhh! An American. Brilliant! Well welcome to Cheshire. How long have you been here?"

"About a week and a half." I said shyly avoiding his glance.

"Made any friends?"

I didn't want to answer. Of course I haven't made friends. No one here seemed to like me so far. But I didn't say anything to him. I just shook my head, giving him an answer.

"Well I will be your friend Arlie. A girl as beautiful as you deserves all the friends in the world, but I will make up for them." He said with a smirk on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh at him trying to be sincere.

"So will you take me as your friend, Arlie?"
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Please tell me what you think..... I want to know how this story is sounding... feedback is greatly appreciated! :)