Status: I will try to update as often as I write! :)

Paper Plane

Nerves Set In

The next morning I got up to the sound of the alarm on my phone. I had about two hours to get ready before Harry was going to leave for his audition.
That made me think. Harry. Where was he? I looked around the room but I couldn't find him. As I started to get off the bed I noticed a pile of covers on the ground, that slightly moved. I slowly peeked under the covers to see Harry peacefully sleeping underneath.
I decided not to wake him just yet so I quietly gathered my outfit for the day and headed to the bathroom to get ready.
I put my phone on the speaker I had set up next to the shower and started to play some music to wake me up. I remembered Harry was in the other room so I turned it down some. I took a long bath, collecting my thoughts and thinking of the horrible nightmare I had last night. I wasn't thinking over the fact that my dad had practically pushed me to my death. All I could think of is the fact that Harry said he loved me. But what made that stand out so much, was that I wanted to say it back to him. As much as I tried denying it, I was falling for Harry, but I was too afraid to make a move. We had gotten so close over the years and I valued our friendship. I didn't want to mess that up. Plus what if he didn't like me. Those same thoughts ran through my head as I turned off the shower, got out and started getting ready.
Once I was done we still had about an hour before we needed to leave. I went into my room to find that Harry had already ran off. I'm sure to get ready himself. I headed down to the kitchen to make him some coffee. I knew he would need it, especially today.
Once the coffee was done I found his favorite coffee cup that I bought for him not too long ago and fixed his coffee just how he liked it. I headed up stairs to give him his coffee.
I knocked on the door of his room.
"Come on in."
I slowly opened the door, trying to concentrate on spilling the extremely hot coffee. When my eyes fell on Harry, he was standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I took a moment to take in how amazing he looked.
Then something shot me back to reality. I walked over to hand him his coffee.
"Here Haz, it's just how you like it."
"Thanks so much Arlie, I really needed this."
He took the cup from me, his hand brushing over mine slightly. I got chill bumps on my arms and my stomach did flips. The feeling I was having must have showed on my face.
"What's the matter?" Harry asked confused.
I blushed as red as a tomato.
"Oh nothing." I was such a horrible liar.
“Are you almost ready? We will be needing to leave soon.”

“Yeah, I just have to find out what to wear..”

Harry started looking around in his closet. I knew that I needed to help him find an outfit, or we would never make it to the audition on time.

Once he was dressed and ready to go we hopped in his car and started off down the road.

“Are you nervous?” I asked, carefully watching him drive.

“Yeah, a little bit. I just want to make an impression you know?”

I nodded my head agreeing with him.

“Who is all coming?”

“Well, my mom for sure, and possibly my sister.”

“They will be wonderful support.”

“Yeah, but so will you. I don’t think I could have came today if you didn’t come.”

I felt myself blush. To avoid the same events of this morning, I changed the subject.

“I bet your mom will be so happy to see me out of the hospital.”

“She is. She told me that she just wanted to give you the biggest hug. But I told her that might not be the best idea, with you being sore and all.”

Before I could say anything we slowly pulled up to the place where Harry was supposed to audition. There were tons of people everywhere, and the longest line outside the doors of the place. Harry found a parking spot and quickly put the car in park. He sat there for a moment almost as if he was gathering his thoughts.

“You will do great.” I said trying to comfort him.

“I sure hope so…”

“Well the first step to making you a superstar is that we have to eventually get out of this car, so come on!” I opened my door, motioning for him to do the same and get out. As I started to get out I felt Harry’s hand grab mine. I sat back down in the seat.

“You promise you will stick by me? No matter what happens right?” Harry said with a scared look in his eyes.

I reached my hand down to paper plane necklace and held it up some.

“Of course I am. We don’t have the necklaces for nothing. I will be by your side no matter what happens today. I always will be.”

Harry smiled a weak smile then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. A huge grin was now planted on my face.

“Alright, let’s do this.”

We both got out, and Harry met me on my side of the car. He held out his hand, and I clasped my hand in his.

“Here we go.” With that we started walking towards the long line of people to get him registered.