Status: I will try to update as often as I write! :)

Paper Plane

A New Start

That morning I woke up to Harry and one of the nurses talking. Harry noticed me waking up. He hopped to my bedside and sat down beside me.
"Good morning! How do you feel?" He smiled taking my hand.
"Okay I guess. Am I getting to go home today?" I looked at the nurse who was scanning over my monitor.
"I do believe you will get to. Your doctor will be in here a little bit later to give you the final verdict." She gave me wink and left the room.
"If I get out today, where will I go Harry?"
"My mum found us a small flat not too far from downtown London. So we are having our stuff moved there as we speak."
I couldn't believe his family would just help me like that. But I knew his family really cared for me because me and Harry had been inseparable.
Just then a knock came on the door and a doctor walked over to end of my bed.
"Hello sweetheart. How are you feeling?" He said not looking up from his chart.
"I'm fine. I'm hoping I will get to go home today."
"Well your charts are looking good. I don't see why not. I will get everything sorted and you should be able to leave in an hour or so."
Harry squeezed my hand and shot me a smile.
"But if I let you go, you have to promise you will take it easy. You will be sore for a while, and it will take some time for your surgery incision to heal up."
"I will. I promise." I said smiling at him.
"Okay then. I will take this paperwork to the nurse out front and she will get you ready to leave. Hopefully I won't have to see you back here. Or at least not in this condition."
"Hopefully you won't. Thank you."
He walked out, nodding as he left.
"Are you ready?" Harry said looking at me.
"For what?"
"This new start. We have a fresh start at life now. We have our own place now."
"I am glad you're family helped with this Harry. I will never be able to thank them enough."
He looked at me with the kindest look on his face.
"They consider you their own. You know that."
An hour or so later a nurse came in to unhook all the monitors and IVs from me. Harry had all my stuff he had brought in my houndstooth bag my dad bought me last Christmas. It made me wonder what would happen to him. Would me moving out make him change his ways?
Harry snapped his fingers in my face to bring me back to reality.
"Is everything ready to go?"
"Yeah. The nurse left a wheelchair outside for you just incase it's hard for you to walk."
"I can walk." I slowly got up and almost fell over. Harry rushed to my side, dropping my bags on the ground, to catch me.
"Please just ride in the wheelchair. It would help my heart." Harry said looking at me, pleading with his eyes.
"Fine, but don't think I'm a baby and can't walk."
"Of course not. You are Wonder Woman. But everyone needs some help every now and then."
Harry got me to his car and helped me in, then rushed to the drivers side and got in.
We drove for about thirty minutes until we arrived to what I assumed was our new place. It was gated so Harry pressed the remote on his sun visor and the door slid open. He drove in and the door closed back.
The flat was beautiful on the outside. I imagined it was even more stunning on the inside. Once Harry helped me into the house I slowly walked around, taking it all in.
"What do you think?" Harry said walking up beside me.
I grabbed his shoulder to balance myself. "It is beautiful Harry. You mom has amazing taste."
"Well she wasn't the one who found this place. It was me actually. I knew you would like it so I made mom put a bid on it quickly and we got it!"
"Well you did great Harry. It's beautiful."
That night Harry fixed us a special dinner. He went all out, fixing an amazing meal. As we sat at the dinner table eating I could tell that Harry was distracted by something.
"What is it Harry?" I said putting my fork down.
"What do you mean?"
" I know something is bothering you, what is it?"
He looked off in the distance for a minute, then put his fork down and looked at me.
"I signed up for the X Factor."
Harry had an amazing voice. I had never heard a guy sing as beautifully as he did. He had talked before about auditioning for the X Factor but I never knew he would actually do it.
"When is your audition?"
"That's the thing.. It's tomorrow."
"Oh wow. That is very sudden."
"Yeah I know. I'm so nervous though. What if they don't think I have what it takes."
"Harry don't say that. You will be great I know you will. They will love you. I wouldn't be surprised of they made you into a superstar."
He smiled from ear to ear.
"I'm glad you have confidence in me."
" I have all the confidence in the world in you.... What are you planning on singing?"
He gave me a weird look, an almost half smile half smirk look.
"What? What song are you singing?"
"Isn't She Lovely."
He knew I loved when he sang that song. He sung it so beautifully. I loved it so much that he sang it for me at my last birthday.
"What made you want to sing that song?"
"I don't know. I just wanted to I guess." The way he was smiling I knew he was lying.
"If you are going to do your best you better head to bed and rest your voice." I got up and started to collect the dishes to take to the sink.
"Don't worry about washing the dishes. The maid will do it tomorrow."
I looked at him bewildered.
"The maid?"
"Yeah. We have a maid to help keep this place running at tip top shape."
I couldn't believe that we actually had a maid. Maybe living here wouldn't be so bad.