Love Always

To Get Obi-Wan

When I woke up I was still sitting with Harry and the movie was close to being over. I lifted up and it almost startled him. “I can’t believe you let me fall asleep!” I said to him with a smile on my face to let him know I wasn’t serious. “I couldn’t wake you. You looked too beautiful.” I smiled from ear to ear. Did Harry Styles just say that to me? It was almost a cheesy line but the way he said it took that away from it. I noticed it had started to rain outside. As I zoned out looking out the window at the rain, Harry got up and excused himself to the bathroom. Once Harry was in the bathroom, I got up to look out the door of the balcony of the room. Suddenly a gust of wind knocked over a chair near the window. I jumped backwards, it scared me. I opened the door and quickly moved the chair away from the window. I stood outside under the balcony top, while the rain drizzled and the wind died down. Then a hand met mine, it was Harry. He smiled at me and asked me why I was outside. “Just looking at how pretty it is outside,” I replied back to him. I kept looking into his eyes and all he could do was widen his smile. He walked out some into the rain, all the while holding my hand. Me pulled me towards him and held me close. He moved his face closer to mine and then kissed me. When he finally pulled away we rested our foreheads against each other and just smiled at each other. “I have always wanted a proper kiss in the rain. Thank you for that.” I couldn’t reply, I just kept smiling. The wind had picked back up since we had been outside and I started to shiver from the cold rain and wind. Harry noticed and pulled me inside and shut the balcony door. He ran to the bathroom and got us both a big fluffy towel to dry off. “Now my pajamas are soaked,” I said looking at him. He gave me a look then whispered that he would be right back. He came back with some flannel pajama pants and his Rolling Stones shirt. “Here, wear these.” I just smiled and walked to the bathroom to change. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a mess. I wiped off some of my makeup combed out some of my messy curls with a brush from the counter top. I slipped into the clothes that Harry gave me, and they were a little big and sort of hung off of my body. I just silently laughed. When I came back out Harry was no where to be found. I called for him, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. I searched all the rooms and finally saw that the room door was slightly cracked. I walked over to it slowly afraid that Harry would walk in the same time I was walking out. I opened the door and peeped my head out of the door looking in either direction for Harry, and found him talking to a security guard close another door. Harry turned in my direction and I saw a worried look on his face. As he made his way in the door he just smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. “Why did you look so worried?” I asked as he turned and walked off. “Some of the fans were able to get up to this level and where somehow getting into the rooms. They almost made it into Liam’s room. The security were just telling me about it so we would be aware of it.” Woah, can you believe some people, I thought to myself. That is crazy. “But nevertheless you are safe here with me, Love,” he said reassuringly. “I was wondering though if you would do me the honor of staying with me tonight. I would hate to send someone as beautiful as you back to a lonely bed.” I stood there dumbfounded. I can’t believe he asked me to stay the night with him. “I would love to, but I will need to tell Kaitie. She would freak if she woke up in the morning and I wasn’t there.” “Of course Love, do you need to go see her? I could walk with you to your room.” “If you don’t mind to, I would love you as an escort.” I said smiling and broke into a soft laugh. I grabbed my room card and phone off the bar and clasped Harry’s hand in mine and pulled him out the door. Harry said something to Paul who was still near the elevator and he warned us to please be careful going from floor to floor with all the fans running around. I checked my phone; it was two in the morning, surely all those girls where in the bed by now. We got to my room quickly and slowly opened the door and I told Harry to stand inside right at the door, so we didn’t startle Kaitie who was asleep on the other side of the room. I walked over to her and gently tapped her shoulder. “NO! Don’t touch me! I didn’t do it!” Kaitie screamed in her sleep. I couldn’t contain my laughter and neither could Harry. Kaitie slowly woke up and was startled to see me standing by her side. “Did you have a fun time with Mr. Styles?” she said and I cleared my throat and turned my head towards Harry to signal to her that he was in the room. Her eyes just got big as if she was embarrassed. I quietly explained that I was staying the night with Harry and that I would text her in the morning when I was coming back to the room. She just nodded her head and smiled at me. I started to walk towards Harry and I thought of getting my contacts case and glasses out of my bag still sitting on the other bed. When I opened my bag, my Build-A-Bear dressed in a Star Wars Jedi costumed was at the top. I picked him up and put him by my bag and looked for my case. Harry walked over and picked up my bear and hugged it tight. “Don’t laugh,” I said. “His name is Obi-Wan, like off of Star Wars. He is my cuddle buddy. He stays in the bed with me at night. I can’t sleep without him. You don’t mind if I bring him with us do you?” I felt like such a little kid for asking, but I knew I wouldn’t sleep well without him. “Of course you can. I have a blanket that I sleep with that I have had since I was a child.” We just smiled at each other and I gathered all that I needed and headed towards the door. “You two kids be good. I don’t want to hear of you two getting into trouble,” Kaitie called from her bed. “Really!!??” I said sarcastically, giving her a look. I knew that she said that because she knows how I am. I am a very good person. I try to do no wrong. I hear Harry snicker from behind me. I give him a shove on the shoulder and shoo him out the door and call goodnight to Kaitie as the door closes. By the time we made it up to Harry’s room, I was slowly getting tired again. So I went straight to the bathroom and took out my contacts and put my glasses on. I was about to walk out and I checked myself in the mirror. I held Harry’s necklace in my hands for a moment. I had almost forgotten that I had it on. I sighed; I hated the way I looked in my glasses. I didn’t have much confidence in myself and I never had. That was one thing I wish I could change about myself. I knew I couldn’t let Harry see me in my glasses. I was afraid that he wouldn’t like them. I walked quickly to the bed and took my glasses off, sat them on the counter by the bed and covered myself up with covers and pulled my Obi-Wan close. Harry had shut the bedroom door and laid beside me on the bed. He looked over at the nightstand. “You have glasses, I want to see them on you please.” “No, I look funny in them. You wont like them.” “Please Love, I know you will look beautiful.” I gave under the pressure and slipped the glasses on my face and turned towards him. He just smiled and pulled me close, squishing Obi-Wan in between us and he kissed me. I took the glasses off again and then nestled my head on Harry’s shoulder. I see how tired he was and all I remember is him kissing me on the forehead and we both drifted off to sleep.