Status: I will try to update as often as I write! :)

Paper Plane

Bad Dream

I was standing at the top of a mountain looking down, with thoughts of jumping in my head.
"Don't do it please. I love you."
That voice sounded just like Harry. I looked around trying to keep my balance. I saw a figure walking towards me but I couldn't figure out who it was.
"Harry? Is that you?"
The figure kept walking towards me. Once it finally got close enough I realized it was my dad.
"Daddy? What are you doing here?"
He didn't say a word. Once he finally got close enough he grabbed ahold of my arms.
"Daddy let me go. I'm going to fall. Please let me go."
His grip on me got tighter and he started pushing me closer to the edge of the mountain. Before I could say anything my dad pushed me as hard as he could, off the mountain.
As I was falling I looked up to see Harry at the top of the mountain yelling my name. I closed my eyes tightly anticipating hitting the ground.
I shot up in my bed, breathing heavy. I looked around bewildered, sweating like crazy.
I kept yelling, where was he? It was so dark, the light by my bed wasn't turned on. The dark scared me. My thoughts ran wild. I continued screaming closing my eyes as tight as I could.
I heard footsteps from the hallway, then immediately felt gentle arms wrap around me, creating a secure grip.
"Arlie it's me. You are okay. I'm right here. I'm not leaving."
Harry's voice soothed me. I knew I was safe now that he had me.
My breathing slowed down some and I laid my head into Harry's bare chest. I listened to his heartbeat and my heartbeat started to copy his.
"What happened Love? Was it a bad dream?"
"Yes" I stuttered
He could tell that I was shaken up so he didn't ask any further question. He just held me until I calmed down enough to slowly drift off to sleep in his arms.