Love Always

The Perfect Night

I pulled out my phone and searched for his name. He replied back almost instantly: “Let’s say about 6:30pm, sound good?” “Sounds great” I reply. I spend the rest of my day finding the perfect outfit to wear to see Harry. Right when I found one, he texts me saying to wear my pajamas and he would wear his as well. So I went to my suitcase and found my favorite pair of warm, fuzzy pajama pants and an old t-shirt. That would do, I guess. I touched up my makeup and look at the clock, 6:12pm. That would give me enough time to head up two flights of stairs and still be kind of early. As I made it to the fifth floor there were tons of big, buff guys randomly walking around. I searched for Paul and found him over by the elevator. “Hi Paul!” “Hello miss Rachel! Harry has been talking about you all day.” I blush, “really?” I say quietly. “Yes! C’mon this way, I’ll take you to him.” I follow Paul down the hallway to the next to last door. Paul slides the card into the door and ushers me in. I walk in and the aroma of popcorn almost knocks me down. I finally see Harry sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand. He looks up at me smiling from ear to ear. My phone suddenly goes off. It’s a notification from Twitter: @Harry_Styles: About to chill with an amazing person. Really looking forward to it.” I can’t believe it. I start smiling as I lock my phone and walk over to Harry. “Hello gorgeous,” he says and opens his arms for a hug. As I hug him, I can’t help but smell his cologne. It smelled amazing. “Thanks so much for coming over.” He says shyly. As if I could say no, I think to myself. “Come over here and pick a movie and I’ll grab us something to drink. What would you like?” “Water is fine, please.” He walks to the kitchen area and pours me some water and himself some tea. I scan over the selection of movies, I instantly spot one of my favorite movies: “Maid in Manhattan. Would that be too much of a chick-flick? Would he even watch it? My thoughts were interrupted by Harry bringing me my glass. “Thanks” “Have you picked out a movie yet, Love?” “Well, I did… but I don’t know if you will want to watch it…” I hand him the movie and just smiles and looks at me with a smirk on his face. “This is just fine,” he replies. He puts the movie in and plops down on the love seat and motions for me to join him. When I sit down, he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He looks at me smiling as if to see if it were okay what he did. We didn’t really watch the movie much, we mostly talked. We just talked about everything, from our families to our favorite foods. Harry’s phone went off and he looked at me, to which I said “are you not going to answer that?” He quickly answers the text and continues watching the movie. He was totally into the movie, but I needed to use the restroom. “Harry” I said quietly. “Don’t do that…” “Do what?” I replied cautiously. “Call me Harry, Call me Hazza because only certain people do that. You are special enough to do that.” “Of course Hazza” I said laughing “but where is the bathroom.” He told me and I went and came back quickly, hoping not to miss too much of the movie. The movie was almost halfway through and I started to get sleepy. Being such a big fan of Harry, I thought I would go out on a limb and I gently laid my head on his shoulder. I could tell that he didn’t mind, because he let out a soft sigh. As I laid there I glanced at his neck and admired his paper airplane necklace. “You like it?” he said quietly. “Like what?” “My necklace, I saw you glancing at it.” “Yeah, it is very nice.” He started to shift his arms upward and unlatched the necklace from his neck and fastened it around mine. “What are you doing?” “I want you to wear it, it looks better on you anyways.” “I can’t wear this. This is like YOUR necklace. This necklace is just as famous as you.” I reached my hands behind my neck to take the necklace off to give back to him, but he caught my hands and placed them in my lap, all the while keeping a slight grip on them. I nestled my head back on his shoulder. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I dreamt of nothing but meeting Harry and the boys all over again.