Status: I will try to update as often as I write! :)

Paper Plane

The Truth

I woke up to a beeping noise. As my vision slowly started coming back to me, I realized where I was. The hospital. How did I end up here? Where's my dad? I looked around the room panicking, wanting answers. I looked over towards a figure asleep on the chair beside me. It was Harry. How did he know I was here? What all happened?!

A nurse walked in and came to my bedside.

"You're awake! Wonderful. Your vitals are looking good sweetie. And your surgery went well."

"Surgery?!" I gasped.

"Yes sweetheart. You had two cracked ribs and some internal bleeding."

"But... H... How did I end up here?"

"That boy right there brought you in." She pointed at Harry who was still asleep in the chair. " Bless his heart, he has been worried to death about you. You have found a keeper sweetie. He hasn't left your side since the surgery. And even before then he was out in the lobby, pacing back and forth asking if you were out yet."

"Oh.. okay...Thank you.... So when can I leave?"

"The Doctor should be able to clear you in the morning if all goes well!" She said smiling. She checked her clipboard then waved goodbye and shut the door behind her.

My glance fell back on Harry who was waking up. His eyes fluttered for a minute, as if he were making sure he was really awake.

"Oh Arlie! I'm so glad you are awake!" He said. His dimples more apparent than ever.

"Hey Harry. What happened? How did you get me here?"

He had a sad look on his face then began talking.

"I heard you say our code. So I rushed over to your place. I used my spare key to get in. I looked for you everywhere and I found you passed out in your bathtub. I had to break the door down. I didn't know what happened so I rushed you here. They found out your injuries were severe so they operated immediately. Arlie who did this to you?"

I didn't want to answer him. I couldn't tell him it was one of the people I loved the most that did such an awful thing to me. I felt tears in my eyes. I tried to fight them off but they went streaming down my face.

"It was my dad, Harry. He came home drunk. He started yelling at me then he just went crazy. So I locked myself in the bathroom and you called and I'm sorry I drug you into this. But I didn't know what else to do."

He looked at me softly, with tears caught in his emerald eyes.

"Is this the first time he has done something like this?" He searched my face for an answer.

"No. He has done it many times before. I was just too afraid to tell anyone."

"That's why you came to school with a black eye a couple of weeks ago didn't you? Oh Arlie, I wish you would have told me sooner. You know I will always be here to take care of you. Always."

He grabbed my hand laying beside me.

"Where is he now Harry? My dad I mean."

"The police picked him up about thirty minutes after I got you here. They said he was on the side of the street, just sitting there, mumbling to himself."

I got a mental picture of my dad, drunk, being put into a police car. There is no doubt he put up a fight with the officers. My thoughts were interrupted by Harry speaking.

"Arlie...... Did you mean what you said?"

"What do you mean Harry?"

"That you wanted to run away. You said the code." He looked at me with almost puppy-dog eyes.

I thought about my current situation. There was no way I could go back to my home. No matter what my dad said. I pictured Harry and I sitting in a flat together. Just me and him. I knew we would be happy. But I felt like I had no other option.

"Yeah. I did mean it. I think we should do it Haz."

A huge smile came on his face. He loved when I used that nickname for him.

"So you will really do it. You and I against the world?!"


"Okay under one condition."

"What's that Haz?"

"You promise to always be with me. That you will never leave. I want to protect you."

Harry hadn't always been that protective but I guess after the last set of events he had to.

"Okay Harry. I promise."

I knew that he would make me stick to that simple promise. He jumped up out of his seat and hugged me.

"Ow! Your kinda hurting me."

"Oh gosh!!! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Are you okay?!"

I laughed making the pain in my chest worse.

"Yes Harry I'm fine."

"Okay. I'm gonna go call my mum and update her and tell her our plans.... You" he said planting a kiss on my cheek. "Need your rest, so you better be asleep when I come back."

I blushed because of Harry's kiss. Something rumbled in my stomach. I had never felt like that about him. Was I starting to fall for Harry?

"Yes sir. I will be. Maybe."

He smiled opening the door and shutting it behind him quietly.

I tried to think about the feelings I just experienced but my exhaustion was getting the best of me. I slowly drifted to sleep, with a smile on my face, hoping Harry would be back quickly. I don't know why, but I felt safer with him around.